The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 3. Coleridge Samuel Taylor

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The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 3 - Coleridge Samuel Taylor

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style="font-size:15px;">      Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength, because of thine enemies; that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.

      To the dispensations of the twilight dawn, to the first messengers of the redeeming word, the yet lisping utterers of light and life, a strength and a power were given because of the enemies, greater and of more immediate influence, than to the seers and proclaimers of a clearer day: – even as the first re-appearing crescent of the eclipsed moon shines for men with a keener brilliance, than the following larger segments, previously to its total emersion.

      Ib.v. 5.

      Thou madest him lower than the angels, to crown him with glory and worship.

      Power + idea = angel.

      Idea – power = man, or Prometheus.

       Psalm LXVIII

      v. 34.

      Ascribe ye the power to God over Israel: his worship and strength is in the clouds.

      The 'clouds' in the symbolical language of the Scriptures mean the events and course of things, seemingly effects of human will or chance, but overruled by Providence.

       Psalm LXXII

      This Psalm admits no other interpretation but of Christ, as the Jehovah incarnate. In any other sense, it would be a specimen of more than Persian or Moghul hyperbole and bombast, of which there is no other instance in Scripture, and which no Christian would dare to attribute to an inspired writer. We know, too, that the elder Jewish Church ranked it among the Messianic Psalms. N.B. The Word in St. John, and the Name of the Most High in the Psalms, are equivalent terms.

      v. 1.

      Give the king thy judgments, O God; and thy righteousness unto the king's son.

      God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, the only begotten, the Son of God and God, King of Kings, and the Son of the King of Kings!

       Psalm LXXIV

      v. 2.

      O think upon thy congregation, whom thou hast purchased and redeemed of old.

      The Lamb sacrificed from the beginning of the world, the God-Man, the Judge, the self-promised Redeemer to Adam in the garden!

      v. 15.

      Thou smotest the heads of Leviathan in pieces; and gavest him to be meat for the people in the wilderness.

      Does this allude to any real tradition?3 The Psalm appears to have been composed shortly before the captivity of Judah.

       Psalm LXXXII vv. 6-7

      The reference which our Lord made to these mysterious verses, gives them an especial interest. The first apostasy, the fall of the angels, is, perhaps, intimated.

       Psalm LXXXVII

      I would fain understand this Psalm; but first I must collate it word by word with the original Hebrew. It seems clearly Messianic.

       Psalm LXXXVIII

      vv. 10 – 12.

      Dost than shew wonders among the dead, or shall the dead rise up again and praise thee? &c.

      Compare Ezekiel xxxvii.

       Psalm CIV

      I think the Bible version might with advantage be substituted for this, which in some parts is scarcely intelligible.

      v. 6.

      the waters stand in the hills.

      No; stood above the mountains. The reference is to the Deluge.

       Psalm CV

      v. 3.

      Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.

      If even to seek the Lord be joy, what will it be to find him? Seek me, O Lord, that I may be found by thee!

       Psalm CX

      v. 2.

      The Lord shall send the rod of thy power out of Sion; (saying) Rule, &c.

      v. 3. Understand:

      'Thy people shall offer themselves willingly in the day of conflict in holy clothing, in their best array, in their best arms and accoutrements. As the dew from the womb of the morning, in number and brightness like dew-drops; so shall be thy youth, or the youth of thee, the young volunteer warriors.'

      v. 5.

      'He shall shake,'

      concuss, concutiet reges die iræ suæ,

      v. 6. For

      'smite in sunder, or wound, the heads;'

      some word answering to the Latin conquassare.

      v. 7. For 'therefore,' translate 'then shall he lift up his head again;' that is, as a man languid and sinking from thirst and fatigue after refreshment.

      N.B. I see no poetic discrepancy between vv. 1 and 5.

       Psalm CXVIII

      To be interpreted of Christ's church.

       Psalm CXXVI

      v. 5.

      As the rivers in the south.

      Does this allude to the periodical rains?4

      As a transparency on some night of public rejoicing, seen by common day, with the lamps from within removed – even such would the Psalms be to me uninterpreted by the Gospel. O honored Mr. Hurwitz! Could I but make you feel what grandeur, what magnificence, what an everlasting significance and import Christianity gives to every fact of your national history – to every page of your sacred records!

       Articles of Religion: XX

      It is mournful to think how many recent writers have criminated our Church in consequence of their own ignorance and inadvertence in not knowing, or not noticing, the contra-distinction here meant between power and authority. Rites and ceremonies the Church may ordain jure proprio: on matters of faith her judgment is to be received with reverence, and not gainsaid but after repeated inquiries, and on weighty grounds.

       Articles of Religion: XXXVII

      It is lawful for Christian men, at the commandment of the magistrate, to wear weapons, and to serve in the wars.

      This is a very good instance of an unseemly matter neatly wrapped up. The good men recoiled from the plain

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According to Bishop Horne, the allusion is to the destruction of Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea. – Ed.


See Horne in loc. note. – Ed.