Professional WordPress. Design and Development. Brad Williams

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Professional WordPress. Design and Development - Brad Williams

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which includes the phpMyAdmin tool), and you will have a self-contained development and deployment lab. For other platforms, XAMPP ( has a neatly integrated platform stack that runs on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux foundations. Furthermore, the use of virtual machines for your development environment has grown immensely, and now there are packaged VM solutions to get you started. Having everything under one hood is a powerful option for examining failure modes, as you will see in the next two sections. More information on working with WordPress locally is covered in Chapter 3.

       Installing WordPress Files

      If you download the WordPress code from, you will get a zip (or tarball) archive that expands into a directory called wordpress. The first part of a WordPress installation is to get the code into your web server’s directory structure; ensuring you have it in the right place is a critical step. Gloss over this part and you will find your website ends up with a URL like and you will either have to start over or e-mail ugly URLs to your friends and family. If that is what you want – to distinguish your WordPress site from other content on your website or to isolate multiple sections – choosing the filesystem layout is equally important.

      Pick the top-level directory where you want to install WordPress. Most commonly, this is the root directory for your web server, and if you are using a hosting provider it is probably the subdirectory called public_html in the file tree. If you are using a packaged install where there is a menu asking you for the target location, make sure you pick this top-level directory (and yes, you know that it already exists, that’s the point!); if you are copying files from your local machine to the web server target using an FTP client, make sure you pick the right destination. The somewhat obvious move to copy the zip file to the server and then unpack it will put everything into a wordpress subdirectory, and if you want your WordPress site’s URL to be rather than, move the files up one directory level before proceeding. There is a configuration option to have your WordPress installation in a subdirectory to your top-level URL, so it is not fatal if you drop WordPress into a less-than-desirable filesystem geography. That is covered at the end of this section.

Once the WordPress files are installed, your filesystem browser should show you something like Figure 1.1, with an index.php and template wp-config-sample.php file. That’s the entirety of the WordPress system, which runs effectively within the web server’s PHP interpreter.

Figure 1.1 A clean but unconfigured WordPress installation

At this point, if you are doing a manual installation, you will want to create your own wp-config.php file by editing the provided sample file, wp-config-sample.php, and saving it in your top-level WordPress directory. As an alternative, you can navigate to your website’s URL, and the WordPress code will notice there is no configuration file. After you select your installation language, WordPress presents you with dialog boxes like those in Figures 1.2 and 1.3 where you can fill in the details. You will need the MySQL database name, database username, and some idea of the WordPress database table prefix (other than the default wp_). These lower-level details are the guts of the next section on database configuration. If you are using a hosting provider with packaged installations, you probably will not see this step because the WordPress files will be extracted and the MySQL database information will be automatically inserted into a configuration file, no end user–serviceable parts inside.

Figure 1.2 WordPress will create a new wp-config file if one does not exist.

Figure 1.3 Database configuration dialog box

      What do you do if you already have HTML or other content at your target URL and you want to add WordPress to an existing site? Disposition of existing files depends on your desired first user experience upon navigating to your URL. To use WordPress as a content management system as described here, your best choice is to save existing content and convert it into new posts or pages, effectively making your previous site color commentary and context for your WordPress-driven site. Alternatively, you can install WordPress in a subdirectory, keep your existing index.html file, and direct readers to your new content through a button or link on your extant home page. Do not leave this to chance; if you have an index.html file and then install WordPress, you will have an index.php and an index.html file side by side and users will see one or the other depending upon the Directory Index configuration of your site’s web server. Actions on existing content should be informed by how much traffic that content is driving to your site: if your pages are responsible for search engine traffic, you probably do not want to disrupt the existing URLs that have been cached and should install WordPress in a subdirectory. If you feel strongly about making WordPress the wrapper around the user experience, move the content and include URL rewriting or redirection for pages that move into the WordPress world.

If you used a hosting provider’s packaged installation, or if you manually created a wp-config.php file and then navigated to your top-level URL, WordPress should have completed creating the database tables, created an administrative user for your WordPress, and set an initial password, as shown in Figure 1.4. Make sure you change the username to something different than admin.

Figure 1.4 Complete website details and set up admin user.

Upon a successful installation, you should see a box like Figure 1.5 that indicates your five minutes of famed installation is done.

Figure 1.5 Administrative information at the conclusion of a clean install

      The next section covers the MySQL-WordPress configuration dance in more detail and is suitable reading even if thinking about SQL gives you hives. If you are up and running, you can skip the next section and go right to the section “Finishing Up.”

       Database Configuration

      If your hosting provider spun up a MySQL database and created a user for you, check your resultant wp-config.php file to gather this information. It is necessary for the MySQL probing covered in this section, and it is good to have in case you run into MySQL problems later on. There is a username and password combination included in that file, so treat it the way you would treat other login information. On the other hand, if you are going deep on the do-it-yourself route, this section gives you a sense of what is likely to create confusion or consternation as you pull the pieces together.

      In theory, MySQL setup for WordPress is trivial: Make sure MySQL is up and running, create a WordPress user in MySQL, and then have that user create a database to hold the WordPress tables. You can use the MySQL command line or tools such as phpMyAdmin or Chive for these tasks, but bear in mind that MySQL has its own set of users and permissions granted to those users, distinct from those used by your (or your hosting provider’s) operating system. Once MySQL is installed, it will create a default table of users and grants, adding a root user on Unix systems that is a MySQL superuser, unrelated to the Unix root user. However, if you are attempting to connect to your MySQL instance as the MySQL root user, those connections can only be made from localhost – the same machine

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