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Thomas Bieger and Christian Laesser. Market Segmentation by Motivation: The Case of Switzerland // Journal of Travel Research 41 (2002). P. 68–76; Bae-Haeng Cho. Segmenting the Younger Korean Tourist Market: The Attractiveness of Australia as a Holiday Destination // Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 7 (1998). P. 1–19; Laurie E. Loker and Richard R. Perdue. A Benefit-Based Segmentation of a Nonresident Summer Travel Market // Journal of Travel Research 30 (1992). P. 30–35; Thomas E. Muller. Using Personal Values to Define Segments in an International Tourism Market // International Marketing Review 8 (1991). P. 57–70.
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Shigehiro Oishi, Minha Lee, and Thomas Talhelm. Personality and Geography: Introverts Prefer Mountains // Journal of Research in Personality 50 (2015). P. 55–68.
Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson. The Relation of Strength of Stimulus to Rapidity of Habit-Formation // Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology 18 (1908). P. 459–482.
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Philip L. Pearce and Uk-Il Lee. Developing the Travel Career Approach to Tourist Motivation // Journal of Travel Research 43 (2005). P. 226–237; Philip L. Pearce. Tourist Behaviour: Themes and Conceptual Schemes. Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications, 2005.
Julia Zimmermann and Franz J. Neyer. Do We Become a Different Person When Hitting the Road? Personality Development of Sojourners // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105 (2013). P. 515–530.
Lynn Minnaert. Social Tourism Participation: The Role of Tourism Inexperience and Uncertainty // Tourism Management 40 (2014). P. 282–289.
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Vanessa A. Quintal, Julie A. Lee, and Geoffrey N. Soutar. Risk, Uncertainty and the Theory of Planned Behaviour: A Tourism Example // Tourism Management 31 (2010). P. 797–805; Joyce Ehrlinger, Ainsley L. Mitchum, and Carol S. Dweck. Understanding Overconfidence: Theories of Intelligence, Preferential Attention, and Distorted Self-Assessment // Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 63 (2016). P. 94–100.
Joyce Ehrlinger, Ainsley L. Mitchum, and Carol S. Dweck. Understanding Overconfidence: Theories of Intelligence, Preferential Attention, and Distorted Self-Assessment // Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 63 (2016). P. 94–100.
John L. Crompton. Motivations for Pleasure Vacations // Annals of Tourism Research VI, no. 4 (1979). P. 408–424.
Чтобы представить количественные данные по этим качественным показателям, которые затем кодируются по содержанию, часто проводится факторный анализ, и в ответах людей начинают вырисовываться общие темы: Sebastian Filep and Luke Greenacre. Evaluating and Extending the Travel Career Patterns Model // Tourism 55 (2007). P. 23–37.
Anna Lacy, Rebecca McCallister, Allison Piotrowski, and Jaime L. Kurtz. Why Do We Travel? Extraversion and Openness Relate to Specific Travel Motives. Постер, представленный на ежегодной встрече Психологической ассоциации Вирджинии, Вирджиния-Бич, Вирджиния, апрель 2015.
Richard Easterlin. Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot? Some Empirical Evidence. In Nations and Households in Economic Growth: Essays in Honor of Moses Abramovitz. Paul A. David and Melvin W. Reder (eds.). N. Y.: Academic Press, I974.
Elizabeth W. Dunn, Daniel T. Gilbert, and Timothy D. Wilson. If Money Doesn’t Make You Happy, Then You Probably Aren’t Spending It Right // Journal of Consumer Psychology 21 (2011). P. 115–125.
Timothy D. Wilson, Jay Meyers, and Daniel T. Gilbert. Lessons from the Past: Do People Learn from Experience That Emotional Reactions Are Short Lived? // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27 (2001). P. 1648–1661.
Leaf Van Boven and Thomas Gilovich. To Do or to Have: That Is the Question // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 85 (2003). P. 93–1202.