Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity. Valery Abdullovich Asadov
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At Origena in its book “About the beginnings” (3 centuries of our era), speak better and more precisely about GOD, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, about the Trinity. But the Author has tried come up with the ideas related to some hypotheses, in something the author can to be and is wrong also it not true, but true probably somewhere nearby.
Ancient all real – God,
For he is not born.
Most perfectly – the world,
For it creation of god.
It is most,
For it объемлет all.
Most promptly,
For it runs all over all.
For it dominates all.
Most wisely,
For it opens all.
Fig. 5. The information, medial Mojr from Great Sisters.
You presume to come to yourself so far,
How much you can back return.
Mik Jagger
The information – very interesting piece, it not only possesses mass as recently have erected. Took the cartridge and have weighed it on very exact scales. Have then written down on it. Have weighed, have gained большою mass, have then erased it both have again weighed, and have gained smaller weight. But also very major energy, it is gained is a reasonable organism.
More precisely, the higher and mighty person.
The information possesses mass, intelligence and a series of properties, such as tolerance and liquidation control. She solves, who can give the certain information and for what and for whom it is impossible. If someone nevertheless has gained the information an illegal trajectory (conventionally speaking), it can liquidate that on a place or деструктировать (noises in reason and behaviour). The information can stand out different trajectories. So its Periodic system (but not without reason because it very long and persistently over it worked) so, the view and the device of the formula of a bensole have been in the sleep given other large chemist has been in the sleep given Mendeleyev. So, for example Blavatskaya, it is given the chance to read the book. This book to it have allowed to read on distance, and then when it was in India, to it have given this book already physical. But it has made a major error, she has translated it into English and has solved it to publish. Her repeatedly warned that it is impossible to do it, but she all the same wanted to make it. When this book have printed and have brought to it all circulation which she wanted to sell next day. That at night all circulation has disappeared, as well as the presented book. Its authority and reputation have destroyed, different bad numerous hearings about it therefore walk. The bottom of this book has laid down in its works. The book which is in other place (or some leaves, from it to the book – which, then disappear). Or, for example the librarian (yes there are librarians of the Information) who will give you the book in a reading room at some o’clock. And this book does not exist, and it is not present in one library of the world. But this knowledge it is necessary to deserve, and they are given very painfully. Or the conferring by radio or on television which hear and sees only the certain person or group of people. Though then at investigation of it the conferring how was.
The order on the beginning of approach of allies in Normandy in 1944 the Conventional phrase should be broadcasted. But it has been said at 1 o’clock earlier. When investigation at investigation has checked up all films this phrase was not in transmission record. And after all it, hundreds people heard. Or a meeting with the person which then cannot be found and which like does not exist and т д.
Property liquidation physical – an example: the Russian scientist in 1919 г in Petersburg (the dangerous weapon, radio-waves are transmuted in sound in a certain place), also erase reason or deprive of storage that he has created. Russian engineer Garin in the same years has created a beam which cut armored plates (them saw many people) – has disappeared in Ural Mountains completely, and it not a fantasy, and the real fact, and there are reliable certificates and witnesses. On the basis of this data writer A.Tolstoy has written the book “Hyperboloid of engineer Garina”. And recent events: major group of outstanding scientists of the different countries working on the same theme (weapon), all of them were lost under very strange circumstances, type of accidents, but sample was same. If it is not trusted in it can check up by means of a method “Mosaic” this method very well and effectively Gelena’s (Hitlerite) general (in the last century, the founder of reconnaissance service of Germany) applied.
The Information has one more very interesting property, it can not allow to publish, that considers not necessary (parametres of the solution at it the).
I will give two examples:
The first. The journalist should publish the list of victims by a steamship Novorossisk. But the journalist could not type one surname, have published without this surname, subsequently was found out that the sailor has survived.
The second. In this article the author wanted two times to place one material and both times (each time 3, 4 attempts were), the material disappeared completely. Human life term, directly depends on the information available for it (which he tried to gain an illegal trajectory, without having fulfilled it, or has not deserved it, or it does not correspond to its rank), its presence shortens his life, and necessary (deserved and earned) life extends. Therefore the phrase which often use “That the Information superfluous does not happen”, just all to accuracy on the contrary!
The information has the field structure. Hierarchy: the Holy Spirit – the Information – the Matrix – Noospheres (galaxies, stars, planets). The information supervises also over Time (Time Fluxion). The phrase “Time River” actually, completely corresponds to physical processes of the present river.
A.Reka (usual).
1. Medial velocity of fluxion.