Collins Welsh Dictionary Gem Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries
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amgylchiadol adj circumstantial
amgylchu vb to surround
amgylchynol adj surrounding
amgylchynu vb to surround
amharchu vb to dishonour, to disrespect
amharchus adj disrespectful, disreputable
amhariad nm impairment, damage
amharod adj unprepared, unready
amharodrwydd nm unreadiness
amharu vb to impair, to harm, to injure, to damage
amhendant adj indefinite, vague
amhenderfynol adj irresolute
amhenodol adj indefinite
amherchi vb to dishonour, to insult
amherffaith adj imperfect
amherffeithrwydd nm imperfection
amhersonol adj impersonal
amherthnasol, amherthynasol adj irrelevant
amheuaeth nf doubt, scepticism
amheugar adj suspicious; sceptical
amheuol adj doubting, doubtful
amheus adj doubting, doubtful, dubious
amheuthun adj dainty, savoury ▶ nm (-ion) dainty, delicacy, treat
amheuwr (-wyr) nm doubter, sceptic
amhlantadwy adj childless, barren
amhleidiol, amhleitgar adj impartial
amhoblog adj sparsely populated
amhoblogaidd adj unpopular
amhosibl adj impossible
amhriodol adj improper
amhrisiadwy adj priceless
amhrofiadol adj inexperienced
amhrydlon adj unpunctual
amhûr adj impure, foul
amhwrpasol adj irrelevant
amhwyllo vb to lose one’s senses, to go mad
aml adj frequent, abundant ▶ adv often
amlder, amldra nm abundance
amldduwiad (-iaid) nm polytheist
amldduwiaeth nf polytheism
amleiriog adj wordy, verbose, prolix
amlen (-ni) nf envelope, wrapper
amlhad nm increasing, increase
amlhau vb to increase, to multiply
amlinelliad (-au) nm outline
amlinellu vb to outline
aml-lawr adj multi-storey
amlochrog adj many-sided
amlosgfa nf crematorium
amlosgi vb to cremate
amlwg adj plain, clear, manifest, evident, prominent
amlwreigiaeth nf polygamy
amlwreigiwr (-wyr) nm polygamist
amlygiad (-au) nm manifestation
amlygrwydd nm prominence, limelight
amlygu vb to manifest, to reveal, to evince
amnaid (-neidiau) nf beck, nod
amneidio vb to beckon, to nod
amnest (-au) nm amnesty
amod (-au) nmf condition
amodi vb to covenant, to stipulate
amodol adj conditional
amp (-au) nm amp
amrant (-au, -rannau) nm eyelid
amrantiad nm wink, twinkling, second
amrediad nm range
amreiniol adj not privileged
amrwd adj uncooked, raw, crude
amryddawn adj versatile
amryfal adj sundry, manifold
amryfus adj erroneous, inadvertent
amryfusedd (-au) nm error, oversight
amryliw adj variegated; multicoloured
amryw adj several, sundry, various
amrywiad (-au) nm variant
amrywiaeth nm variety, diversity
amrywio vb