Методическая разработка по английскому языку по специальности «Стандартизация, сертификация и метрология». Баян Исабаева
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commercial measurement – техническое измерение – техникалық өлшем
development – разработка – өңдеу, істеу, істеп қою
resolution – разрешающая способность – шешілетін қабілеттілік
UTC (universal time coordinate) – всемирное координированное время – дүниежүзілік үйлестірілген уақыт
leap second – корректировочная секунда – түзету секунды
adjustment – коррекция – түзету
solar time – солнечное время – күн уақыты
solid – твердый – қатты; мықты, берік
liquid – жидкий, жидкость – сұйық, сұйықтық
incandescent bulb – лампа накаливания – қыздыру шамы
range – диапазон – ауқым
temperature range – температурный диапазон – температуралық ауқым
International Practical Scale – Международная практическая шкала – Халықаралық тәжірибелік шкаласы
uniform – одинаковый – біркелкі, біртекті
fixed point – зафиксированная точка – анығына жеткен нүкте
state – состояние – күй
pure material – чистое вещество – таза зат
Standard Platinum Resistance – стандартный платиновый термометр сопротивления – стандартталған платиналы термометр кедергісі
to interpolate – интерполировать – интерполяциялау
temperature value – значение температуры – температура мәні
transfer standard – образцовая мера для передачи размера единицы с постоянного тока на переменный – тұрақты токты айнымалыға бірлік көлемін жіберудегі үлгілік өлшем
amount – количество – мөлшер сан
reading – показание измерительного прибора – өлшеуіш аспаптың көрсетуі
recreate – воссоздавать – қайта жасау, жаңғырту; қалпына келтіру
Ex. 1. Read and translate the text
The modern standards of some physical quantities
Standards are objects or ideas that are designated as b eing authoritative for some accepted reason. Whatever value they possess is useful for comparison to unknowns for the purpose of establishing or confirming an assigned value based on the standard. The design of this comparison process for measurements is metrology. The execution of measurement comparisons for the purpose of establishing the relationship between a standard and some other measuring device is calibration
Whatever value they possess is useful for comparison for the purpose of establishing or confirming an assigned value based on the standard. The design of this comparison process for measurements is metrology. The execution of measurement comparisons for the purpose of establishing the relationship between a standard and some other measuring device is calibration.
The ideal standard is independently reproducible without uncertainty. This is what the creators of the «meter» length standard were attempting to do in the 19th century when they defined a meter as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to one of the Earth’s poles. Later, it was learned that the Earth’s surface is an unreliable basis for a standard. The Earth is not spherical and it is constantly changing in shape. Careful calibrations allowed tolerances as small as 10 parts per million to be distributed and reproduced in metrology laboratories worldwide, regardless of whether the rest of the metric system was implemented and in spite of the shortfalls of the meter’s original basis. Currently, five independent units of measure are internationally recognized: temperature interval, linear distance, electrical current, frequency and mass. Any measurement can be based on one or more of these measurement units. To supplement these five, two units of angle measurement that are also independent are recognized. For example, Ohm's law is a widely known concept in electrical study. Of the three units of measure involved, only current (ampere) is an independent unit. Voltage and resistance units are dependent on current units, as defined by Ohm's law.
It is believed that each of independent units of measure will be defined in terms of the other four independent units eventually. Length (meter) and time (second) are already connected this way. If an accurate time base is available, then a length standard can be reproduced without a meter bar artifact, using the known constant speed of light. Lesser known is the relationship between the luminance (candela) and current (ampere). The candela is defined in terms of the watt, which in turn is derived from the ampere.
Non-commercial measurement details used to be academic curiosities. The development of standards follows the needs of technology. As a r esult, some units of measure have much more resolution than others. The second is reproducible to 1 part in 1014. As it became possible to measure time more precisely, solar time, believed to be a constant, proved to be very slightly irregular. This resulted in leap second adjustments to keep UTC (universal time coordinate) synchronized with solar time. The candela standard is