The person as the hologram. Юрий Михайлович Низовцев

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The person as the hologram - Юрий Михайлович Низовцев

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style="font-size:15px;">      The autopilot is capable to perform all necessary actions in relation to the known situations and according to the programmed situations, but in its programs lack algorithms of actions in non-routine situations, such as the committing of a defensive maneuver in case of an unexpected attack, the decision to save the aircraft in case of sudden destruction of some part thereof, or failure of some mechanisms (the chassis is not out), and etc.

      So too any living being with the lowest consciousness gets to the deadlock at cardinal change of circumstances as the fly when falling in water perishes, falling prey of fish.

      What in such extreme cases the person can make if no instructions and logical constructions provide similar situations, and there is no time on reflections and searching of the necessary decision, i.e. – what the person is capable to make, if appeared a purpose (task) which does not give in to achievement (decision) by means of routine analytic-synthetic approaches and known ways of modeling?

      2.7. Intuition. Its mechanism and the base on the example of Shamanism.

      Let's say that the person in the basis is the hologram. It means – there is in his basis everything that is in a holographic projection of Uniform at the moment. It is only necessary to find this basis, if it, of course, is present. The modern science keeps silent here.

      But the fact that this basis exists in the person has been long proven in practice by illiterate shamans, who have being solved by means of it many vital problems of the primitive life which could not be subject to logic in any way, being beyond the known regularities.

      What did Siberian shamans as well as African and American sorcerers find?

      What did they have?

      No more than certain set of knowledge, skills, based mainly on experience in the relevant field of activity, and an opportunity somehow according to these knowledge, skills and experience to be find on the situation a set of the actions yielding required result without calculations, proofs and reflections.

      Scientists believe that shamans realized this opportunity by means of intuition, without defining it in essence, apparently, owing to discrepancy of this activity of shamans with scientific methodology.

      The known scientific definition of intuition is as follows: ability of immediate comprehension of truth without preliminary logical reasoning and without proofs.

      This definition does not explain anything, and only establishes the fact. It does not trace the actual mechanism of actions of the person in unusual situations, does not specify the true basis of these actions, leading without intellectual constructions, of course, not always, but is quite frequent to achievement of a goal or the required result.

      Certainly, the success depends not only on the come insight, but also qualification of the person, i.e. his experience, knowledge and abilities.

      Anyway, but it is clear what a principal component of intuition (for this state more precise is the term "insight") is, first, experience, i.e. a set of the developed models, ready to immediate application. Knowledge and skills without experience will not help instantly or is even stretched in time to solve the arisen problem in the particular sphere. Secondly, an equivalent component of intuition (insight) is the insertion by the person of itself in state of insight that often occurs automatically in a stressful situation of danger or, on the contrary, at the relaxation moments, and even in a dream, but more often in the moments of awakening (by the way, emergence of insight in minutes of awakening in no small measure is defined by connection to work of a brain of some other centers processing information, such as: motor centers; centers that control the visual functions), third, insight comes only at a particular goal-setting to which have to correspond certain "technological" practices.

      Along with that, insight can be caused artificially when keeping of the specified three positions, exemplified by the actions of shamans and sorcerers.

      Usually shaman enters in the desired state by means of special techniques which promote shutdown of self-consciousness in its open form. The most efficient techniques for Siberian shamans are the combination of sound tools (tambourine), dance and the use of funds which rank as narcotic now. Shaman stays in the "space of insight", "opened" by him, so much how many necessary (sometimes several days) to clarify a problem, always having in mind and not losing a specific goal, and remembering need of return to itself back in all completeness, i.e. shaman does not forget about the stay in this "otherworldly space". For this reason he is capable to return from the "otherworldly" world.

      The ordinary person also, happens, enters in similar state unexpected for himself, receiving sometimes answers to questions, which are not resolved by the known methods. This as if automatic entrance to state of insight means also automatic exit from it that in itself retains identity of the person.

      Similar state, which is not controlled by human reason, is called as inspiration. It has various forms and is reached, as a rule, irrespective of the person at the moments of a stress, relaxation, half-asleep state and other unusual states.

      An ordinary person, as a rule, does not remember what happened to him in this state. He remembers only the answer to the question, stated mentally. However often success in this state is not achieved, in particular, because the person fuzzy formulated a question or lacked the necessary training – there are no necessary representations, knowledge, abilities and experience; in this case the sense of the answer is distorted or the complete comprehension of the answer is not reached.

      Nevertheless, arrival of inspiration, in effect, is explained by local coincidence of interest, which is expressed in certain purpose, and experience of the person.

      Intensive interest, for example, can bring the person to state of excitation, and experience helps to formulate the questions correctly that often leads to "emergence from nowhere" of comprehension of an event or the answer which is required.

      In any case, the mechanism of intuition consists in such combination of the highest and lowest forms of consciousness, at which consciousness begins to work automatically (without reflections and logic), as it occurs at animals for their survival, and along with that into this automatic scheme relatively short-term are involved all practices of the person in the form of the gained experience in this sphere, the available knowledge and abilities with certain target orientation.

      Similar rather short-term harmonious merge of target programs of a self-consciousness and the ideal programs of the lowest consciousness for a survival which do not counteract each other, as usual, and work in unison, for example, helping the person to escape from a misfortune, reflects their reciprocal interest in an extreme situation whereas in routine circumstances their interests and aspirations, as a rule, vary that clearly is looked through in contradictory actions of each person.

      If voluntary or involuntary address of the person with a definite purpose to own lowest consciousness does not contradict aspirations of the last, related mainly to the survival of the organism, then the person receives necessary to him if, of course, he will understands the answer.

      To do this, and relevant experience is required.

      A typical example of insight caused artificially, which in many cultural communities has been challenged as a hoax, or it is just ridiculed, and at best, it is represented by certain miracle, or under it unsuccessfully try to bring scientific-logical base, is actions of shaman or sorcerer.

      For example, it is known that Siberian shaman, entering a trance, is capable to specify quite precisely location of spontaneously wandering wild deer that is especially important during hunger strikes of natives.

      Shaman can also foretell how dangerous will be a path of the traveler in the district known to shaman,

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