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anghyffyrddus adj uncomfortable
anghymedrol adj immoderate
anghymen adj rash, coarse, untidy
anghymeradwy adj unacceptable
anghymeradwyo vb to disapprove
anghymesur adj inordinate
anghymharol adj incomparable
anghymharus adj ill-matched
anghymhendod nm foolishness, indelicacy, untidiness
anghymhwyso vb to unfit, to disqualify
anghymhwyster nm incapacity, disqualification
anghymodlon adj implacable
anghymwys adj unfit, unsuitable
anghynefin adj unfamiliar
anghynefindra nm unfamiliarity
anghynhyrchiol adj unproductive
anghynnes adj odious, loathsome
anghysbell adj out-of-the-way; remote
anghyson adj inconsistent
anghysondeb (-au), anghysonder (-au) nm inconsistency
anghysur (-on) nm discomfort
anghysuro vb to discomfort
anghysurus adj uncomfortable
anghytbwys adj unbalanced, lopsided
anghytgord (-iau) nm discord, dissension
anghytûn adj not agreeing, discordant
anghytundeb nm disagreement
anghytuno vb to disagree
anghywair adj ill-equipped; discordant ▶ nm disrepair
anghyweithas adj uncivil
anghywir adj incorrect, inaccurate, false
anghywirdeb (-au) nm inaccuracy, falseness
anghywrain adj unskilful; slovenly
angladd (-au) nmf burial, funeral
angladdol adj funereal
angof nm forgetfulness, oblivion
angor (-au, -ion) nm anchor
angorfa (-oedd, -feydd) nf anchorage
angori vb to anchor
angylaidd adj angelic
angyles (-au) nf female angel
ai1 adv is it? what?; ai e? is it so?
ai2 conj or; either; if
aidd nm zeal, ardour, zest
Aifft nf: yr Aifft Egypt
aig1, eigiau nf host, shoal
aig2 nf sea, ocean
ail adj second ▶ adv a second time, again
ailadrodd vb to repeat
ailadroddiad (-au) nm repetition
ailarholiad (-au) nm resit
ailbriodi vb to remarry
aildrydanu vb to recharge
ailenedigaeth nf rebirth
aileni vb to regenerate
Ailfedyddiwr (-wyr) nm Anabaptist
ailgylchu vb to recycle ▶ n recycling
ailgynnig (ailgynigion) nm resit
ail-law adj second-hand
ail-lenwi vb to top up, to refill
ailsefyll vb to resit
aillt nm vassal, villain, slave
ais npl (nf eisen) laths; ribs
alaeth nm wailing, lamentation, grief
alaethu vb to lament
alaethus adj mournful, lamentable
alarch (-od, elyrch) nm swan
alaru vb to surfeit; to loathe
alaw (-on) nf lily; air, melody, tune
Alban nf: yr Alban Scotland
Albanwr (-wyr) nm Scot
alcali (-ïau) nm alkali
alcam nm tin
alcohol nm alcohol
alch (-au, eilch) nf