Collins Welsh Dictionary Gem Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries
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adwyth (-au) nm evil, misfortune, illness
adwythig adj cruel; evil, baneful; sore, sick; harmful
adyn (-od) nm wretch
adysgrif (-au) nf copy, transcript
adysgrifio vb to copy, to transcribe
addas adj suitable, proper
addasiad (-au) nm adjustment, adaptation
addasrwydd nm suitableness, fitness
addasu vb to suit, to adapt, to fit
addawol adj promising
addef vb to acknowledge, to own, to admit
addefiad nm admission, confession
addewid (-ion) nf promise
addfain adj slender, shapely
addfed adj see aeddfed
addfwyn adj gentle, meek, mild
addfwynder nm gentleness, meekness
addien adj fair, beautiful
addo vb to promise
addod nm: wy addod nest-egg
addoed nm death, hurt
addoedi vb to delay, to postpone
addoediad nm prorogation
addoer adj sad, cruel; chilling
addoldy (-dai) nm place of worship
addolgar adj devout, reverent
addolgarwch nm devoutness, reverence
addoli vb to worship, to adore
addoliad nm worship
addolwr (-wyr) nm worshipper
adduned (-au) nf vow
addunedu vb to vow
addurn (-au, -iadau) nm ornament, adornment
addurnedig adj decorated
addurniad nm ornamentation
addurno vb to decorate, to adorn, to ornament
addurnol adj ornamental, decorative
addurnwr (-wyr) nm decorator
addysg nf education, instruction; addysg gorfforol PE; addysg uwch higher education
addysgiadol adj instructive, educational
addysgiaeth nf instruction, training
addysgol adj educational
addysgu vb to educate, to instruct
addysgwr (-wyr), addysgydd (-ion) nm educator, instructor, tutor
aeddfed adj ripe, mature
aeddfedrwydd nm ripeness, maturity
aeddfedu vb to ripen; to mature
ael (-iau) nf brow
aele adj sad, wretched
aelod (-au) nm member, limb; Aelod Seneddol Member of Parliament
aelodaeth nf membership
aelodi vb to become a member; to enrol
aelwyd (-ydd) nf hearth, fireside
aer1 (-ion) nm heir
aer2 nm air
aerdymheru nm air conditioning
aeres (-au) nf heiress
aerfa nf slaughter, battle
aerglo nm air-lock
aerobeg nm aerobics
aeron npl fruit, fruits, berries
aerwy (-au, -on) nm collar, torque; neck-chain
aes nf shield
aestheteg nf aesthetics
aesthetig adj aesthetic
aeth nm pain, grief, fear, shock
aethnen nf aspen, poplar
aethus adj poignant, grievous, severe
afal (-au) nm apple
afallen (-nau) nf apple-tree
afan npl (nf -en) raspberries
afanc (-od) nm beaver
afiach adj unwell, unhealthy, morbid
afiachus adj sickly; unwholesome
afiaith nm zest, mirth,