Arsene Lupin. Leblanc Maurice
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"Oh, I said at bottom because you look sarcastic, and at first sight you're so cold. But often that's only the mask of those who have suffered the most.... They are the most indulgent," said Sonia slowly, hesitating, picking her words.
"Yes, I suppose they are," said the Duke thoughtfully.
"It's because when one has suffered one understands.... Yes: one understands," said Sonia.
There was a pause. The Duke's eyes still rested on her face. The admiration in them was mingled with compassion.
"You're very unhappy here, aren't you?" he said gently.
"Me? Why?" said Sonia quickly.
"Your smile is so sad, and your eyes so timid," said the Duke slowly. "You're just like a little child one longs to protect. Are you quite alone in the world?"
His eyes and tones were full of pity; and a faint flush mantled Sonia's cheeks.
"Yes, I'm alone," she said.
"But have you no relations—no friends?" said the Duke.
"No," said Sonia.
"I don't mean here in France, but in your own country.... Surely you have some in Russia?"
"No, not a soul. You see, my father was a Revolutionist. He died in Siberia when I was a baby. And my mother, she died too—in Paris. She had fled from Russia. I was two years old when she died."
"It must be hard to be alone like that," said the Duke.
"No," said Sonia, with a faint smile, "I don't mind having no relations. I grew used to that so young … so very young. But what is hard—but you'll laugh at me—"
"Heaven forbid!" said the Duke gravely.
"Well, what is hard is, never to get a letter … an envelope that one opens … from some one who thinks about one—"
She paused, and then added gravely: "But I tell myself that it's nonsense. I have a certain amount of philosophy."
She smiled at him—an adorable child's smile.
The Duke smiled too. "A certain amount of philosophy," he said softly. "You look like a philosopher!"
As they stood looking at one another with serious eyes, almost with eyes that probed one another's souls, the drawing-room door flung open, and Germaine's harsh voice broke on their ears.
"You're getting quite impossible, Sonia!" she cried. "It's absolutely useless telling you anything. I told you particularly to pack my leather writing-case in my bag with your own hand. I happen to open a drawer, and what do I see? My leather writing-case."
"I'm sorry," said Sonia. "I was going—"
"Oh, there's no need to bother about it. I'll see after it myself," said Germaine. "But upon my word, you might be one of our guests, seeing how easily you take things. You're negligence personified."
"Come, Germaine … a mere oversight," said the Duke, in a coaxing tone.
"Now, excuse me, Jacques; but you've got an unfortunate habit of interfering in household matters. You did it only the other day. I can no longer say a word to a servant—"
"Germaine!" said the Duke, in sharp protest.
Germaine turned from him to Sonia, and pointed to a packet of envelopes and some letters, which Bernard Charolais had knocked off the table, and said, "Pick up those envelopes and letters, and bring everything to my room, and be quick about it!"
She flung out of the room, and slammed the door behind her.
Sonia seemed entirely unmoved by the outburst: no flush of mortification stained her cheeks, her lips did not quiver. She stooped to pick up the fallen papers.
"No, no; let me, I beg you," said the Duke, in a tone of distress. And dropping on one knee, he began to gather together the fallen papers. He set them on the table, and then he said: "You mustn't mind what Germaine says. She's—she's—she's all right at heart. It's her manner. She's always been happy, and had everything she wanted. She's been spoiled, don't you know. Those kind of people never have any consideration for any one else. You mustn't let her outburst hurt you."
"Oh, but I don't. I don't really," protested Sonia.
"I'm glad of that," said the Duke. "It isn't really worth noticing."
He drew the envelopes and unused cards into a packet, and handed them to her.
"There!" he said, with a smile. "That won't be too heavy for you."
"Thank you," said Sonia, taking it from him.
"Shall I carry them for you?" said the Duke.
"No, thank you, your Grace," said Sonia.
With a quick, careless, almost irresponsible movement, he caught her hand, bent down, and kissed it. A great wave of rosy colour flowed over her face, flooding its whiteness to her hair and throat. She stood for a moment turned to stone; she put her hand to her heart. Then on hasty, faltering feet she went to the door, opened it, paused on the threshold, turned and looked back at him, and vanished.
The Duke stood for a while staring thoughtfully at the door through which Sonia had passed, a faint smile playing round his lips. He crossed the hall to the Chippendale bureau, took a cigarette from a box which stood on the ledge of it, beside the morocco case which held the pendant, lighted it, and went slowly out on to the terrace. He crossed it slowly, paused for a moment on the edge of it, and looked across the stretch of country with musing eyes, which saw nothing of its beauty. Then he turned to the right, went down a flight of steps to the lower terrace, crossed the lawn, and took a narrow path which led into the heart of a shrubbery of tall deodoras. In the middle of it he came to one of those old stone benches, moss-covered and weather-stained, which adorn the gardens of so many French chateaux. It faced a marble basin from which rose the slender column of a pattering fountain. The figure of a Cupid danced joyously on a tall pedestal to the right of the basin. The Duke sat down on the bench, and was still, with that rare stillness which only comes of nerves in perfect harmony, his brow knitted in careful thought. Now and again the frown cleared from his face, and his intent features relaxed into a faint smile, a smile of pleasant memory. Once he rose, walked round the fountains frowning, came back to the bench, and sat down again. The early September dusk was upon him when at last he rose and with quick steps took his way through the shrubbery, with the air of a man whose mind, for good or ill, was at last made up.
When he came on to the upper terrace his eyes fell on a group which stood at the further corner, near the entrance of the chateau, and he sauntered slowly up to it.
In the middle of it stood M. Gournay-Martin, a big, round, flabby hulk of a man. He was nearly as red in the face as M. Charolais; and he looked a great deal redder owing to the extreme whiteness of the whiskers which stuck out on either side of his vast expanse of cheek. As he came up, it struck the Duke as rather odd that he should have the Charolais eyes, set close together; any one who did not know that they were strangers to one another might have thought it a family likeness.
The millionaire was waving his hands and roaring after the manner of a man who has