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to vary, to differ

      amrywiol adj sundry

      amser (-oedd, -au) nmf time; amser sbâr spare time

      amseriad (-au) nm timing, dating, date

      amserlen (-ni) nf time-table

      amserol adj timely; temporal

      amseru vb to time, to date

      amserydd (-ion) nm chronologist

      amseryddiaeth nf chronology

      amseryddol adj chronological

      amwisg (-oedd) nf covering, shroud

      amwisgo vb to enwrap, to shroud

      amwys adj ambiguous

      amwysedd nm ambiguity

      amyn conj, prep unless, except, but

      amynedd nm patience

      amyneddgar adj patient

      an- prefix un-, in-, de-, dis-

      anabl adj disabled

      anabledd nm disability

      anad adj: yn anad above all, more than

      anadferadwy adj irreparable

      anadl (-au, -on) nfm breath

      anadliad nm breath, breathing

      anadlu vb to breathe

      anadlydd (-ion) nm inhaler

      anadnabyddus adj unknown

      anaddas adj unfit, unsuitable

      anaddasu vb to unfit, to disqualify

      anaeddfed, anaddfed adj unripe, immature

      anaeddfedrwydd nm unripeness, immaturity

      anaele adj awful, direful; incurable

      anaesthetig adj anaesthetic

      anaf (-au) nm blemish, defect; wound

      anafu vb to blemish, to maim, to hurt

      anafus adj maimed, disabled

      anair (-eiriau) nm ill report, slander

      anallu nm inability

      analluog adj unable

      analluogi vb to disable

      anaml adj infrequent, rare ▶ adv rarely, seldom

      anamlwg adj obscure, inconspicuous

      anamserol adj untimely, mistimed

      anap (anhapon) nmf mischance, mishap

      anarchiaeth nfm anarchy

      anarchydd (-ion) nm anarchist

      anarferol adj unusual, extraordinary

      anarfog adj unarmed

      ancr nmf anchorite, anchoress

      ancwyn (-ion) nm dinner, supper; delicacy

      anchwiliadwy adj unsearchable

      andras nm curse; devil, deuce

      andwyo vb to spoil, to ruin, to undo

      andwyol adj harmful, ruinous

      anedifeiriol adj impenitent

      aneffeithiol adj ineffectual

      aneglur adj indistinct; illegible

      aneirif adj innumerable

      anelu vb to bend, to aim

      anenwog adj unrenowned, ignoble, mean

      anerchiad (-au) nm salutation, address

      anesboniadwy adj inexplicable

      anesgusodol adj inexcusable

      anesmwyth adj uneasy, restless

      anesmwythder, anesmwythdra nm uneasiness, unrest

      anesmwytho vb to be or make uneasy

      anesmwythyd nm uneasiness, disquiet

      anewyllysgar adj unwilling

      anfad adj wicked, nefarious

      anfadrwydd nm wickedness, villainy

      anfadwaith nm villainy; crime

      anfadwr (-wyr) nm villain, scoundrel

      anfaddeugar adj unforgiving

      anfaddeuol adj unpardonable

      anfantais (-eision) nf disadvantage

      anfanteisiol adj disadvantageous

      anfarwol adj undying, immortal


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