1000 Masterpieces of Decorative Art. Victoria Charles

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1000 Masterpieces of Decorative Art - Victoria Charles The Book

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stones, 40.7 × 31.5 cm.From the treasury of St Peter, Vatican City. Byzantine.

      97. Anonymous. Medallion with The Triumph of the Emperor Qalaat al-Marqab, 6th-7th century. Chased gold, medallion: length: 6 cm; diameter: 5.4 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris. Eastern.

      98. Anonymous. Wedding belt, end of the 6th century. Hammered, repoussé, and smouldered gold, granulation, length: 74 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris. Byzantine.

      99. Anonymous. Bracelet, end of the 6th century. Gold and glass paste (partly missing), diameter: 6 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris. Byzantine.

      100. Anonymous. Jug with the face of a goddess, 6th-7th century. Moulded silver, neck executed separately and fixed onto the stomach, retouched with a chisel and hollow punch, stabilising the handles of the jug. Height: 14.5 cm; weight: 3.58 kg. The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg. Persian.

      101. Anonymous. Treasure of Guarrazar. Votive crowns, crosses, pendants, and suspension chains, Visigothic Spain, 7th century. Gold, sapphire, emeralds, amethyst, pearls, quartz, mother-of-pearl, and jasper. Musée de Cluny, Paris. High Middle Ages.

      102. Anonymous. Belt, 7th century. Gold, 6.3 × 6.4 cm. Musée d’Archéologie nationale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Byzantine.

      103. Anonymous. Fragment of a sheath, c. 6th-7th century. Wood, copper, gold, niello, and stainless steel, 30 × 8 cm. Musée de Cluny, Paris. Romanesque.

      104. Anonymous. Signet ring, c. 6th-7th century. Agate, 2.6 × 2.1 cm. The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg. Persian.

      105. Anonymous. Pitcher, 7th century. Carnelian, height: 19 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris. Byzantine.

      106. Anonymous. Lion and Gazelle, 724–743. Mosaic. Hisham’s Palace (Khirbat al-Mafjar), West Bank (Palestine). Eastern.

      107. Anonymous. Quadriga, 9th century. Patterned samite, polychrome silk, 75 × 72.5 cm. From the treasury of the Aachen Cathedral. Musée de Cluny, Paris. Byzantine.

      108. Anonymous. Leo VI in Proskynesis before Christ Enthroned, 9th-10th century. Mosaic. Hagia Sophia, Istanbul. Byzantine.

      109. Anonymous. Treasury, 710–715. Mosaic. Umayyad Mosque (or the Great Mosque of Damascus), Damascus. Eastern.

      110. Anonymous. Mirror with the twelve zodiac signs, Sui dynasty, beginning of the 7th century. Tinted bronze, diameter: 21.5 cm. Musée national des Arts asiatiques – Guimet, Paris. Chinese.

      111. Anonymous. Plate with a prince hunting lions, c. 8th-9th century. Silver, diameter: 25.8 cm. The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg. Eastern.

      112. Anonymous. Mirror depicting sea creatures, c. 7th-9th century. Bronze, diameter: 17.7 cm. National Palace Museum, Taipei. Chinese.

      113. Anonymous. Belt in gold with precious stones, 8th century. Gold and precious stones, 4.8 × 3 cm. Jilin Province Museum, Changchun (China). Chinese.

      114. Anonymous. Medallion depicting a griffin, 8th-9th century. Gold, diameter: 4.2 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris. Byzantine.

      115. Anonymous. Jug, decorated with a flute player and a mythical creature, 8th-9th century. Cast bronze, height: 43 cm. The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg. Persian.

      116. Anonymous. The Crucifixion, beginning of the 9th century. Cloisonné enamel. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Byzantine.

      117. School of the Court of Charles the Bald, France. Jewelled upper cover of Lindau Gospels, c. 880. Repoussé gold and precious stones, 35 × 27.5 cm. The Morgan Library and Museum, New York. Romanesque.

      118. Anonymous. The Crucifixion, book cover (?). Bronze, 21 cm. National Museum of Ireland, Dublin.

      119. Anonymous. Majesty of Sainte Foy, 9th-15th century. Main piece of yew wood, gold leaf, silver, enamel, and precious stones, height: 85 cm. Sainte-Foy Abbey-Church, Conques (France). Romanesque.

      120. Anonymous. Votive crown of Emperor Leo VI, 886–912. Gold, cloisonné enamel, and pearls, diameter: 13 cm. St Mark’s Basilica, Venice. Byzantine.

      121. Anonymous. Bronze-plated torque with lapis lazuli, turquoise, and coral, 9th century. Bronze and precious stones. Chris Hall Collection Trust, Hong Kong. Chinese.

      122. Anonymous. Ring, 10th-12th century. Gold, emerald, ruby, and diamonds, diameter: 2.7 cm. Cham.

      123. Anonymous. Ring, 10th-12th century. Gold and red glass beads, diameter: 2.4 cm. Cham.

      124. Anonymous. Drop earrings, 10th-12th century. Gold, height: 1.5 cm. Cham.

      125. Anonymous. Earrings, 10th-12th century. Gold and cast iron, length: 4.6 cm.Cham.

      126. Anonymous. Earrings, 10th-12th century. Gold, length: 4 cm. Cham.

      127. Anonymous. Chest plate with mythological creatures: Playing Cherubs (detail), Constantinople, 10th century. Ivory, 28.2 × 4.8 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris. Byzantine.

      128. Anonymous. Jug, 9th-12th century. Silver, height: 12.5 cm; diameter: 13.5 cm.Cham.

      129. Anonymous. Sword and sheath from the crowning ceremonies of the French

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