Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries
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data nm data
datblygiad (-au) nm development, evolution
datblygol adj nascent, developing
datblygu vb to develop, to evolve
datblygus adj developmental
datblygydd (-ion) nm developer
datchwyddiant nm deflation
datgan vb to declare; to recount; to render
datganiad (-au) nm declaration; rendering
datganoli vb to devolve, to decentralize ▶ nm devolution
datganoliad nm devolution
datganu vb to declare; to sing, to render
datgeliad (-au) nm detection; revelation
datgelu vb to detect; to reveal
datgloi vb to unlock
datglymu vb to unhitch, to undo
datgorffori vb to dissolve (parliament)
datgorfforiad nm dissolution
datguddiad (-au) nm revelation, disclosure
datguddio vb to reveal, to disclose
datgyffesiad nm recantation
datgyffesu vb to recant
datgymalu vb to dislocate, to dismember
datgysylltiad nm disestablishment
datgysylltu vb to disconnect; to disestablish
datod vb to undo, to untie, to dissolve
datrannu vb to dissect
datro vb to change; to undo
datrys vb to solve
datrysiad (-au) nm solution, resolution
datseinio vb to resound, to reverberate
datsgwar (-au) nm square root
datysen (datys) nf date
dathliad (-au) nm celebration
dathlu vb to celebrate
dau (f dwy) adj, nm two
dau-, deu- prefix two, bi-
dauddyblyg adj twofold, double
daufiniog adj double-edged
dauwynebog adj two-faced
dawn (doniau) nmf gift, talent
dawns (-iau) nf dance
dawnsio vb to dance
dawnsiwr (-wyr) nm dancer
dawnus adj gifted, talented
de adj, nf right ▶ nm south
De Affrica nf South Africa
deall vb to understand ▶ nm understanding, intellect, intelligence
dealladwy adj intelligible
deallgar adj intelligent
deallol adj intellectual
dealltwriaeth (-au) nf understanding, intelligence
deallus adj understanding, intelligent
deallusion npl intelligentsia
deallusrwydd nm intelligence
deau adj, nf right ▶ nm south
debentur (-on) nm debenture
debyd (-au) nm debit
debydu vb to debit
dec (-iau, -s) nm deck
decilitr (-au) nm decilitre
decimetr (-au) nm decimetre
decstros nm dextrose
dectant nm ten-stringed instrument, psaltery
dechrau vb to begin ▶ nm beginning
dechreuad (-au) nm beginning
dechreunos nf nightfall, dusk
dechreuol adj initial
dechreuwr (-wyr) nm beginner
dedfryd (-au) nf verdict; sentence
dedfrydu vb to sentence
dedlein (-s) nf deadline
dedwydd adj happy, blessed
dedwyddwch, dedwyddyd nm happiness, bliss
deddf (-au) nf law, statute, act