Иностранный язык (английский): особенности языка современной англоязычной прессы. А. Р. Яковлева

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Иностранный язык (английский): особенности языка современной англоязычной прессы - А. Р. Яковлева

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No news was bad news: the little space-chic craft, carrying a painting by Damian Hirst and an audio test signal by Blur, vanished without trace (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science).

      10. Congress is going to be a hard nut to crack, though (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2252234.stm).

       Task 7: Find the pun in the underlined words (найдите каламбур в подчеркнутых словах) .

      1. Wish you were heir? (http://www.mirror.co.uk/).

      2. Raise a Glass and Some Money for Lydia Tillman, Casa Mono's Beloved Former Sommelier (http://blogs.villagevoice.com/).

      3. Сivil servants splash your cash (http://www.mirror.co.uk/).

      4. Peter Jones: After the party is over the party politics really begin (http://news.scotsman.com/opinion/).

      5. Disunited Kingdom? (http://www.guardian.co.uk/).

      6. Donald Trump trumped as senior Republicans acknowledge the obvious (http://news.scotsman.com).

      7. Sir Paul McCartney turns 70 years young today (http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/18/happy).

      8. iPhone, You Phone, We All Wanna iPhone (http://www.bbc.com/news/technology).

      9. Makeup artists’ lawsuit doesn’t powder over dispute with Cosmetology Board (http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2012/jun/20).

      10. Parenting – Children Need Presence More Than Your Presents (http://ezinearticles.com/?Parenting).

       Task 8: Match the headlines with the fragments of the articles (сопоставьте заголовки с фрагментами статей).

      1. How Old Is Old Age?

      2. Obama: Indefinitely Holding Detainees 'Gives Me Huge Pause'.

      3. 'New' GM on the road.

      4. Will New Ad Restart the Engines?

      5. Clinton moves to calm Moscow over remarks by Biden.

      6. In Moldovan Vote, It's East vs. West.

      7. Georgia's Unmet Promise.

      8. Kirill's Visit Exposes Dangers in Moscow-Kiev Ties.

      1. Imagine you're a huge American company that has built its reputation on durability, reliability and being the biggest damn dog on the street. Then let's say you get into horrible, disastrous debt and have to go begging to the government, like a sad little stray. And then you still end up in Chapter 11. Your customers are peeved because they have to bail you out. Your frailty makes them wary of buying anything from you. And every wrong thing you've ever done (like, say, making the Pontiac Aztek,) nags at them like a stain you put on their best rug. How do you make a commercial for that?

      2. After a six-week trip through bankruptcy, the "new" General Motors was born Friday – owned by the government, free of tens of billions in debt, and shed of unaffordable brands, dealerships and plants. CNNMoney.com reports the sale of the valuable assets of the old company to the new GM was completed Friday morning. full story.

      3. The public’s views on age and aging are explored in a new national survey on aging from the Pew Research Center, explained in a story by my colleague Sarah Arnquist.

      Most adults over age 50 feel at least 10 years younger than their actual age, the survey found. One-third of those between 65 and 74 said they felt 10 to 19 years younger, and one-sixth of people 75 and older said they felt 20 years younger.

      And at what age does old age begin? Most people in the survey said old age starts at age 68. Are they kidding? That seems way too young to me. Not surprisingly, most people over 65 have a different idea about old age. Among those getting the senior citizen discount, most say old age begins at 75.

      4. President Obama still has reservations about the prospect of indefinitely holding those detained at the Guantanamo Bay military prison, and he may not follow through on his administration's intention to develop such a policy, he told the Associated Press today.

      "It gives me huge pause," he told the news organization in an interview.

      Obama's intention to close the detention facility in Cuba – announced on his first full day in office – has forced difficult decisions about what to do with the detainees still there. The administration is trying to send some to other countries and hopes to try others in courts or military tribunals.

      5. A year ago, Russia and Georgia went to war. The anniversary has renewed debate about the causes of the conflict and the future of the Caucasus region. Our country's main focus now should be on helping Georgia cultivate the institutions that will promote democratic development and stability. Georgia has made considerable progress in physical recovery over the past year, but its political environment remains fragile and polarized, with a muzzled media, weak civil society and demonstrations in the streets.

      6. It was Kirill’s first trip to Ukraine since he was elected patriarch in January. The visit opened on July 27 with an affirmation of Russian-Ukrainian brotherhood in Kiev, regarded as the cradle of Russian Orthodoxy. Prince Vladimir adopted Orthodoxy from Byzantium for himself and his subjects, who were baptized en masse in the Dnieper River in 988.

      7. Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, yesterday sought to head off a spat with Russia after it was angered by comments by Joe Biden, US vicepresident.

      The Kremlin had demanded clarification of remarks in which Mr Biden suggested Russia would be forced to improve relations with the US because its economy was "withering".

      8. Moldovans repeating national elections on Wednesday face a stark choice: vote for the ruling Communist Party and receive loans from their Chinese and Russian backers worth well over a third of national income, or put their faith in the West.

      The outcome of the vote is too close to call, according to opinion polls and political analysts, though few expect a repeat of the riots and brutal police crackdown that followed April's turbulent elections that were tainted by fraud allegations.


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