Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two (Special Rehearsal Edition). Дж. К. Роулинг

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two (Special Rehearsal Edition) - Дж. К. Роулинг Harry Potter

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opens a compartment door – to look in on a lonely blond kid — SCORPIUS – in an otherwise empty compartment. ALBUS smiles. SCORPIUS smiles back.


      Hi. Is this compartment. .


      It’s free. It’s just me.


      Great. So we might just – come in – for a bit – if that’s okay?


      That’s okay. Hi.


      Albus. Al. I’m – my name is Albus. .


      Hi Scorpius. I mean, I’m Scorpius. You’re Albus. I’m Scorpius. And you must be. .

      ROSE’s face is growing colder by the minute.




      Hi Rose. Would you like some of my Fizzing Whizzbees?


      I’ve just had breakfast, thanks.


      I’ve also got some Shock-o-Choc, Pepper Imps and some Jelly Slugs. Mum’s idea – she says (sings), ‘Sweets they always help you make friends’ (he realises that singing was a mistake). Stupid idea probably.


      I’ll have some. . Mum doesn’t let me have sweets. Which one would you start with?

      ROSE hits ALBUS, out of sight of SCORPIUS.


      Easy. I’ve always regarded the Pepper Imp as the king of the confectionery bag. They’re peppermint sweets that make you smoke at the ears.


      Brilliant, then that’s what I’ll— (ROSE hits him again.) Rose, will you please stop hitting me?


      I’m not hitting you.


      You are hitting me, and it hurts.

      SCORPIUS’s face falls.


      She’s hitting you because of me.




      Listen, I know who you are, so it’s probably only fair you know who I am.


      What do you mean you know who I am?


      You’re Albus Potter. She’s Rose Granger-Weasley. And I am Scorpius Malfoy. My parents are Astoria and Draco Malfoy. Our parents – they didn’t get on.


      That’s putting it mildly. Your mum and dad are Death Eaters!

      SCORPIUS (affronted)

      Dad was – but Mum wasn’t.

      ROSE looks away, and SCORPIUS knows why she does.

      I know what the rumour is, and it’s a lie.

      ALBUS looks from an uncomfortable ROSE to a desperate SCORPIUS.


      What – is the rumour?


      The rumour is that my parents couldn’t have children. That my father and my grandfather were so desperate for a powerful heir, to prevent the end of the Malfoy line, that they. . that they used a Time-Turner to send my mother back—


      To send her back where?


      The rumour is that he’s Voldemort’s son, Albus.

      A horrible, uncomfortable silence.

      It’s probably rubbish. I mean. . look, you’ve got a nose.

      The tension is slightly broken, SCORPIUS laughs, pathetically grateful.


      And it’s just like my father’s! I got his nose, his hair and his name. Not that that’s a great thing either. I mean – father-son issues, I have them. But, on the whole, I’d rather be a Malfoy than, you know, the son of the Dark Lord.

      SCORPIUS and ALBUS look at each other and something passes between them.


      Yes, well, we probably should sit somewhere else. Come on, Albus.

      ALBUS is thinking deeply.


      No (off ROSE’s look), I’m okay. You go on. .


      Albus. I won’t wait.


      And I wouldn’t expect you to. But I’m staying here.

      ROSE looks at him a second and then leaves the compartment.



      SCORPIUS and ALBUS are left – looking at each other – unsure.


      Thank you.


      No. No. I didn’t stay – for you – I stayed for your sweets.


      She’s quite fierce.


      Yes. Sorry.


      No. I like it. Do you prefer Albus or Al?

      SCORPIUS grins and pops two sweets in his mouth.

      ALBUS (thinks)


      SCORPIUS (as smoke comes out of his ears)


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