Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two (Special Rehearsal Edition). Дж. К. Роулинг

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two (Special Rehearsal Edition) - Дж. К. Роулинг Harry Potter

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suddenly he’s back on platform nine and three-quarters with his dad – who is still trying to persuade his son (and himself) that everything is okay. Both have aged another year.


      Third year. Big year. Here is your permission form for Hogsmeade.


      I hate Hogsmeade.


      How can you hate a place you haven’t actually visited yet?


      Because I know it’ll be full of Hogwarts students.

      ALBUS screws up the paper.


      Just give it a go – come on – this is your chance to go nuts in Honeydukes without your mum knowing – no Albus, don’t you dare.

      ALBUS (pointing his wand)


      The ball of paper bursts into flame, and ascends across the stage.


      Of all the stupid things!


      The ironic thing is I didn’t expect it to work. I’m terrible at that spell.


      Al – Albus, I’ve been exchanging owls with Professor McGonagall – she says you’re isolating yourself – you’re uncooperative in lessons – you’re surly – you’re—


      So what would you like me to do? Magic myself popular? Conjure myself into a new house? Transfigure myself into a better student? Just cast a spell, Dad, and change me into what you want me to be, okay? It’ll work better for both of us. Got to go. Train to catch. Friend to find.

      ALBUS runs to SCORPIUS, who is sitting on his case – numb to the world.

      (delighted) Scorpius. .

      (concerned) Scorpius. . are you okay?

      SCORPIUS says nothing. ALBUS tries to read his friend’s eyes.

      Your mum? It’s got worse?


      It’s got the worst it can possibly get.

      ALBUS sits down beside SCORPIUS.


      I thought you’d send an owl. .


      I couldn’t work out what to say.


      And now I don’t know what to say. .


      Say nothing.


      Is there anything. .


      Come to the funeral.


      Of course.


      And be my good friend.

      And suddenly the SORTING HAT is centre stage and we’re back in the Great Hall.


      Are you afraid of what you’ll hear?

      Afraid I’ll speak the name you fear?

      Not Slytherin! Not Gryffindor!

      Not Hufflepuff! Not Ravenclaw!

      Don’t worry, child, I know my job,

      You’ll learn to laugh, if first you sob.

      Lily Potter. GRYFFINDOR!






      Did you really think she’d come to us? Potters don’t belong in Slytherin.


      This one does.

      As he tries to melt into the background, the other students laugh. He looks up at them all.

      I didn’t choose, you know that? I didn’t choose to be his son.

      ACT ONE



      HERMIONE sits with piles of paper in front of her in HARRY’s messy office. She is slowly sorting through it all. HARRY enters in a rush. He is bleeding from a graze on his cheek.


      How did it go?


      It was true.


      Theodore Nott?


      In custody.


      And the Time-Turner itself?

      HARRY reveals the Time-Turner. It shines out alluringly.

      Is it genuine? Does it work? It’s not just an Hour-Reversal Turner – it goes back further?


      We don’t know anything yet. I wanted to try it out there and then but wiser heads prevailed.


      Well, now we have it.


      And you’re sure you want to keep it?


      I don’t think we’ve a choice. Look at it. It’s entirely different to the Time-Turner I had.

      HARRY (dryly)

      Apparently wizardry has moved on since we were kids.


      You’re bleeding.

      HARRY checks his face in the mirror. He dabs at the wound with his robes.

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