Indian Head Massage: Discover the power of touch. Narendra Mehta

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Indian Head Massage: Discover the power of touch - Narendra Mehta

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culture throughout the world. English people are traditionally very reserved and puritanical when it comes to being touched. One of the wonderful things about massage is that it is a formalized touch; it gives you license to touch someone within established and defined boundaries.

       CHAPTER 2 Managing Stress

       What is stress? Does just getting up in the morning make you feel stressed? How do you feel right now? If I were to mention the word exam, or traffic jam, redundancy, deadline or tax demand, how would you feel then? Beginning to feel just a little stressed out? Then read on.

      The dictionary defines stress as a constraining or impelling force, effort or demand upon physical or mental energy. A stressor is a person or situation that makes you become stressed.

      We in the modern world are far more likely to suffer from the effects of stress than our ancestors were. Seventy percent of all illness is now directly attributed to stress. Modern society with its pressures, overcrowding, traffic congestion, noise, fears and general uncertainties regarding work, home and family life, tends to present situation upon situation in which the possibility of becoming stressed is ever present. Stress is an unavoidable part of modern life: everyone experiences stress and everyday stresses are not necessarily harmful.

      In fact, stress is not always negative but can often be just stimulating enough to make life enjoyable, or at least interesting. If you want to compete and excel in sports, for example, you need stress to bring about the motivation to perform. Some people handle stress very well while others are more negatively influenced by it. It is the effect of long-term stress that can be positively harmful to our bodies.

      It may seem strange that your body is capable of damaging itself at all, but this chapter will show you how the body responds to perceived threat, and how those responses can become harmful when they are not dealt with appropriately.


      So, if stress can be good for us, when do stress levels become harmful? The factors that seem to make any situation dangerously stressful are:

      • Lack of predictability

      • Lack of control

      • Lack of outlets for frustration

      When these elements are present, even innocuous situations can become stressful and produce a reaction that is completely out of proportion to the cause. It comes down to the fact that it’s not the situation but our reaction to it that creates the stress in our lives. Our fears and anxieties about past events repeating themselves add to the vicious circle, and the uncertainties of life crowd our mind with frightening possibilities.


      Age: 37

      Sex: Male

      Profession: Small business owner


      • Symptoms: Carlos came to my clinic suffering from upper back pain. He was anxious and depressed – chiefly because of the constant pain. When Carlos was thirteen, he had had a bad riding accident. Stress and the pressure of running a small business had exacerbated his back problem.

      • After the first treatment: He felt a little dizzy (this is normal) but very mellow. His upper back was still aching. I advised him that, for something to get better, there often has to be a period of transition when the pain almost seems worse. However, the following day Carlos noticed a considerable decrease in the pain.

      • After subsequent treatments: He felt spaced out, but in a nice way. His back problem was no longer a cause for concern because he no longer suffered from pain.

      • Further recommendations: To attend my clinic once a fortnight for a month, then once a month for a further three months.

      As human beings we have a tendency to focus on the past and the future and withdraw our attention from the present moment. Yet it is in the present moment that we have the greatest clarity to deal with any situation. Life is a journey and enjoying it can replace the holding back and the holding on which in turn create fear and ultimately stress. Struggle begins almost at birth and we must not forget that positive lessons can be learned through adversity. If you or I truly knew what stretched out before us there would be no growth.

      Growth is usually preceded by change. However, handling change can be difficult in the short term and the following life-changing events have been identified as the most likely to cause negative or harmful stress:

      • Bereavement

      • Moving house

      • Debt

      • Ill health

      • Difficult relationships

      • Stressful work

      • Family problems

      Even positive events, such as a marriage, pregnancy or a child starting school or university may cause you stress, and may ultimately lead to illness. In war, which is a state of extremely heightened and continual stress, front-line soldiers will eventually go into shell shock or battle fatigue if kept under fire for too long, and the same is true of our daily struggles. But remember that your personality and coping-mechanisms will largely determine how you deal with these daily stresses and strains. Now you have a very important ally in the battle against stress: Indian head massage!


      When someone is subjected to stress, input from the five senses travels through the nervous system and triggers the hypothalamus in the brain to send out signals. These signals reach the pituitary gland, which is the master gland of the endocrine system. A hormonal response sent from the pituitary gland triggers the adrenal glands to release adrenaline into the bloodstream to prepare the body for ‘fight or flight’.

      The normal functioning of the body is disrupted, as a body in a state of stress needs to conserve its energy to propel muscles. The adrenaline coursing through the bloodstream causes blood pressure to rise and muscles to tense. Breathing becomes shallow and rapid, sexual desire and hunger are suppressed and digestion stops. The brain becomes hyper-alert.

      As a temporary expedient, the stress response is vital, but if the situation is prolonged, with

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