Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity. Valery Abdullovich Asadov

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Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity - Valery Abdullovich Asadov

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Here now also think that we not in a matrix.

      There are examples in our life which confirm matrix existence in our life. So, for example one very known Soviet journalist who was lost in the plane when flied on front (Second World War), wrote letters as though to very familiar friends (it was its hobby) to the different countries to the invented addresses and the invented addressees. He has written the next letter to Australia, and has gained the answer: « Thanks for the letter we so were glad it to gain, our daughter plays with that bear cub whom you have presented in last arrival, friends and relatives, those about which you asked, in the letter are live and healthy, and transmit you greetings. We look forward, when you will arrive again to us, and we send you a photo which have made in last your arrival where all of us are removed”. There the photo has been enclosed. Where all those people have been figured. About which he wrote in the thought up the letter. There there was also that girl with that bear cub. Which it has ostensibly brought to it from Moscow. About which he asked, whether it was pleasant to it. And also in a photo he has been figured also. It was precisely it, but it never was in Australia, and all in his letter has been invented. Even under the theory of probability it is primely impossible. The MATRIX, on another it it is impossible to explain this activity. Probably, Matrixes has solved simply over it to play a trick or accompany it (so that at it the hair stood on end), it is visible humour at it not to bad, and to joke it loves. Here two more examples: Two brothers have arrived to Canary Islands (I do not remember precisely on what) and went for a drive there, on mopeds, them has brought down a taxi. The next year they again have arrived there. And again went for a drive on mopeds, now them has brought down to death. It was the same taxi, with the same passenger. Which was in it when them has brought down last time. That is, most likely, they should be lost in last arrival, but the program in a matrix has given malfunction and consequently it was necessary to iterate this file of the program anew, (but now without malfunctions, as well as was, it is written down in the program, the file has been copied correctly). But that is written down in a matrix, should be always executed, that or otherwise. It is impossible to cancel death term, but it is possible to prolong it at the expense of another’s life. Therefore some babies suddenly start to grow old suddenly. There was a case, one monk – the aged man (during imperial time), has asked the sister of one merchant to die instead of his brother. As her brother was necessary for church. Within three days she has died. One my friend has told, one history. In field and a city there was a locust. Some years successively. Last year strongly. And his wife has asked to clean this locust, and that all crop on summer residences will be lost. He has burst out laughing, and has told that it can clean a locust. But all the same there will be something another because time activity has come it cannot be cancelled. But it is possible to exchange, but that will be, nobody knows. Certainly, it will be, can be less on the superimposed damage. And it was gained, the locust has disappeared, but on summer residences (not all) there have transited not strong hailstones a narrow strip. When on the person damage to death “this event registers in a matrix is made”. If this activity contradicts a matrix she will cancel this activity. But it is applied seldom enough, only to key and important figures. And if someone has removed this damage from the person to death, that is the second binding device of this activity. Death imitation. It is necessary this person after a while, to spend it to a pipe (without coming there), and to return back. Then this event in a matrix will be fixed and to be destroyed. And this person will be normal to live further. If it not to make, that is probability, I underline only probability. That someone from relatives, the most feeble link will leave instead of it there. As event has been written down in a matrix. And time it is written down, it should be executed. Human envy, rage, and different negative thoughts and wishes, register in a matrix. Here whence there is a usual damage, a malefice. And they should be executed. Thoughts of the close people are very effective, mothers and wives are especial.


      The fate, destiny, mission, fate and free will and a select contradict each other. But actually it is not present, in his life the chance, not less than three times (global), and some more time of smaller is always given to each person. But on the person depends that he will choose and will use the chance or not. More often the person misses the chance from laziness, fear, fear, nonsense, meanness, idiocy. And especially from for practicalness. In it the person is great and matchless. We will unmake a batch of chess, a matrix. The person has a global chance but to use this chance, it needs to move to other city on other operation, and to it not hunting to throw a familiar spot, warm and quiet operation. All the chance has departed, and it could become the president of the largest corporation, he simply has not wanted to risk, and sometimes it is necessary to be a few adventurer. The hazard, of course, was, the hazard always is in everything, but very easy to live (as an amoeba) as everything, happens boringly. But the hazard should be always reasonable enough and justified, after all nonsense and in Africa nonsense. Depending on its lived antecedents, that is given to the person vital a trajectory which he has deserved. If it conducted all life not well and those people and an environment with the same qualities is given to it. And before it the vital road on which it can go is unclosed, and it can go in the middle of road, on a roadside, on a dirt or even to lay down in a pool and to grunt. That is only on the person depends, as it will transit this trajectory and only from it. If the person knows the mission in life and will follow it at it in life all will be gained. And to it will carry as though. And if it does not follow the mission there will be that at it is. But often it is interfered by the close people. It seems to them that they know as this person is better to live. It is necessary to live and arrive adequately and with honour (if someone has already forgotten that this such). The breadth of vital road at all is identical, and the length of road (life) often depends only on it, the person often shortens him. Drinks, smokes, eats that is not necessary, and then itself is surprised that is fast already могилка is visible! Than at the person its spiritual pole is stronger, its energy and force is stronger. That at it raises its responsibility, for the acts and thoughts so, breadth of its course of life to become already, at the expense of minefields. It is not becomes equal yet its foot and to a step. To the left or to the right, explosion! There is even such word which precisely it features this activity to “stumble”!


      According to the Matrix (a gang of computer programs) that life on our planet proceeded according to programs, it is necessary to compound all courses of life, all live and lifeless (though not live, too actually live) objects. Each course of life, it as highway, with signs of traffic, the prevention, interdictions, reminders. Therefore astrologists and other views of foretellers can calculate a trajectory of each object. But as there is a variation of activities of each object then, there is a certain error in predictions. The matrix can in spotted the moment (when game was at a deadlock or the undesirable variant of game has gone) to erase some courses (some years, tens years or centuries) and to prolong a new variant of game. But we will not note it, after all in this case us will erase and will copy anew, as files. The present history of mankind can be written three variants: By means of a time machine, by means of devices removing the information from objects, or by means of removal of the information from the Noosphere. But to change the future it is impossible, how, even by means of a time machine. The past too. Small updating and change of some inappreciable events is possible. But errors, and crimes it is impossible to change and correct sins in the past. My acquaintance has made experiment on the young guy. It has spent it in a trance on its antecedents, for 150 years to the past and in future to his death. But it has made a major error, he has learnt, how and when he will die. It in some years, will kill

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