Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть XI. Прочие фразы. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть XI. Прочие фразы - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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style="font-size:15px;">      A permanent and habitual state of mind

      A pernicious and growing tendency

      A perversion of judgment

      A phantom of the brain

      A piece of grotesque stupidity

      A pleasant flow of appropriate language

      A pompous failure

      A potential menace to life

      A powerful and persuasive orator

      A prevalent characteristic of her nature

      A prey to the tongue of the public

      A pristine vigor of style

      A profusion of compliments

      A proposition inherently vicious

      A puerile illusion [puerile = immature; childish]

      A quenchless thirst for expression

      A rage akin to frenzy

      A rare precision of insight

      A rather desperate procedure

      A reckless fashion

      A recrudescence of superstition

      [recrudescence = recurrence of a pathological

      symptoms after a period of improvement]

      A relish for the sublime

      A reversion to the boldest paganism

      A rigid avoidance of extravagance and excess

      A ripple of applause

      A restraining and conservative force

      A robust and consistent application

      A sacred and indissoluble union

      A sane philosophy of life

      A secluded dreamer of dreams

      A secret and wistful charm

      A sense of deepening discouragement

      A sense of indescribable reverence

      A series of brief and irritating hopes

      A settled conviction of success

      A sharp difference of opinion

      A sharp pang of regretful surprise

      A shrewd eye to the main chance

      A signal deed of justice

      A skeptical suspension of judgment

      A slight and superficial tribute

      A slowly subsiding frenzy

      A snare and a delusion

      A somewhat complicated and abstruse calculation [abstruse = difficult to understand]

      A sordid and detestable motive

      A sort of incredulous stupefaction

      A source of unfailing delight and wonder

      A species of moral usurpation

      A spirit inimical to learning

      A spirit of complacent pessimism

      A startling and unfortunate digression

      A state of scarcely veiled insurrection

      A state of urgent necessity

      A stern decree of fate

      A stern foe of snobbishness

      A storm of public indignation

      A strange mixture of carelessness, generosity, and caprice

      A strangely perverse and poverty stricken imagination

      A strong assumption of superiority

      A subjugated and sullen population

      A sudden revulsion

      A supposed ground of affinity

      A synonym for retrogression

      A taunting accusation of falsehood

      A tedious and needless drudgery

      A temper which brooked no resistance

      A temporary expedient

      A tender tone of remonstrance

      A theme of endless meditation

      A thing of moods and moments

      A thoroughly sincere and unaffected effort

      A thousand mangled delusions

      A tissue of dull excuses

      A tone of exaggerated solicitude

      A touch of exquisite pathos

      A trace of obvious sarcasm

      A transcript of the common conscience

      A trifle prim and puritanic

      A truth begirt with fire

      A unique and overwhelming charm

      A vague aversion

      A variety of conflicting and profound emotions

      A variety of enfeebling amendments

      A vast multitude of facts

      A vastly extended vision of opportunity

      A vehement and direct attack

      A very elusive and delicate thought

      A very formidable problem

      A vigilant reserve

      A violent and base calumniator [calumniator = makes malicious or knowingly false statements]

      A voice of matchless compass and eloquence

      A warmth of seemingly generous indignations

      A wealth of resource that seemed inexhaustible

      A welcome release from besetting difficulties

      A whole catalog of disastrous blunders

      A whole whirlpool of various emotions

      Abounding bodily vigor


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