English for sound operators. Английский язык для звукооператоров. Сборник текстов и упражнений по английскому языку. Ирина Ивановна Борисова

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English for sound operators. Английский язык для звукооператоров. Сборник текстов и упражнений по английскому языку - Ирина Ивановна Борисова

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or burn-burnt-burnt

      Dream-dreamed-dreamed or dream-dreamt – dreamt

      It is more usual to use the irregular forms in British English.

      We use the past participle for making the perfect tenses and the passive forms.

      The engineers have carried out numerous experiments with different audio formats recently. (present perfect)

      The sound was playbacked through five channels: three front speakers and two rear ones. (past simple passive)

      13. Some of these verbs are regular and some are irregular. Give their three forms. Work out the meaning of the words that you do not know from the context.

      Example: hear-heard-heard

      Go, see, be, write, manage, fill, incorporate, compose, call for, place, create, require, perform, know, carry out, trigger off, record, develop, store, playback, invent, become, show, curtail, use, dedicate, help, locate.

      Use the verbs in your own sentences.

      Vocabulary work

      14. Look through the text and write a list of key words. Compare it with your classmate’s list. Make up new sentences with them.


      15. Think of a plan to the article. Make a summary of the article according to your plan.

      16. Explain these words and expressions from the text.

      To hear sounds in mono or stereo, vast cathedral spaces, conductor, audience, pioneering sound reproduction system, sans subwoofer, prototype, stereophonic sound, source of the sound, emergency, instantly.

      17. What have you learnt from the text about the following?

      – The Renaissance composers and their antiphonal church music

      – Walt Disney’s Fantasound

      – Bell Labs experiments

      18. Speak on music. Comment on the statements.

      – Music distracts us from daily routine.

      – Can you imagine your day without music?

      – A tuneful song barely heard out of the open window, a brass band playing somewhere at a distance, birds singing nicely in the garden… There is so much music around us that sometimes we do not even notice it.


      19. Write a composition on the topic (120—180 words).

      So what is music?

      20. Make a report, an electronic presentation or do a project on one of the following topics:

      – The Renaissance music

      – Hector Berlioz. His life and works

      – Richard Wagner and his influence on music

      – Bell Laboratories. Discoveries and developments

      – Walt Disney’s Fantasia


      21. Complete the following statements basing on the information in the first part of Unit 1. You do not need more than three words, symbols or numbers for each gap.

      1) Renaissance composers wrote their antiphonal music with the sound of the choir or organ incorporating side-to-side or front-to-rear sonic effects to be played in…

      2) Hector Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique was performed with the horns placed at the back of the…

      3) Richard Wagner’s works were so impressive and complicated that they needed large orchestras; the musicians stood in the foyer, under the stage, and even among the people in the…

      4) In the 1930s, specialists at Bell Labs experimented with three-channel stereo or system…, as well as with other multichannel audio formats.

      5) Fantasound was the first sound reproduction system, which stored three… (3.1) and a control track on the film itself.

      6) The sound in Fantasound was playbacked through five channels: three front speakers and two…

      7) This speaker configuration in Fantasound, sans subwoofer, became the prototype of the…

      8) Besides, the same group of Disney engineers created multitrack recording, panning and…!

      9) Further development of surround sound technologies in entertainment was curtailed by…

      10) Multichannel audio was utilized by the… for identifying the source of the sound.

      Text 2. Part 2. The 1950—1980s


      1. What do you know about the following things:

      – the arrival of the television;

      – gimmicks used to make film watching more entertaining;

      – home «hi-fi» arrangements

      2. Look at the statement: «In the 1950s, the rise of the television became a real threat to the cinema.» Why do you think it happened? Work in groups of three or four and discuss your ideas. Report them to the class.

      3. What do you think these words and word combinations mean?

      Dominant source, public entertainment, film studios, technological advance, 3D glasses, auditorium, limit, economic factors, professionals, frustration, numerous technical problems, vinyl medium, aesthetic problems, full-range front channels, minimum number of speakers.

      4. Name some more words and phrases you know relating to the subject.



      5. Skim the reading passage to complete the statements.

      The text considers…

      It describes…

      Each paragraph tells us…

      6. Look through the passage and spot the answers to these questions.

      1) What

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