Office 2016 For Seniors For Dummies. Wempen Faithe

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Office 2016 For Seniors For Dummies - Wempen Faithe For Dummies

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Work with Themes


Check Your Spelling and Grammar

      Text handling is quite standardized in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The same commands that you use to edit and format text in one program work almost exactly the same way in another. So, after you master them in one application, you’ll be off and running in the others.

      Some of these standardized features include

      ✔ The Clipboard, which lets you copy and move content seamlessly between applications

      ✔ Text formatting, which you use to format text with the same set of Font tools, no matter which application you’re in

      ✔ Themes, which help you apply consistent formatting to documents created in different programs

      ✔ The spell checker, which you use to correct your spelling and grammar in all applications, and even maintain common custom dictionaries between them

      This chapter looks at each of these tools plus a few other handy standardized tools.

Edit Text

      In Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you just click where you want the text to go, and begin typing. (Chapter 1 covers the basics.)

      The insertion point is the flashing vertical marker (cursor) that shows where the text you type will appear. You can move the insertion point with the arrow keys, or you can click where you want to place it.

When the mouse pointer is over an area where you can place text, it turns into an I-shaped pointer called an I-beam. The shape of the I-beam makes it easy for you to precisely position it, even between two tiny characters of text. Figure 2-1 shows the insertion point and the I-beam mouse pointer.

      Figure 2-1

      To insert new text, position the insertion point where you want to insert it, and then type the new text.

      To remove text, you can use any of these methods:

      ✔ Backspace it. Position the insertion point and then press the Backspace key to delete text to the left of the insertion point.

      ✔ Delete it. Select the text and then press the Delete key, or position the insertion point and then press the Delete key to delete text to the right of the insertion point.

      ✔ Type over it. Select the text and then type new text to replace it. Whatever was selected is deleted.


In Word, you can’t move the insertion point past the end of the document, so if you want to begin a document with the insertion point in the center of the document, for example, you would normally have to press Enter to create extra blank paragraphs until the insertion point arrives where you want it. Here’s a way around that, however: Double-click the document at the location where you want the insertion point. Even if that location is beyond the end of the document, the insertion point moves there (and the end of the document moves down past the new location).

Move and Copy Content

      For large-scale editing (such as whole paragraphs and pages of text), you can easily move or copy text and graphics within the same application (even between different data files) or from one application to another.

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