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      brodio vb to embroider; to darn

      brodor (-ion) nm native; fellow countryman

      brodorol adj native, indigenous

      broga (-od) nm frog

      brol nf boast, brag

      broliant nm blurb

      brolio vb to boast, to brag, to vaunt

      broliwr (-wyr) nm boaster, braggart

      bron1 (-nau, -nydd) nf breast; hillside

      bron2 adv almost, nearly, practically; o’r bron completely, in succession

      bronfraith (-freithod) nf thrush

      brongoch (-iaid) nmf robin redbreast

      bronwen nf weasel

      bru nm womb

      brud (-iau) nm chronicle; divination

      brudio vb to prognosticate, to divine

      brudiwr (-wyr) nm wizard, soothsayer

      brwd adj hot, fervent ▶ nm boil, heat

      brwdfrydedd nm ardour, enthusiasm

      brwdfrydig adj ardent, enthusiastic

      brwmstan nm brimstone, sulphur

      brwmstanaidd adj sulphury

      brwnt (f bront) adj foul, nasty, dirty; harsh

      brwyd1 (-au) nm embroidering frame; skewer

      brwyd2 adj variegated; bloodstained; shattered

      brwydo vb to embroider; to tear, to consume

      brwydr (-au) nf battle, combat

      brwydro vb to battle, to combat

      brwydrwr (-wyr) nm fighter, combatant

      brwydwaith nm embroidery

      brwylio vb to broil

      brwyn nm grief, sadness

      brwynen (brwyn) nf rush

      brwynog adj rushy

      brwysg adj drunk; vigorous

      brycan, brecan (-au) nfm blanket, rug

      brych (f brech) adj mottled, brindled, freckled ▶ nm the afterbirth of a cow

      brychau npl (nm -euyn) spots, freckles

      brycheulyd adj spotted, brindled

      brycheuyn nm spot

      brychni nm spots, freckles

      brychu vb to spot, to freckle

      bryd nm mind, heart, will

      brydio vb to burn, to inflame, to boil, to throb

      brygawthan vb to jabber, to prate, to rant

      bryn (-iau) nm hill

      bryncyn (-nau) nm hillock

      bryniog adj hilly

      brynti, bryntni nm filthiness, filth

      brys nm haste, hurry

      brysio vb to hasten, to hurry

      brysiog adj hurried, hasty

      bryslythyr (-au) nm dispatch

      brysneges (-au) nf telegram

      brytheirio vb to belch; to utter oaths, threats etc

      Brython (-iaid) nm Briton, Welshman

      Brythoneg nf British language, Welsh

      brythwch nm storm, tumult; groan

      bryweddu vb to brew

      brywes nm brewis

      bual (buail) nm buffalo, drinking horn

      buan adj fast, quick, swift, fleet; soon

      buander, buandra nm swiftness, speed

      buandroed adj swift-footed

      buarth (-au) nm yard

      buchdraeth (-au) nf biography, memoir

      buchedd (-au) nf life, conduct

      bucheddol adj right-living, virtuous

      bucheddu vb to live, to flourish

      buches (-au) nf herd of cows

      buchfrechu vb to vaccinate

      budr adj dirty, filthy, foul, vile

      budreddi nm filthiness, filth

      budro vb to dirty, to soil, to foul


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