Rank. D. Graham R.

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Rank - D. Graham R.

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you have a girlfriend?”

      I leaned in and kissed her. “No, not at the present moment.”

      Her hand reached down and she tugged at my jeans to release the fly, one button at a time.

      “Are you sure you want to do this in a truck?”

      She laughed. “Stop talking and get to work.”

      I smiled and reached down to pull her thigh up. “All right. You asked for it.”

      She giggled, grabbed the back of my hair, and kissed me hard. Her back arched and she stretched her arms above her head. I kissed down her neck towards her cleavage, then ran my hand over her ribs. After kissing my way across her collarbone, I stopped to catch my breath. She opened her eyes. The expression on my face, whatever it was, made her smile before she removed her bra and moved my hand down between her legs. I ran my fingers over the silky fabric and slid her underwear down. “Sit up,” she whispered and moved to straddle my lap.

      The condoms Cole gave me were in my jeans on the floor, but she didn’t ask me to wear one, so I moved my hands and rocked her hips forward. She leaned her head over my shoulder. Her breath tickled my skin, becoming heavier and faster as she moved up and down. My left hand slid over her curves and she dug her fingers into my neck. She was going too fast, so I held her hips and slowed her down to let her feel the difference between the back and forth rise of riding a horse versus the rock and roll grind of riding a bull.

      When she got the hang of it, the expression on her face changed and her breaths turned into soft moans. She pressed her palms against my shoulders and leaned her head back. The visual of her hair cascading down her back and her chest rising made every cell in my body react. Her moans got progressively louder as I explored her body with my mouth. She bounced for a while then curled forward, tensed up, and held her breath. Her body shuddered before she let out a little whimper. After two more shudders, she exhaled and slowly rocked her hips.

      We sat there for a while just breathing heavily and I already regretted it. Eventually, I pushed her hair back to see if she felt the same way. It didn’t seem like it. She opened her eyes and slid her hands up along my jaw to pull me in close. I felt her exhale before she leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Thank you.”

      Feeling guilty, I kissed her and took one more look at her body before I moved out from under her.

      Once she was dressed, she held up her hands. “God, I’m trembling. I can still feel that everywhere.” She looked at me. “That was good — really good.”

      Without responding, I put my jeans back on and buttoned my shirt.

      “I’ve never, um, you know; I’ve never enjoyed it quite like that before. If you know what I mean,” she said.

      “Really?” Shit. That was only going to make it worse when she clued in that it wasn’t meant to be anything more than one time in a truck.

      “Do all the girls you’ve been with enjoy it like that — to that intensity?”

      “As far as I know, unless they were faking.”

      “Jesus, you can’t fake something like that.” She combed her fingers through her hair and checked her makeup in the mirror.

      I smiled, feeling a little cocky, and put my hat back on.

      “Call me.” She gave me a peck on the cheek.

      I nodded, although I had no intention of ever seeing her again, and turned the engine on so I could roll down the window to get the windshield to clear up. She hopped out of the truck and ran across the parking lot to a room on the first floor. She fumbled through her purse for the key card, then opened the door. She waved before she went inside. I pressed the defogger button. As I waited for the windows to clear, a girl came out of a second floor room and ran along the veranda to the stairs. When she reached the sidewalk, I noticed that she had strawberry coloured hair.

      “Shae-Lynn?” I shouted out the window.

      Her head spun to see who had called her name. She was crying. I left the truck engine running and got out.

      “What’s wrong?”

      “Nothing.” She wiped her palms across her face. “I’m fine.”

      “You don’t look fine. What happened?”

      “Nothing. What are you doing here?”

      “Dropping someone off.”

      “Who? Tawnie?”

      I frowned and looked up at the door on the second floor that she came out of. “Is this where Blake is staying?”

      “I have to go. Lee-Anne’s going to be worried about me.”

      “I’ll drive you.”

      “No thanks.” She rushed across the parking lot headed towards the highway.

      “Shae-Lynn, get in the truck. I’m not going to let you walk along a pitch black highway.”

      She waved her arm over her head in a don’t-worry-about-me way and kept walking. I hopped in the truck and pulled out onto the highway. I drove slowly on the shoulder behind her with my head hanging out the window.

      “Leave me alone, Billy.”

      “I’m going to drive two kilometres an hour all the way back if you don’t get in the truck.”

      She kept walking. A couple cars passed and honked.

      “Uh, Shae-Lynn, I’m pretty sure it’s not all that safe for me to be driving like this.”

      “Then go,” she snapped.

      “I’m not leaving you here, so unless you want to witness me getting killed when a semi-truck rams up my ass, I suggest you get in the truck.”

      She stopped and looked up at the sky. After an eighteen-wheeler honked at us, she shook her head in exasperation, then got in the passenger side.

      “What happened?” I asked again as I shoulder checked and pulled out into the lane.

      “None of your business.”

      “Did Blake hurt you?”

      She stared out the side window for a while before she mumbled, “No.”

      “I’m going to beat the truth out of him if you don’t tell me.”

      “It wasn’t that big of a deal. He wanted more from me than I felt like giving, so I left.”

      “Didn’t he offer to drive you back?”

      She didn’t answer.

      “What an asshole. I’m going to beat his ass.”

      “I didn’t give him a chance to offer to give me a ride. I just left.”

      “I didn’t see him running after you.”


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