Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity. Valery Abdullovich Asadov
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At Light forces too the methods.
1. These are Sacred, Angela and prayer books.
2. Lords of Karmas.
3. A matrix, and operating “awards”.
4. And also awards which do not interfere yet with businesses of the mortal. “Sleeping”
The matrix always has possibility to correct an error, attempts of modification by whom or. By returning to some courses back (return on time, in the past), and correctly to play a batch again already without these errors. We will transfer to a matrix, we are created virtually and we live and we develop under the given programs. Each program yields calculations, and in these calculations the error (as in our calendar and we enter correction for rectifying of this error) and here in due course collects if to enter too exact correction then all will be in advance known, and it is not interesting. Therefore it was necessary to make controllabled chaos, to enter admissible quantity of an error of development, (as in chess). Though program errors happen often. The Lord looks at billions chessboards (the parallel and next Universes) and, seeing, as goes, the game batch, can introduce corrective amendments in a batch. Time we are in a matrix we live and we develop according to the given programs. In the next Universe laws of physics, chemistry and others can very strongly will cause a stir from ours, and there can be absolutely other principles their build-up. But always it is possible to calculate all events which are set by the program. That is it is possible to learn in advance the future it agree the operating program. It is a bottom for seers and prophets, but there is one small “BUT”. Programs should be, where that are erected, should yield evaluations and store data files. In this case this so-called information field of the Earth, and an information field is not, only at the Earth, but also at the Sun, a galaxy and a galaxy of galaxies. Error correction (that is controllabled chaos) for the Earth (Planet) one, and for Solar systems, should be already more exact, and for the Galaxy information field should be even more exact, for the block of Galaxies of galaxies is even more exact. Therefore seers who can read out, the information from Solar system are more exact. Than what read out the information from an information field of the Earth. The most exact forecasts, at those who is admitted to galactic (or zone a part of the Galaxy of galaxies) to a field.
That the program well would work – it should check the evaluations. And to make allowances, if where there will be a malfunction in a batch. And the batch of chess goes, figures (people) do courses according to the program. Suddenly one of key figures has broken or has not wanted, suddenly further to play. Figures are mortal and are not trusty, but the batch should be prolonged. Courses are already painted. What to do? Means, it is necessary to take the same figure similar (from a spare bench that does not break game) and to prolong a batch. So in a matrix also happens. Therefore prophets can predict events because all is painted in advance but that it was interesting, for this purpose and there is a controllabled chaos. An example if to Napoleon have given a rank of the captain of army of Russia it would serve in Russia, and there would be no war of 1812, but it has disagreed on the senior lieutenant (it it was offered by the Russian prince, at a gang of foreign officers in Russian army) and subsequently there was it Napoleon. But the most interesting what it also was that spare figure, and other general (it is the one who has met and has stopped Suvorov when it has gone down from the Alpes) should be a key figure, but he always refused to be a key figure (Stefan Zweig has told about it) and very few people knows about it. In the history about it there are not enough data. A bit other history with V.I.Lenin. John Dallas one of CIA founders, served in the American embassy in Switzerland and when it was agglomerated to go to play tennis the employee of embassy has informed that there is a citizen who asks the American citizenship. It has gone to look at the applicant and has seen small growth, the person with a small beard and a high temple which it to it at once very much was not pleasant also has told that to it would transmit – let will come tomorrow, but Lenin has not come, about what subsequently Dallas very much was sorry (after revolution).
When ясновидцы are mistaken on events of large world scales to it there is one of three parents:
1. The key figure is exchanged on spare, therefore there was a fluctuation of events within controllabled chaos.
2. Wrong считка information. Or at it the beginning strongly to be shown the self-conceit and arrogance.
3. It does not correspond on a rank on access to this information, or to it give (misinformation) of the servant of the owner of lie. Therefore the best ясновидцы give the forecasts which are coming true not above 70%, at them more exact effects on small private events (person).
And also that that and when cannot be from 100% activity and effect. It is impossible to make, that all was exact and productive on 100%. Who it promises all, primely small deceivers, swindlers or vainglorious in itself to impossibility.
It simply cannot be made to anybody. Even Jesus could not, anybody to cure in the villages. Do not trust? Take the New testament and esteem. But you, not Jesus. The Lord it has planned in advance all. God all can, and only IT. And laws are erected by IT as It it considers.
1. The person is material, but its thoughts are virtual. When the person thinks, its thoughts are at it in a head (if certainly they are in his head that sometimes happens very doubtfully, looking at effects of its cogitative activity). Its thoughts contact to the thin and information world, that is they are completely virtual. As well as at a matrix.
2. GOD both is material (Jesus) and is non-material (SPIRIT SACRED). When he thinks, its thoughts are virtual, and they are in him. Thinking it creates ideas, fashions, both virtual and holographic, that is it is a matrix, and we are in it.
If to create a holographic fashion of the person, that, without approaching to it it is close, we cannot spot. With whom actually we communicate, with the material person or with its holographic copy. But for us it will be as though material. That is we are virtual and are simultaneously material, as particles, which, simultaneously and particles and waves. A film the Matrix in what that – a standard shows truth. More truly it completely represents the facts if to accept that instead of the car God. Actually, when God starts to think in the given Universe its thoughts it is ideas embodied in the computer, the car, a matrix. Yes, by the way scientists conducted examinations and is that acknowledgement that we are in a matrix, that is дуально, here again, and there, and to deny that we not in a matrix – it is impossible. We actually live in the computer, a matrix (it is the started and working long-term computer program realised in a substance in a holographic view) and in the real world. But at first all arises as idea, and is then handled in the computer in the