Европа. Борьба за господство. Брендан Симмс

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      J. H. Elliott, Empires of the Atlantic World. Britain and Spain in America, 1492–1830 (New Haven and London, 2006), p. 299.


      D. R. Murray, ‘Statistics of the slave trade to Cuba, 1790–1867’, Journal of Latin American Studies, 3, 2 (1971), pp. 131–49. I am grateful to Carrie Gibson and Felicitas Becker for very useful conversations on this subject.


      Evelyn Powell Jennings, ‘War as the “forcing house of change”: state slavery in late-eighteenth-century Cuba’, William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, LXII (2005), 411–40.


      Scott, Emergence of the eastern powers, pp. 76 and 79.


      Manfred Schort, Politik und Propaganda. Der Siebenjährige Krieg in den zeitgenössischen Flugschriften (Frankfurt am Main, 2006), p. 463.


      Hans-Martin Blitz, Aus Liebe zum Vaterland. Die deutsche Nation im 18. Jahrhundert (Hamburg, 2000), pp. 160–67 (quotation p. 165).


      Quoted in Neuhaus, ‘Das Problem der militärischen Exekutive’, p. 301.


      ‘The Instructions to the Commissioners for Composing a New Code of Laws’, Moscow, 30 July 1767, in William F. Reddaway (ed.), Documents of Catherine the Great. The correspondence with Voltaire and the Instruction of 1767 in the English text of 1768 (Cambridge, 1931), pp. 216–17.


      Quoted in Scott, Emergence of the eastern powers, p. 99.


      Franz A. J. Szabo, Kaunitz and enlightened absolutism, 1753–1780 (Cambridge, 1994), p. 76. I am grateful to Daniel Robinson for this reference.


      Kathleen Wilson, The sense of the people. Politics, culture and imperialism in England, 1715–1785 (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 215–16.


      Michael Roberts, Splendid isolation, 1763–1780 (Reading, 1970).


      Quoted in Simms, Three victories, p. 536. See also P. J. Marshall, The making and unmaking of empires. Britain, India and America, c. 1750–1783 (Oxford, 2005), pp. 1–3, 59–60, 273–310, and passim.


      Quoted in Norman Davies, God’s playground. A history of Poland. Vol. I: The origins to 1795 (Oxford, 1981), p. 511.


      T. C. W. Blanning, The culture of power and the power of culture. Old regime Europe, 1660–1789 (Oxford, 2003).


      Ron Chernow, Washington, a life (London, 2010), pp. 59–62.


      Marc Egnal, A mighty empire. The origins of the American Revolution (Ithaca and London, 1988). Недавнее исследование о колонистах как “английских империалистах”: Robert Kagan, Dangerous nation (New York, 2006), pp. 12–16 and 18.


      Jerzy Lukowski, The partitions of Poland, 1772, 1793, 1795 (London and New York), pp. 52–81 (Frederick is quoted on p. 55).


      Cited in D. B. Horn, British public opinion and the First Partition of Poland (Edinburgh, 1945), pp. 26 and 36–7.


      Bernd Marquardt, ‘Zur reichsgerichtlichen Aberkennung der Herrschergewalt wegen Missbrauchs. Tyrannenprozesse vor dem Reichshofrat am Beispiel des südöstlichen schwäbischen Reichskreises’, in Anette Baumann, Peter Oestmann, Stephan Wendehorst and Siegrid Westphal (eds.), Prozesspraxis im Alten Reich. Annäherungen – Fallstudien – Statistiken (Cologne, Weimar and Vienna, 2005), p. 53.


      Jennifer Pitts, ‘The stronger ties of humanity: humanitarian intervention in the eighteenth century’. I thank Dr Pitts for letting me have sight of her excellent unpublished paper.


      Robin A. Fabel, Colonial challenges. Britons, Native Americans and Caribs, 1759–1775 (Gainesville, 2000), pp. 158–60.


      George P. Anderson, ‘Pascal Paoli: an inspiration to the Sons of Liberty’, Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 26 (1924–6), pp. 180–210, especially pp. 189–91 and 202–3 (for quotations).


      Richard B. Sheridan, ‘The British credit crisis of 1772 and the American colonies’, Journal of Economic History, 20 (1960), pp. 161–86.


      John Adams to Mercy Warren, 20 July 1807, in Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Fifth Series, IV (1878), p. 338. I thank Daniel Robinson for drawing this letter to my attention.


      Richard Middleton, The War of American Independence, 1775–1783 (Harlow, 2012), pp. 15–36.


      Hamish Scott, British foreign policy in the age of the American Revolution (Oxford, 1990), and Donald Stoker, Kenneth J. Hagan and Michael T. McMaster (eds.), Strategy in the American War of Independence. A global approach (London and New York, 2010).


      Cited in Robert Rhodes Crout, ‘In search of a “just and lasting peace”: the treaty of 1783, Louis XVI, Vergennes, and the regeneration of the realm’, International History Review, 5, 3 (1983), p. 374.


      Quoted in Kagan, Dangerous nation, p. 47.


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