I’ll Take New York. Miranda Dickinson

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I’ll Take New York - Miranda  Dickinson

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by all day, Jake was taken aback by this. He skimmed over the details on her résumé, but there was something about the confident woman’s attitude that made him like her immensely from the outset.

      ‘You’ll see from my employment history that I had a break of two years to raise my son,’ Desiree continued. ‘During that time I raised him alone, working nights preparing accounts and paperwork for friends. For the last year I have worked at a law firm on the Lower East Side.’

      ‘And your reason for leaving?’ Jake asked, trying to regain the initiative in this conversation.

      Desiree nodded at her résumé. ‘It’s all there. They’re downsizing. Which, translated, means they’re letting me go.’

      ‘Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.’

      ‘Don’t be. I walked out and I won’t be looking back.’

      I really like you, Jake thought, his spirits beginning to lift. ‘I see. What attracted you to this position?’ Please don’t say ‘because it’s a job’ …

      ‘The mind is fascinating. What makes people act the way they do; why they make the choices they make. I know a little about psychology. Mostly serial killers.’ She smiled when she saw Jake’s surprise. ‘I like real-life police cases. My kid thinks I’m crazy. But I want to know what turns a regular person into a killer.’

      Jake coughed to disguise his laugh. ‘Well, I have to tell you we do very little work with psychopaths here. Most of my clients will be dealing with wrong attitudes and learned behaviours, perhaps stemming from trauma in early childhood. The FBI rarely asks for my assistance.’

      Desiree shrugged. ‘It’s all from the same place, isn’t it? The mind.’

      If you don’t want this job I will beg you to take it

      ‘I guess it is. Did the agency brief you on the required duties of the job?’

      ‘They mentioned you were a young, single doctor,’ she answered, grinning at Jake’s groan. ‘Beyond that, I kinda figured out what you’d need.’

      Jake could believe that. Desiree Jackson was a breath of fresh air, her chutzpah and no-nonsense attitude exactly what Jake was looking for. It was as if Pam had sent her especially for this new role and Jake would be crazy if he didn’t appoint her immediately.

      ‘Then I only have one more question: when can you start?’

      Desiree smiled broadly. ‘Right now, if you want.’


       Hudson River Books, 8th Avenue, Brooklyn

      The day of Celia’s book launch arrived, sending Bea and Russ into a frenzy of activity. While Bea had laid much of the groundwork for the evening already, there was a list of things yet to be sorted that had grown rather than shrunk all week. Finally, with less than an hour until the event, Bea emerged from her makeshift dressing room in the bookstore office, smoothing down the skirt of her new aubergine velvet dress.

      ‘Will I do?’ she asked Russ.

      Russ did a Muppet-style double take and dropped the pile of books he was carrying. ‘Wow.’

      Suddenly self-conscious, Bea put her hand to her hair where a vintage slide was uncomfortably placed. ‘Stop it.’

      Russ chuckled as he bent down to collect the books. ‘You look good. Stop worrying.’

      ‘I’m not worrying, I just wanted look the part.’

      ‘Well, you do.’

      ‘Are you getting changed?’

      Russ looked down at his faded red and white striped T-shirt, skinny jeans and red Converse trainers. ‘I am changed.’

      ‘Russ!’ Frustration rising, Bea glared at him. ‘This is one of the most important events we’ve ever hosted. We need to make a good impression …’

      Knowing argument was futile, Russ dropped the pile of books on the counter and headed towards the office. ‘OK, I get it! If you can’t handle my über-cool look, I’ll change it. But it’s your issue, remember, not mine.’

      Bea ignored his parting shot and set about arranging Celia’s books on the table she had decorated for the book signing. She and Russ had been dancing on the edge of an argument all day, neither one finding the pressure particularly easy to handle. At times like these, they both knew it was best to discount anything the other said and certainly never take any of it to heart. From final exams at Columbia University to establishing Hudson River Books, this approach had paid dividends over the years. Today was no different, Bea reminded herself, tempted as she was to hit back at her best friend.

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