Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 71, No. 438, April 1852. Various

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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 71, No. 438, April 1852 - Various

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he suspected there had been such communication, with his usual penetrating astuteness. Riccabocca, here, was less on his guard, and rather parried the sidelong questions than denied their inferences.

      Randal began already to surmise the truth. Where was it likely Violante should go but to the Lansmeres'? This confirmed his idea of Harley's pretensions to her hand. With such a rival what chance had he? Randal never doubted for a moment that the pupil of Machiavel would 'throw him over,' if such an alliance to his daughter really presented itself. The schemer at once discarded from his project all further aim on Violante: either she would be poor, and he would not have her; or she would be rich, and her father would give her to another. As his heart had never been touched by the fair Italian, so the moment her inheritance became more than doubtful, it gave him no pang to lose her; but he did feel very sore and resentful at the thought of being supplanted by Lord L'Estrange, the man who had insulted him.

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      Hansard, (3d Series,) vol. cxiv., col. 1007.


      Hansard, (3d Series,) vol. cxiv., col. 998-9.


      On Agricultural Distress, ante, p. 389.


      1 Samuel, ii. 3.


      Lord Brougham said not long ago, in the hearing of the writer, "Lord Lansdowne is the very best leader of a deliberative assembly that was perhaps ever seen. In courtesy, temper, discretion, and business ability, he is, in my opinion, unequalled."




Hansard, (3d Series,) vol. cxiv., col. 1007.


Hansard, (3d Series,) vol. cxiv., col. 998-9.


On Agricultural Distress, ante, p. 389.


1 Samuel, ii. 3.


Lord Brougham said not long ago, in the hearing of the writer, "Lord Lansdowne is the very best leader of a deliberative assembly that was perhaps ever seen. In courtesy, temper, discretion, and business ability, he is, in my opinion, unequalled."


"Tamworth Election. Speech of Sir Robert Peel." – Ollivier, Pall Mall, 1841.


Almost every other sentence of this paragraph was followed by loud cheering; but the Earl of Derby continued to speak with calmness and solemnity.


We shall never forget the tone and the look with which this solemn asseveration was uttered.


If Lord John Russell should contrive to resume power, his cabinet would unquestionably include Messrs Villiers, Bright, Cobden, Hume, Fox, and probably Wilson. What would be the figure of the Funds the next morning?


February 28, 1852.


The Italics are those of the writer in the Spectator.


Ante, p. 405.

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