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      В одной из первых книг по позитивной психологии Мартин Селигман характеризует «хорошую жизнь» как приятную, увлекательную и содержательную. Эти термины точно описывают и то, что я понимаю как «счастливое путешествие». См.: Martin E. P. Seligman. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment. N. Y.: Free Press, 2002.


      Barry Schwartz. The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less. N. Y.: Ecco, 2004; Iris B. Mauss, Maya Tamir, Craig L. Anderson, and N. S. Savino. Can Seeking Happiness Make People Unhappy? Paradoxical Effects of Valuing Happiness // Emotion 11 (2011). P. 807–815.


      Цит. по изд.: Душенко К. В. Всемирная история в изречениях и цитатах. М.: Эксмо, 2008. – Здесь и далее, если не указано иное, прим. ред.


      Charlie Lankston. The Wild Effect: Hundreds of Women Follow in Cheryl Strayed’s Footsteps and Take on 2,600-Mile Pacific Crest Trail Made Famous in Her Best-Selling Novel // The Daily Mail Online, December 16, 2014. URL: www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article‐2876281/The-Wild-Effect-Hundreds-women-follow-Cheryl-Strayed-s-footsteps‐2–600-mile-Pacific-Crest-Trail-famous-best-selling-novel.html


      Jason Wilson. Under the Crushing Weight of the Tuscan Sun // The New Yorker, March 11, 2016. URL: www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/under-the-crushing-weight-of-the-tuscan-sun


      Amit Kumar, Matthew A. Killingsworth, and Thomas Gilovich. Waiting for Merlot: Anticipatory Consumption of Experiential and Material Purchases // Psychological Science 25 (2014). P. 1924–1931; Jeroen Nawijn, Miquelle A. G. Marchand, Ruut Veenhoven, and Ad J. Vingerhoets. Vacationers Happier, But Most Not Happier After a Holiday // Applied Research in Quality of Life 5 (2010). P. 35–47.


      Dalia Etzion. Annual Vacation: Duration of Relief from Job Stressors and Burnout // Stress and Health 16 (2003). P. 213–226; Jessica de Bloom, Sabine A. E. Geurts, and Michiel A. J. Kompier. Effects of Short Vacations, Vacation Activities and Experiences on Employee Health and Well-Being // Stress Health 28 (2012). P. 305–318; Ondrej Mitas, Careen Yarnal, Reginald Adams, and Nilam Ram. Taking a “Peak” at Leisure Travelers’ Positive Emotions // Leisure Sciences 34 (2012). P. 115–135.


      William W. Maddux and Adam D. Galinsky. Cultural Borders and Mental Barriers: The Relationship Between Living Abroad and Creativity // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 96 (2009). P. 1047–1061; Julia Zimmermann and Franz J. Neyer. Do We Become a Different Person When Hitting the Road? Personality Development of Sojourners // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105 (2013). P. 515–530; Angela M. Durko and James F. Petrick. Family and Relationship Benefits of Travel Experience: A Literature Review // Journal of Travel Research 52 (2013). P. 720–730; Niels van de Ven, Leon van Rijswijk, and Michael M. Roy. The Return Trip Effect: Why the Return Trip Often Seems to Take Less Time // Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 18 (2011). P. 827–832; Leaf Van Boven and Thomas Gilovich. To Do or to Have? That is the Question // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 85 (2003). P. 1193–1202; Karl Pillemer. 30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest Americans. N. Y.: Hudson Street Press, 2011; Bronnie Ware. The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2012.


      Обсуждение проблемы недостаточного взаимодействия и обмена мнениями между психологами и исследователями в области туризма. Cм.: Svein Larsen. Aspects of a Psychology of the Tourist Experience // Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 7 (2007). P. 7–18.


      От англ. travel – путешествие (путешествовать).


      Цит. по изд.: Хьюмс Дж. Правила Черчилля. Идеи, наблюдения, афоризмы. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2013.


      Daniel T. Gilbert. Stumbling on Happiness. N. Y.: Vintage, 2006; Adam Waytz, Hal E. Hershfield and Diana I. Tamir. Mental Simulation and Meaning in Life // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 108 (2015). P. 336–355.


      James G. March. Bounded Rationality, Ambiguity, and the Engineering of Choice // Bell Journal of Economics 9 (1978). P. 597–608.


      Timothy D. Wilson and Daniel T. Gilbert. Affective Forecasting: Knowing What to Want // Current Directions in Psychological Science

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