As They Say In Zanzibar. David Crystal

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As They Say In Zanzibar - David  Crystal

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style="font-size:15px;">      17 Pull gently at a weak rope NETHERLANDS

      18 It’s a great life if you don’t weaken USA

      19 An axe with a loose head is the bane of a man up a tree NIGERIA

      20 A shadow is a feeble thing but no sun can drive it away SWEDEN

      1 A basket-maker who makes one basket makes a hundred BRAZIL

      2 More than one mother can make tasty soup NIGERIA

      3 Crab apples make good jelly too USA

      4 No more leaves can fall in autumn than were grown in spring GERMANY

      5 Make hay while the sun shines ENGLAND

      6 A hundred men may make an encampment, but it needs a woman to make a home CHINA

      7 One cannot make soup out of beauty ESTONIA

      8 Not every sort of wood is fit to make an arrow FRANCE

      9 Sweat makes good mortar GERMANY

      10 The wise make proverbs but fools repeat them ENGLAND

      11 Words do not make flour ITALY

      12 They wouldn’t make erasers if we didn’t make mistakes USA

      13 Neither break a law nor make one IRELAND

      14 A hat is not made for one shower ENGLAND

      15 It isn’t every kind of wood that can make a whistle LATVIA

      16 It is easy to make pipes sitting amongst bulrushes CZECH REPUBLIC

      17 There’s no making apples of plums GERMANY

      18 Cooks make their own sauce FRANCE

      19 Any wood will do to make a signpost GREECE

      20 You can’t make a cheap palace USA

      21 Every chimney makes its own smoke ITALY

      22 The devil makes pots, but not always lids ITALY: SARDINIA

      23 Those who change their trade make soup in a basket ENGLAND

      24 Every plate that is made breaks AFGHANISTAN

      25 A maker of idols is never an idol-worshipper CHINA

      26 Every work revenges itself on its master GERMANY

      27 A father is a banker provided by nature FRANCE

      28 Two pieces of meat confuse the mind of the fly NIGERIA

      29 Good things sell themselves; bad things have to be advertised ETHIOPIA

      30 The best things in life are free USA

      31 Abundance does not spread, famine does SOUTH AFRICA

      32 Abundance will make cotton pull a stone NIGERIA

      33 A fruit-tree that grows on a dunghill is sure to flourish NEW ZEALAND

      34 Cut your coat according to your cloth ENGLAND

      1 An ant may well destroy a whole dam CHINA

      2 Small termites collapse the roof ETHIOPIA

      3 To fill a ditch a mound must come down ARMENIA

      4 A candle lights others and consumes itself ENGLAND

      5 A fallen lighthouse is more dangerous than a reef CHINA

      6 Weeds never perish NETHERLANDS

      7 Feigned laughter ruins the teeth INDIA

      8 Those who hesitate are lost ENGLAND

      9 Do not tear down the east wall to repair the west CHINA

      10 You cannot damage a wrecked ship ITALY

      11 One broken rail will wreck a train USA

      12 Sharp acids corrode their own containers ALBANIA

      1 No matter how hard you throw a dead fish in the water, it still won’t swim REPUBLIC OF CONGO

      2 A hungry louse bites hard USA

      3 It’s not so bad to fall in the gutter, but it’s worse to lay there USA

      4 It takes two blows to make a battle ENGLAND

      5 There’s no crime in the blow that has not been struck IRELAND

      6 The first blow does not hurt like the second ZANZIBAR

      7 The peace-maker gets two-thirds of the blows MONTENEGRO

      8 Those who bring good news knock hard ENGLAND

      9 The bigger they come, the harder they fall USA

      10 When two elephants struggle, it is the grass that suffers ZANZIBAR

      11 Pull gently at a weak rope NETHERLANDS

      12 If you have strings, pull them USA

      1 To understand your parents’ love, bear your own children CHINA

      2 A crab does not beget a bird CÔTE D’IVOIRE

      3 We are all Adam’s children ENGLAND

      4 Proverbs are the children of experience ENGLAND

      5 Who teaches me for a day is my father for a lifetime CHINA

      6 Poets are fathers of lies LATIN

      7 A boulder is the father of the rocks NIGERIA

      8 Give your love to your wife and your secret to your mother IRELAND

      9 The morning is the mother of trades and the evening the mother of thoughts ITALY

      10 The bazaar knows neither father nor mother TURKEY

      11 Those whose mother is naked are not likely to clothe their aunt SUDAN

      12 A hundred aunts is not the same as one mother SIERRA LEONE

      13 More than one mother can make tasty soup NIGERIA

      14 If power can be bought, then sell your mother to get it; you can always buy her back later GHANA

      15 Necessity is the mother of invention ENGLAND

      16 If you laugh at your mother-in-law, you’ll get dirt in your eye KENYA

      17 Parents

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