Professional WordPress. Design and Development. Brad Williams

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Professional WordPress. Design and Development - Brad Williams

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of the database collation, that is, sort order of the character set. (A character set is a collection of symbols that represents words in a language. The collation determines the order to use when sorting the character set, usually alphabetical order.) This option, by default, is blank and should typically stay that way. If you would like to change the database collation, just add the appropriate value for your language. You should change this option before installing WordPress. Altering this value after installation could cause problems in WordPress.

      WordPress security can be strengthened by setting secret keys in your wp-config.php file. A secret key is a hashing salt, which makes your site harder to hack by adding random elements (the salt) to the password you set. These keys aren’t required for WordPress to function, but they add an extra layer of security on your website.

To have secret keys auto-generated for you, visit the link to for secret key generation in your wp-config.php file (, shown in Figure 2.2. Alternatively you can just type a bunch of random characters in place of “put your unique phrase here.” The goal is to use secret keys that are 100 percent random and unique.

Figure 2.2 Randomly generated secret keys

      You can add or change these keys at any time; the only thing that will happen is all current WordPress cookies will be invalidated and your users will be required to log in again.

      Another security feature included in wp-config.php is the ability to define the database table prefix for WordPress. By default, this option value is set to wp_. You can change this value by setting the $table_prefix variable value to any prefix, like so:

      If a hacker is able to exploit your website using a SQL injection attack, this will make it harder for them to guess your table names and quite possibly keep them from doing SQL injection at all. Setting the table prefix to a unique value also makes it possible to run multiple WordPress installations in a single database. If you want to change the table prefix after you have installed WordPress, you can use the Change DB Prefix plugin ( to do so. Make sure you make a good backup before doing this, however.

      The wp-config.php file also contains the option for localizing your installation of WordPress. WordPress has the built-in capability to be used in many different languages. Setting the WPLANG option value sets the default language for WordPress to use. A corresponding MO (machine object) file for the selected language must be installed to wp-content/languages for this option to work. MO files are compressed PO (portable object) files, which contain translations for WordPress messages and text strings in a specific language. The MO and PO files are components of the GNU “gettext” subsystem that underlies the WordPress multi-language capabilities. For a full list of available MO language files, visit the following resources:

      ● WordPress in Your Language Codex page

      ● WordPress Language File Repository

      Debugging errors in WordPress can be made easier using the WP_DEBUG option. Enabling WP_DEBUG displays WordPress errors on the screen, rather than suppressing those errors with a white screen. To enable WP_DEBUG, just set the option value to true:

      New installations of WordPress will have this option defined in wp-config.php as false. If this option is not defined, it defaults to false and error messages are not displayed. Remember to disable or remove this option when you are done debugging because error messages might help hackers find vulnerabilities in your website.

      NOTE We recommend that you always keep WP_DEBUG enabled when developing in WordPress to address any warnings or errors that might be displayed.

Advanced wp-config.php Options

      You can set additional advanced options in your wp-config.php file. These options are not in the wp-config.php file by default so you will need to manually add them to the file.

      To set your WordPress address and blog address, use the following two options:

      The WP_SITEURL option allows you to temporarily change the WordPress site URL. This does not alter the database option value for siteurl, but instead temporarily changes the value. If this option is removed, WordPress reverts back to using the siteurl database setting. The WP_HOME option works the exact same way, letting you temporarily change the home value for WordPress. Both values should include the full URL including http://.

      NOTE This is a useful technique if you are building a WordPress website under a temporary development URL, such as . You can simply remove these two options when you go live and WordPress will load using the production URL instead.

      WordPress version 3.7 introduced automatic background updates for WordPress. By default, only minor releases (for example, 4.1.x, 4.2.x, and so on) are updated automatically. There are currently four types of automatic background updates:

      ● Core updates

      ● Plugin updates

      ● Theme updates

      ● Translation file updates

      To completely disable all automatic updates, which includes all four types just listed, you’ll set the AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED constant to true, as shown here:

      Alternately, you can enable automatic updates for major releases and development purposes. Using the WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE constant, you can define auto updates in one of three ways:

      ● true – Major, minor, and development automatic updates are all enabled.

      ● false – Major, minor, and development automatic updates are all disabled.

      ● minor – Minor updates are enabled. Major and development updates are disabled.

      As an example, let’s look at the various ways you can configure the automatic update settings:

      For more information on configuring WordPress automatic updates, visit

      WordPress also features an option that allows you to move the wp-content directory. The two required options are:

      The WP_CONTENT_DIR option value is the full local path to your wp-content directory. The WP_CONTENT_URL is the full URI of this directory. Optionally, you can set the path to your plugins directory like so:

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