Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии. Б. В. Киселев

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Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии - Б. В. Киселев

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(14) signal officer

      SA Secretary of the Army

      SA small arms

      SAC Strategic Air Command

      SAF Secretary of the Air Force

      SAG surface action group

      SAM surface-to-air missile

      SAP semiarmor piercing

      SAR search and rescue

      sat satellite

      SatCom satellite communications

      SAW squad automatic weapon

      SCATMINE scatterable mine

      scd scheduled

      sct scout

      sct hel scout helicopter

      sct plat scout platoon

      scty security

      SD situation display

      SEAD suppression of enemy air defense

      sec second

      sec section

      secd secondary

      SECAF Secretary of the Air Force

      SECDEF Secretary of Defense

      SECNAV Secretary of the Navy

      secy secretary

      SF Special Forces

      SF sustained fire

      SFW sensor fused weapon

      SG smoke generator

      sgt sergeant

      SHORAD short-range air defense

      shp shaft horse power

      sig signal

      SigC Signal Corps

      SIGCEN, sigcen signal center

      SIGINT signals intelligence

      SINCGARS single channel ground and airborne radio system

      sit situation

      SJA staff judge advocate

      SLBM submarine-launched ballistic missile

      SLCM sea-launched cruise missile

      SMDC US Army Space and Missile Defense Command

      SMFD secondary multifunction display

      smg submachine gun

      SN service number

      SN secretary of the Navy

      snd sound

      SOA separate operating agency

      SOCOM US Special Operations Command

      sol soldier

      sonar sound navigation and ranging

      SOP standing operating procedure

      SOUTHCOM US Southern Command

      SP self-propelled

      sp special, specialist

      SP start point

      SPACECOM US Space Command

      SPCE survey, planning and coordination element

      spd speed

      spt support

      SQ superquick

      sqd squad

      sqdn squadron

      SRBM short-range ballistic missile

      SS spin-stabilized

      SSA staff-support agency

      SSBN (fleet) ballistic missile submarine (nuclear propulsion)

      SSGN guided missile submarine (nuclear propulsion)

      SSM surface-to-surface missile

      SSN attack submarine (nuclear propulsion)

      SSN social security number

      SSR secondary surveillance radar

      sta station

      stblz stabilizer

      std standard

      str strength

      strat strategic

      STRATCOM US Strategic Command

      sub submarine

      SUBGRU submarine group

      subor subordinate

      subron submarine squadron

      sup supply

      SUPCOM support command

      sups supplies

      sur surface

      survl surveillance

      SUW surface warfare

      svc service

      svc ammo service ammunition

      SVML standard vehicle missile launcher

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