Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Substance, stuff.

      ANT: Work, production, design.


      KEY: Material \a.\ [See ESSENTIAL].


      KEY: Matrimony, [See WEDLOCK].


      KEY: matron.

      SYN: Mother, woman, dowager, dame.

      ANT: Girl, lass, damsel, spinster, miss, virgin, maid, maiden.


      KEY: Matter.

      SYN: Substance, stuff, subject.

      body, importance, the visible, tangible, substantial, corporal, physical, ponderable.

      ANT: Immateriality, spirituality, mind, intellect, spirit, the invisible, unseen, spiritual, moral, mental, intellectual.


      KEY: Mature, [See RIPE].


      KEY: Matutinal.

      SYN: Early, morning, waking, dawning.

      ANT: Vespertinal, late, slumbering, evening, waning.


      KEY: Maudlin.

      SYN: Intoxicated, temulent, sentimental, mawkish, mellow.

      ANT: Sensible, unromantic, unsentimental, dry, sober.


      KEY: Mawkish.

      SYN: Sickly, sentimental, maudlin, insipid, loathsome, nauseous, flat.

      ANT: Savory, sensible, sound, fine, pungent, palatable.


      KEY: Maxim.

      SYN: Adage, rule, axiom, apothegm, proverb, precept, saying.

      ANT: Absurdity, sophism, quibble, paradox, enigma.


      KEY: Maximum.

      SYN: Ultimatum, climax, zenith, apex, completion, utmost, consummation, culmination, acme.

      ANT: Initiative, commencement, indication, incompletion, abortion, decrease, wane, minimum, morsel, fragment.


      KEY: Maybe.

      SYN: Perhaps, possibly, mayhap, perchance.


      KEY: Maze, [See LABYRINTH].


      KEY: Meagre.

      SYN: Thin, lean, lank, scanty, barren, dry, tame.

      ANT: Stout, fat, brawny, abundant, fertile, copious.


      KEY: Mean \a.\

      SYN: Common, low, base, spiritless, dishonorable, contemptible, despicable, beggarly, sordid, vulgar, niggardly, vile.

      ANT: High, exalted, eminent, spirited, honorable, lordly, princely, munificent, liberal, generous.


      KEY: Mean \a.\

      SYN: Middle, intermediate, average.

      ANT: Extreme, excessive, exorbitant.


      KEY: Mean \n.\

      SYN: Medium, moderation, balance, average.

      ANT: Extreme, excess, preponderance, disproportion, deficiency, shortcoming, inadequacy.


      KEY: Mean \v.\

      SYN: Intend, purpose, design, signify, denote, indicate, hint, suggest.

      ANT: Say, state, enunciate, [See DO], execute, perform.


      KEY: Meaning.

      SYN: Signification, import, significance, purport, sense, aim, [See IMPORT].


      KEY: Meanness.

      SYN: Penuriousness, littleness, selfishness, baseness, smallness, illiberality, ungenerousness, sordidness.

      ANT: Nobleness, unselfishness, liberality, generousness, large-heartedness.


      KEY: Means.

      SYN: Resources, instrument, media.

      ANT: End, purpose, object.


      KEY: Measure \n.\ [See DIMENSION].


      KEY: Measure \v.\

      SYN: Mete, estimate, gauge, value, appraise.

      ANT: Misfit, misconform, mismeasure, misdeal, misapportion.


      KEY: Measureless, [See INFINITE].


      KEY: Mechanic.

      SYN: Artisan, craftsman, workman, artificer.


      KEY: Mechanical.

      SYN: Habitual, automatic, unreflective, spontaneous, effortless, unimpassioned.

      ANT: Labored, self-conscious, feeling, forced, spirited, appreciative, lifelike, lively, animated, impassioned.


      KEY: Meddle, [See INTERPOSE].


      KEY: Meddlesome.

      SYN: Officious, obtrusive, intrusive, interfering.

      ANT: Unofficious, unobtrusive, unmeddlesome.


      KEY: Mutilate.

      SYN: Intercede, interpose, [See INTERPOSE].


      KEY: Mediation.

      SYN: Interference, interposition, reconciliation, atonement, arbitration, adjustment.

      ANT: Neutrality, non-interference, indifference.


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