Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer. Heller Steven

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Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer - Heller Steven

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female, it's too emotional. There are tons of tears. I'm really sorry to resort to stereotypes; this is maddening, but true. When the office is too young and inexperienced, mistakes happen and things can get chaotic quickly.

      The best team is one that is a mix of gender and age, and when there are people from other cultures. For the most part, the best of all worlds is when you have younger designers to bring tons of energy and new ways to do things, and mature designers to provide guidance and mentorship. When the boys and girls are equally mixed, they stay on good behavior – no weird jokes and no tears – the boys don't want to sound crass, and the girls don't want the guys to think they are weak. It's lovely. There should be a rule: no crying in graphic design.

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