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      cynghreirio vb to league, to confederate

      cynghreiriwr (-wyr) nm confederate, ally

      cyngor (-nghorion) nm counsel, advice ▶ nm (-nghorau) council; Cyngor Bro Community Council; Cyngor Tref Town Council; Cyngor Sir County Council

      cyngres (-au, -i) nf congress

      cyngresydd (-wyr) nm congressman

      cyngwystl (-(i)on) nmf wager, pledge

      cyhoedd adj, nm public

      cyhoeddi vb to publish, to announce

      cyhoeddiad (-au) nm publication; announcement; (preaching) engagement

      cyhoeddus adj public

      cyhoeddusrwydd nm publicity

      cyhoeddwr (-wyr) nm publisher

      cyhuddiad (-au) nm accusation, charge

      cyhuddo vb to accuse, to charge

      cyhuddwr (-wyr) nm accuser

      cyhwfan vb to wave, to heave

      cyhyd adj as long, so long

      cyhydedd nm equator

      cyhydeddol adj equatorial, equinoctial

      cyhyr (-au) nm flesh, muscle

      cyhyrog adj muscular

      cylch (-au, oedd) nm round, circle, sphere, hoop

      cylchdaith (-deithiau) nf circuit

      cylchdro (-eon, -adau) nm orbit

      cylchdroi vb to rotate, to revolve

      cylched (-au) nm coverlet, blanket

      cylchedd (-au) nmf compass, circle, circuit

      cylchfan nf roundabout

      cylchgrawn (-gronau) nm magazine

      cylchlythyr (-au) nm circular

      cylchredeg vb to circulate

      cylchrediad nm circulation

      cylchres (-i) nf round, rota

      cylchwyl (-iau) nf anniversary, festival

      cylchynol adj surrounding

      cylchynu vb to surround, to encompass

      cylion npl (nm -yn, nf -en) flies, gnats

      cylymu vb to knot, to tie

      cyll npl (nf collen) hazel-trees

      cylla (-on) nm stomach

      cyllell (-yll) nf knife

      cyllid (-au) nm revenue, income

      cyllideb (-au) nf budget

      cyllido vb to finance

      cyllidol adj financial, fiscal

      cyllidwr (-wyr), cyllidydd (-ion) nm tax-gatherer, revenue or excise officer, financier

      cymaint adj as big, as much, as many; so big etc

      cymal (-au) nm joint; clause

      cymalwst nf rheumatism

      cymanfa (-oedd) nf assembly; festival

      cymantoledd (-au) nm equilibrium

      cymanwlad nf commonwealth

      cymar (-heiriaid) nm fellow, partner

      cymathiad nm assimilation

      cymathu vb to assimilate

      cymdeithas (-au) nf society, association; Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg The Welsh Language Society

      cymdeithaseg nf sociology

      cymdeithasegol adj sociological

      cymdeithasgar adj sociable

      cymdeithasol adj social

      cymdeithasu vb to associate; to socialize

      cymdogaeth (-au) nf neighbourhood

      cymdogol adj neighbourly

      cymedr (-au) nm mean (in maths), average

      cymedrol adj moderate, temperate

      cymedroldeb nm moderation, temperance

      cymedroli vb to moderate

      cymedrolwr (-wyr) nm moderator; moderate drinker

      cymell vb to urge, to press, to persuade, to induce; to motivate ▶ nm (cymhellion) motivation

      cymen adj wise, skilful,

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