Rank. D. Graham R.

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Rank - D. Graham R.

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abruptly got up to say hello to someone he knew. It was a pussy move because he knew I could take him, and would have, if he hadn’t broken the tension. I leaned in and asked Lee-Anne, “How long did it take you to get ready?”

      “Shut up.”

      “What? I’m not trying to insult you. It’s a serious question.”

      She eyeballed me scornfully, but when she realized I wasn’t joking, she answered, “Forty-five minutes. Why?”

      I turned my head back to look at Shae-Lynn, who obviously spent no time getting ready. “I was just wondering.”

      “Relax, Billy Ray,” Lee-Anne said. She shoved my shoulder, trying to loosen me up. “You’ve been so serious since —” She checked my expression. “Since, you know.” She took another sip of beer. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have brought that up. I just miss good time Billy.”

      “Yeah, well, good time Billy has responsibilities now.” Blake returned to the table and sat on the other side of Shae-Lynn, away from me. I turned so I could have a private conversation with Lee-Anne. “Are you okay with her dating someone older?”

      “Blake? Yeah. Why not? He’s a total sweetheart.”

      “He’s an asshole.”

      “To you maybe. He’s sweet to her. He always has been. He’s been following her around like a puppy dog for years.”

      “How long have they been dating?”

      “Since tonight. He’s asked her out a million times and for some reason she finally said yes.”

      Arms wrapped around me from behind and a girl’s voice whispered in my ear, “Guess what?”

      I twisted to see that it was Tawnie.

      She kissed my cheek and her chest squished against my back. Her breath smelled like beer. “I got a sponsor. Jordan Outfitters has offered to pay for all my travel expenses for the rest of the season. I also get all the boots I want.”

      “That’s great.”

      “It’s all because of Stella.” She squeezed my neck and kissed my ear.

      “Congratulations,” Lee-Anne and Rochelle said at the same time.

      “That’s great news.” Shae-Lynn stood and yanked Blake by the hand. “You can have my seat. We’re leaving.”

      Blake tipped his hat at all of us, then eagerly hurried to keep up with her. I watched them leave out the front door. Tawnie sat down in Shae-Lynn’s chair and told us all about how the Jordan rep had approached her at the hotel and had her sign some papers. She was really excited.

      After a while, Tyson asked Lee-Anne to dance, Rochelle wandered over to the bar with a guy, and Cole never came back from a trip to the restroom because he was chatting up a cute curly haired girl. Tawnie and I were alone at the table. Her tight black jeans and unbuttoned white top showed off all her curves. Her hair was hanging perfectly straight and it was so shiny.

      “You look nice,” I said, because the alcohol had kicked in.

      Her smile was sexy. “Thanks. Do you dance?”

      “I wouldn’t be able to call myself a cowboy if I didn’t know how to two-step, now would I?” I stood and led her by the waist to the dance floor. When I spun her to face me, the small of her back arched under the pressure of my palm. She smiled and slid her hand over my biceps to rest it on my shoulder. As we moved across the floor, wafts of wild lavender breezed over me. I spun her around and her hair fanned out catching the light. The cowboys loitering around the edge of the dance floor all angled to watch her move.

      We spent the rest of the night two-stepping until the DJ announced last call and played a slow song. Tawnie stepped in close and our belt buckles clinked together. She slid her palms up over my abs and let them linger on my chest as she leaned in and pressed her lips to my neck pulse. My heart raced, and she must have felt it because she tilted her head back and smiled. I spun her around, then pulled her body close again. She giggled and it seemed like she was waiting on me to kiss her when Cole came over with the curly haired girl under his arm. He handed me the keys to the truck. “Molly’s going to drive me back to the camper.” He winked, then left.

      Tawnie and I finished the dance, and the house lights came on, but she didn’t step away. “Did you drive here from the hotel?” I asked her.

      “I took a cab. I can catch a ride back with Rochelle.”

      “Rochelle left when Cole did. I can give you a lift if you like.”

      She studied me. “How much have you had to drink?”

      “I’m fine,” I said, although I was feeling pretty buzzed.

      Her left eyebrow lifted slightly and a smile stretched across her face. She tucked her hair behind her ear and tugged my hand to invite me to follow her. We walked outside and I opened the truck door for her. She didn’t talk as we drove. When I pulled up in front of the hotel and parked, she didn’t make a move to get out.

      “Which rodeo are you entering next?” I finally asked to break the silence.

      “Falkland. How about you?”

      “I’m retired.”

      “Cole said you were going to be his manager.”

      “He’s delusional.”

      She looked as if she wanted to ask more, but she just nodded. She turned her head and stared at me for a while. “Aren’t you going to kiss me?”

      I smiled at her forwardness. “Well, if we’re going to do that, we should do it properly.” I took my hat off and placed it on the dashboard, then got out of the truck and walked around the front to the passenger side. I opened the door and held her hand to help her out. She ran her palms up my chest and hung her arms casually over my shoulders. I stepped close and leaned in to kiss her. Her full lips were soft and her mouth tasted like peppermint mixed with beer.

      After we kissed for a while, she slid her hands down and unbuttoned my shirt. Then she tugged at my belt buckle. She backed into the truck and reclined on the bench seat, smiling. “Get in here,” she said.

      “Uh.” My eyes scanned her body. I scratched my head. It only took two seconds for my hormones to decide that it wouldn’t hurt to postpone the official retirement until after one last rodeo one-night stand. “Wouldn’t you rather go to your room?”

      She shook her head and took her shirt off over her head. “We can’t. I’m rooming with Rochelle.”

      Although doing it in a truck was something I did a lot when I was younger, years of rodeoing, and at least ten serious injuries made me less flexible and less enthusiastic about doing it in cramped spaces. She looked unbelievably hot though, so I knelt in with one knee and angled my other foot on the floor to close the door behind me. She clutched the fabric of my shirt and pulled me down onto her. My back kinked and my hamstring locked up, which made me wince before I was able to readjust and lean in to kiss her. She kicked her boots off and slid her jeans down. There was a blue flying sparrow tattooed above her

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