Rachel’s Food for Living. Rachel Allen

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Rachel’s Food for Living - Rachel  Allen

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Perfect Mash

       Sometimes there is nothing better than plain old mash, even just on its own! Of course, it’s delicious with so many foods, best of all with stews or roasts. You can leave it plain, or add buttered cabbage to make traditional Irish Colcannon, or add peas boiled in milk to make Irish Champ. Mash is incredibly versatile and marries well with so many flavours, so experiment with your additions, such as grated cheese, chopped herbs, spices (such as turmeric), crushed garlic, mustard, even horseradish! Mash also makes a great topping for pies and casseroles (see the recipe for Smoked Fish Pie on page 213).

       SERVES 4


      1kg (2lb 4oz) floury potatoes (new potatoes are too waxy for mashing)

      50g (2oz) butter

      200ml (7fl oz) boiling milk, or 150ml (¼ pint) boiling milk and 60ml (2fl oz) single cream

      Salt and freshly ground black pepper

      1 Clean the potatoes, but do not peel them. Place in a saucepan of cold water with a good pinch of salt.

      2 Bring the water up to the boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then pour out all but about 4cm (1½in) of the water and continue to cook the potatoes on a very low heat. Do not be tempted to stick a knife into them – the skins will break and they will just break up and get soggy if you do. About 20 minutes later, when you think the potatoes might be cooked, test them with a skewer; if they are soft, take them off the heat. I find that cooking potatoes in their skins is the best way to make fluffy potatoes, ideal for mashing.

      3 Peel the potatoes while they are still hot, holding them in a tea towel to prevent scalding your hands. Mash them immediately. Add the butter, but don’t add any milk until they are free of lumps. When the potatoes are mashed, add the boiling milk (or milk and cream) – you may not need it all, or you may need more, depending on the texture of the potatoes. Add some salt and pepper to taste.

      Rachel’s handy tip

      If you want to make the mash in advance, add a little extra milk, as the potatoes dry out as they sit. The mash keeps well in a warm oven as long as it is covered with a lid, plate or tin foil.

       Pork and Mushroom Pie with Gentle Spices

       Savoury pies always rank very high on people’s lists of soothing foods. This is a great dish to make in advance, giving the aromatic spices even more time to infuse into the meat.

       SERVES 4


      100g (4oz) butter

      100g (4oz) plain flour


      25g (1oz) butter

      2 onions, peeled and chopped

      Salt and freshly ground pepper

      1 tsp ground cumin

      1 tsp ground coriander

      680g (1½lb) pork, cut into 1–2cm (½–¾in) cubes (shoulder or leg, fat removed)

      250ml (9fl oz) chicken stock

      1 tbsp olive oil

      300g (11oz) button mushrooms, wiped and sliced or left whole or quartered if they are small

      250ml (9fl oz) single cream

      1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley


      300g (11oz) puff or flaky pastry, rolled to 5mm (¼in) thick

      1 egg, beaten


      1.25kg (2lb 12oz) mashed potato (see page 27)

      1 To make the roux, heat a medium-sized saucepan over a medium heat and melt the butter, then add the flour, continuing to stir. Allow it to cook for 2 minutes. Pour into a small bowl and use straight away, or allow to cool and put in the fridge. Preheat the oven to 160°C (325°F), Gas mark 3.

      2 Melt the butter in a medium-sized casserole and add the onions and seasoning. Cover and sweat on a low heat for 5 minutes. Turn up the heat, add the ground spices and pork. Toss for a few minutes until the pork changes colour, then add the stock. Cover and cook in the oven for 45–60 minutes or until the pork is tender.

      3 While the pork is cooking, heat the olive oil in a pan on a high heat and toss in the mushrooms. Cook for a few minutes until they are pale golden and then add to the pork after 30 minutes.

      4 When the pork is cooked, remove the pork and mushrooms from their cooking liquid and set aside in a dish in a warm place. Add the cream to the juices in the pot and boil with the lid off for a few minutes until the flavour strengthens. To thicken the sauce, slowly whisk in about 2 tablespoons of roux while the mixture is boiling. Add the chopped parsley and return the pork and mushrooms. Season to taste and place in individual dishes or a large pie dish.

      5 For a pastry topping, preheat the oven to 230°C (450°F), Gas mark 8. For a mashed potato topping, preheat it to 180°C (350°F), Gas mark 4.

      6 For a pastry top, cut the pastry to the same size as the top of the pie dish and arrange over the filling. Make a hole in the centre for steam to escape. Brush with the beaten egg to glaze. Cook in the oven for 10 minutes, then turn down the temperature to 190°C (375°F), Gas mark 5 and cook for about 20 minutes, until the pastry is golden brown.

      7 For a mashed potato top, arrange the mashed potato on top of the filling and lightly score the surface. Cook in the oven for 30–40 minutes or until golden brown on top and bubbling hot.

       Greek Lamb, Onion and Butter Bean Stew

       This is a rich and wonderful recipe from my mother-in-law, Darina, that I absolutely adore. We often make it at the cookery school. Like many other stews, it becomes even more

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