Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии. Б. В. Киселев

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Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии - Б. В. Киселев

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Pacific Air Forces

      PACFLT Pacific Fleet

      PACOM US Pacific Command

      pantel panoramic telescope

      PATRIOT Phased Array Tracking Radar Intercept on Target

      PBR river patrol craft

      PC coastal patrol craft

      pcht parachute

      PD point-detonating

      perm permanent

      pers personnel

      PFD primary flight display

      PIBD point-initiating base-detonating

      PGM precision guided munitions

      PGRV precision-guided re-entry vehicle

      PHIBGRU amphibious group

      phibron amphibious squadron

      plat platoon

      plat ldr platoon leader

      plat sgt platoon sergeant

      plt pilot

      PMFD primary multifunction display

      PO petty officer

      POC platoon operations center

      POL petroleum, oil and lubricants

      pos position

      POSNAV inertial position navigation system

      POST passive optical seeker technique

      POW prisoner of war

      PR personnel recovery

      pri-fly primary flight control

      prim primary

      prim msn primary mission

      prin principal

      proj projectile

      prop propeller

      prox proximity

      PS chloropicrin

      psi pound per square inch

      psn position

      PSYOP Psychological Operations

      pt point

      PT physical training

      pvt private

      PW prisoner of war

      PZ pickup zone

      QMC Quartermaster Corps

      R reinforcing

      RA Regular Army

      RA rocket assisted

      radn radiation

      RAM radar-absorbent material

      RAP rocket assisted projectile

      RC reserve component

      rct recruit

      rcvr receiver

      rd round

      rd/min rounds per minute

      rdo radio

      rdr radar

      recon reconnaissance

      reg regular

      regt regiment

      rel release

      res reserve

      resp responsibility; responsible

      RF radio frequency

      rfl refuel, refuelling

      RH rhesus

      RHA rolled homogeneous armor

      RISTA reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition

      rkt rocket

      RMP reprogrammable processor

      RN Royal Navy

      ROTC reserve officer training corps

      ROV [битая ссылка] remotely operated vehicle

      RP release point

      rpm rotations per minute; rounds per minute

      rr rear

      RRC Regional Readiness Command

      RRG Regional Readiness Group

      RS radar set

      RSO Regional Security Officer

      RT radiotelephony

      RTT Recapture Tactics Team

      RV re-entry vehicle

      RW rotary-wing

      RWR radar warning receiver

      S survivability

      S1 (14) personnel officer

      S2 (14) intelligence officer

      S3 (14) operations and training officer

      S4 (14) logistics officer; supply officer


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