Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity. Valery Abdullovich Asadov

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Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity - Valery Abdullovich Asadov

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The fourth: the Seasonal Egregor

      Arises (clears up) on a certain season of time. Flight of birds, migrations of animals. The command on awakening is given, most likely, by the Planetary Egregor. This Egregor too quiet while it do not touch.

      1.9.5. A periodic Egregor

      It is an awful and terrible Egregor. The command on its start is given by the Sun. An example: the harmless grasshopper, after a command, changes colour and it has exterior changes. And then it begins the cruel and terrible activity. Not all periodic Egregors do major harm, of course, there are exceptions.

      1.9.6. Spontaneously – the Emotional Egregor

      It arises at stadiums, on meetings and as a result deliberate provocations, on religious and national motives. Reason very much poor quality and it works for such Egregor on low frequencies, rough and low emotions. Also can bear only fracture. It can be transient or have the long-term continuance if throw up fire wood and there is an inconvertible soil for continuation. Hostile Egregors operates through mass-media, the Internet and especially through social networks which are initiated by the hostile states, on disorder of the progressive and stable states. To tell the truth, all social networks do mankind enormous harm, to It it is too much examples! The most part “decent” a society in any country, almost always is in the service of (rich) Hostile Egregor. They write articles, books, textbooks, telecasts, banks of enemies always give them credits. Connect to it, social networks (through which will organise pressure and distribution of false opinion on the state and its leaders). And further there is an elimination (physical) any progressive leaders of this country. Cause nationalist mood in this country, and then its disorder and plunder. Look around where it is already made, and more many other states, and on turn stand even more. Nationalism uprise in any country conducts it to degradation and destruction. Patriotism and nationalism is terrain clearancely different things and concepts.

      This the small part of a material is taken from a site:

      Lion Nikolaevich (Tolstoy), you the intellectual? – My God me maintain!

      Nikolay Zinoveva’s poem.


      Always, always there was you the stinker

      In the child of the bohemian boredom.

      You betrayed the people first,

      On the ashes heating hands.

      There was you a debauchery megaphone

      And true subject it.

      Also the brother on the brother rose

      Not without участья yours.

      On abroad you were wound,

      All dirt therefrom bringing.

      Such you, however, also remained.

      And to change you it is impossible.

      “The present intelligency is a spiritual sect. That is characteristic: know nothing, are able nothing, but about all judge and at all приемлют heterodoxies»/L.N.Gumilyov/

      With religious sect it makes related very many. For example, the confidence of members of sect of the infallibility, representation of members of sect about itself as about the elite obviously standing in public hierarchy above those who does not enter on their concepts into their circle, close soldering of members of sect in upholding of the group interests, up to that they, intellectuals, with ease and with passion of hounds of dogs snatch all rack on any who will dare to attempt on appropriated by them to itself the right to impose to all the will, without shunning thus type cries “crucify him!”, and etc.

      “The only thing that unites all liberals is a hatred to Russia”. /f. M.Dostoevskij/

      Such is their essence. The intellectual, a pancake. “The person biting a hand which feeds him, usually licks a boot which it is kicked” (Eric Hoffer). However, this behaviour “dogs кусачей”, and, not “from life собачей”, and from confidence that the impudence and rudeness is the binding appendix to an intellectual rank, is typical for behaviour of all semiestate of intellectuals.

      Always the intelligency of termed “liberals – Westerners”. Also termed until in 1867 year it has not gained greetings from F.I.Tyutchev:

      “Lost labour – is not present, them will not teach,

      The more liberally, the they пошлее,

      Civilisation – for them фетиш,

      But its idea is inaccessible to them.

      As before it bend, misters,

      To you not to get признанья from Europe:

      In her eyes you will be always

      Not servants просвещенья, and lackeys”,

      1.9.7. The state Egregor

      It consists of national, religious, public, cultural, imperious, legislative and official egregors. When all builders of the state egregor normally interreact with each other only then this state and the state egregor strong and powerful. If what that the national Egregor starts to force out and oppress other parts of the state Egregor. National, religious, cultural (language) there is a sharp impairment of the state and the state Egregor, the country and the nation become feeble and poor. There are only three variants of development, the fourth is not present, and will be never!

      1. To become the state with which anybody will not be considered, and also will not perceive it as the state (will pretend only for the report, and that for humour). It becomes a raw part of other state (if are resources it is a natural, binding trajectory).

      3. It should be parted on some parts. And it is inevitable, it is the law which cannot be changed. Therefore that, which will start it to do national Egregror, it will harm itself (himself), the people (nation) and the state, but grief that it not its fault, and “a decent” society which in it is. Because representatives of a “decent” society who most of all make noise round the nation and its praise. Also are its worst enemies and traitors of the people. They always stand in a queue on distributions of tips, bribes and money from enemies of the country and the state. There is very interesting phenomenon. Examples more than enough, it is necessary to look round itself. When the person becomes the ardent nationalist it loses the mind most part. Also starts to behave inadequately. Its mind is deprived by a matrix that it has not caused too much harm.


      Where it have eliminated. And the State Egregor became strong.

      1. It is the republic of South Africa, there liquidated an apartheid. But unfortunately according to all available information, there has strongly had development nationalism

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