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cynildeb nm frugality, economy
cynilion npl savings
cynilo vb to save, to economise
cynio vb to chisel, to gouge
cyniwair vb to go to and fro, to frequent
cyniweirfa (-feydd) nf resort, haunt
cyniweirydd nm wayfarer
cynllun (-iau) nm pattern; plan
cynllunio vb to plan, to design
cynllunydd (-ion, -wyr) nm designer
cynllwyn vb to plot, to conspire ▶ nm (-ion) plot
cynllwynio vb to conspire, to plot
cynllwynwr (-wyr) nm conspirator
cynnal vb to hold, to uphold, to support, to sustain
cynnar adj early
cynnau vb to kindle, to light
cynneddf (cyneddfau) nf quality, faculty
cynnen (cynhennau) nf contention, strife; asgwrn y gynnen bone of contention
cynnes adj warm
cynnig vb to offer; to attempt; to propose, to move; to bid; to apply ▶ nm (cynigion) offer; attempt; motion
cynnil adj economical; delicate
cynnor (cynhorau) nf door-post
cynnud nm firewood, fuel
cynnull vb to collect, to gather, to assemble
cynnwrf nm stir, commotion, agitation
cynnwys vb to contain, to include, to comprise, to comprehend ▶ nm content(s)
cynnydd nm increase, growth, progress
cynnyrch (cynhyrchion) nm produce, product; (pl) productions
cynoesol adj primeval
cynorthwyo vb to help, to assist
cynorthwyol adj auxiliary; assistant
cynorthwywr (-wyr) nm helper, assistant
cynorthwyydd (-ion) nm: cynorthwyydd dosbarth classroom assistant
cynradd adj primary
cynrychioladol adj representative
cynrychiolaeth nf representation
cynrychioli vb to represent
cynrychiolwr (-wyr), cynrychiolydd (-ion) nm representative, delegate
cynrhon npl (nm -yn) maggots
cynrhoni vb to breed maggots
cynrhonllyd adj maggoty
cynt adj earlier, sooner, quicker ▶ adv see gynt
cyntaf adj, adv first
cyntedd (-au) nm court; porch, foyer
cyntefig adj prime, primitive
cyntun nm nap
cynulleidfa (-oedd) nf congregation
cynulleidfaol adj congregational
cynulliad (-au) nm gathering
cynuta vb to gather fuel
cynyddol adj increasing, growing
cynyddu vb to increase
cynysgaeddu vb to endow, to endue
cyplad nm copula
cypladu vb to copulate
cyplu, cyplysu vb to couple
cyplysnod nm hyphen
cyraeddadwy adj attainable
cyraeddiadau npl attainments
cyrbibion npl atoms, smithereens
cyrcydu vb to squat, to cower
cyrch (-au) nm attack
cyrchfa (-feydd) nf resort
cyrchfan nf destination
cyrchu vb to go, to resort, to repair
cyrchwr (-wyr) nm cursor
cyrens npl (nf cyrensen) currants
cyrhaeddgar adj telling, incisive
cyrhaeddiad (cyraeddiadau) nm reach, attainment
cyrliog adj curly
cyrraedd vb to reach, to attain; to arrive; to get back