Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть XI. Прочие фразы. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть XI. Прочие фразы - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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before all else

      Absurd and inconsequential career

      Abundant and congenial employment

      Accidental rather than intentional

      Accustomed to ascribe to chance

      Acquired sentiments of propriety

      Activities of the discursive intellect

      Actuated by an unduly anxious desire

      Acute sensibility coupled with quickness of intellect

      Adhere too tenaciously to forms and modes

      Admirable mastery of technique

      Admit the soft impeachment

      Admitted with a childlike cheerfulness

      Advance by leaps and bounds

      Advancing to dignity and honor

      Adventitious aids to memory [adventitious = Not inherent; added extrinsically]

      Affectation and superfluous ornament

      Aggravated to an unspeakable degree

      Agitated and perplexed by a dozen cross-currents of conflicting tendency

      Agreeable and humanizing intercourse

      Aided by strong mental endowments

      Airy swiftness of treatment

      Alien to the purpose

      All sorts of petty tyrannies

      All the resources of a burnished rhetoric

      Allied by taste and circumstances

      Allied with a marked imperiousness [imperious = arrogantly overbearing]

      Almost incredible obtuseness

      Altogether monstrous and unnatural

      Always observant and discriminating

      Amaze and confound the imagination

      Amiable and indulgent hostess

      Amid many and pressing avocations

      Amid the homeliest details of daily life

      Amid the rush and roar of life

      Ample scope for the exercise of his astonishing gifts

      An abandoned and exaggerated grief

      An accidental encounter

      An act of folly amounting to wickedness

      An afternoon of painfully constrained behavior

      An agreeable image of serene dignity

      An air of artificial constraint

      An air of round-eyed profundity

      An alarmed sense of strange responsibilities

      An almost excessive exactness

      An almost sepulchral regularity and seclusion

      An ample and imposing structure

      An apostle of unworldly ardor

      An appreciable menace

      An ardent and gifted youth

      An arid dictum

      An artful and malignant enemy

      An assumption entirely gratuitous

      An assumption which proved erroneous

      An atmosphere of sunny gaiety

      An attitude of passive impartiality

      An authoritative and conclusive inquiry

      An egregious assumption [egregious = outrageously reprehensible]

      An elaborate assumption of indifference

      An endless field for discussion

      An enervating and emasculating form of indulgence

      An ennobling and invigorating influence

      An entirely negligible quantity

      An essentially grotesque and commonplace thing

      An eternal and imperishable example

      An exalted and chimerical sense of honor [chimerical = highly improbable]

      An excess of unadulterated praise

      An excessive refinement of feeling

      An expression at once confident and appealing

      An extensive and populous country

      An habitual steadiness and coolness of reflection

      An honest and unquestioning pride

      An icy indifference

      An idle and unworthy action

      An ill-assorted vocabulary

      An immeasurable advantage

      An imminent and overmastering peril

      An imperturbable demeanor and steadiness of mind

      An implacable foe

      An inborn and irresistible impulse

      An incongruous spectacle

      An incredible mental agility

      An indefinable taint of priggishness [priggishness = exaggerated propriety]

      An indescribable frankness and simplicity of character

      An indolent surrender to mere sensuous experience

      An indomitable and unselfish soul

      An ineradicable love of fun and mystification

      An inevitable factor of human conduct

      An inexhaustible copiousness and readiness of speech

      An insatiable appetite for trifles

      An insatiable voracity

      An inscrutable mystery

      An intentional breach of politeness

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

      Текст предоставлен ООО «Литрес».

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