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damsang vb to tread, to trample
damwain (-weiniau) nf accident, chance, fate
damweinio vb to befall, to happen
damweiniol adj accidental, casual
dan see tan
danadl npl (nf danhadlen) nettles
danas coll n deer; bwch danas buck
danfon vb to send, to convey; to escort
dangos vb to show
dangoseg (-ion) nf index; indication
dangosol adj indicative, demonstrative
danheddog adj jagged, serrated, toothed
dannod vb to reproach, to upbraid, to taunt, to twit
dannoedd nf toothache
dansoddol adj abstract
dant (dannedd) nm tooth
danteithfwyd (-teithion) nm dainty
danteithiol adj dainty, delicious
danteithion npl delicacies
darbodaeth nf thrift
darbodus adj provident, thrifty
darbwyllo vb to persuade, to convince
darfod vb to finish, to end; to perish; to happen
darfodadwy adj transitory, perishable
darfodedig adj perishable, transient
darfodedigaeth nm consumption
darfudiad (-au) nm convection
darfudol adj convectional
darganfod vb to discover, to find out
darganfyddiad (-au) nm discovery
darganfyddwr (-wyr) nm discoverer
dargludedd nm conductivity
dargludo vb to conduct
dargludydd (-ion) nm conductor
dargyfeiredd nm divergence
dargyfeirio vb to diverge, to divert
darlith (-iau, -oedd) nf lecture
darlithfa (-feydd) nf lecture room, lecture theatre
darlithio vb to lecture
darlithiwr (-wyr), darlithydd (-ion) nm lecturer
darlun (-iau) nm picture
darluniad (-au) nm portrayal, description
darluniadol adj pictorial, illustrated
darluniaeth nf imagery
darlunio vb to portray, to depict, to describe
darluniol adj pictorial
darllediad (-au) nm broadcast
darlledu vb to broadcast
darlledwr (-wyr) nm broadcaster
darllen vb to read
darllenadwy adj readable, legible
darllenfa (-feydd) nf reading room; reading-desk; lectern
darllengar adj fond of reading, studious
darlleniad (-au) nm reading
darllenwr (-wyr), darllenydd (-ion) nm reader
darn (-au) nm piece, fragment, part
darnguddio vb to conceal or withhold a part
darniad (-au) nm fragmentation
darnio vb to cut up, to hack
darn-ladd vb to beat mercilessly
darogan vb to predict, to foretell, to forebode ▶ nf (-au) prediction, foreboding
daroganu vb to predict, to foretell
daroganwr (-wyr) nm predictor, prophet, soothsayer, forecaster
darostwng vb to lower; to subdue; to subject, to humiliate
darostyngiad nm humiliation; subjection
darpar (-ion, -iadau) nm preparation, provision ▶ adj intended, elect
darpariaeth (-au) nf preparation, provision
darparu vb to prepare, to provide
darparwr (-wyr) nm provider
darwden nf ringworm
das (-au, deisi) nf rick, stack
dat- prefix see dad-