Heather Graham Bundle: The Island / Ghost Walk / Killing Kelly / The Vision. Heather Graham

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Heather Graham Bundle: The Island / Ghost Walk / Killing Kelly / The Vision - Heather  Graham

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what is it? Where are you?”

      She heard something that sounded like a sob.

      “Aunt Beth, come quick. I need you!”


      KEITH WATCHED HER GO, feeling an actual pain in his heart. Even after last night, she didn’t intend to forgive him.

      Had he been an idiot? he wondered. He’d spent the day in various forms of disguise, joining in with the electricians, the wait staff and then the guests. He’d listened in on conversations between the Masons, the dancers, and even Matt and Lee. There had been nothing to hear. The only moment when something might have been amiss had been when Eduardo Shea had risen, and he’d followed the man, only to see him with one of the waiters, getting a beer.

      He’d studied every guest. No sign of Brad or Sandy.

      “Hey there, handsome!”

      He turned to see an attractive older woman in a stunning blue gown that was complemented by the blue tint in her hair. “Spare me a dance?”

      He was about to find a way to beg off when he saw that Matt Albright was on the floor with Amanda. He smiled at the woman.

      “You must be from one of our sister clubs,” she said.

      He introduced himself as Jim Smithson, friend of Commodore Berry. He whirled her on the floor, close to Matt and Amanda. She began to talk as they moved, complimenting the party.

      She knew the steps; dancing was not a problem. She was very talkative, which was.

      Still, he caught snatches of conversation.

      “…and just disappeared,” Matt said.

      “I had a lovely night. I told you, I really like boats,” Amanda replied.

      “I saw that,” he heard Matt say.

      “Don’t you, Mr. Smithson?”

      He looked down into the eyes of his dance partner. He hadn’t the least idea what she had said.

      “Yes,” he replied, wincing, praying she wouldn’t speak again.

      “…the boat…but not me, I take it?” Matt said.

      “I had an appointment,” Amanda said. “Forgive me?”

      “What’s not to forgive?” Matt said a little harshly. “You took the tender and left.”

      Amanda giggled. “Sorry about that. I needed to get back to the club. I was meeting—”

      “I’m so glad, Mr. Smithson. I think you’ll find I have a lovely home,” the blue-haired lady said. He realized she was staring into his eyes, enraptured.

      “Excuse me?” Keith asked his partner.

      “And I’m glad that you feel the way I do about sex for our generation,” she said.


      Matt and Amanda had rumbaed away. “And since we agree that when a couple of our…maturity feel such an urge, there’s nothing wrong with acting on it…we can slip away right now,” she said.

      “I’m afraid I can’t, ma’am. I have a commitment this evening. You’ll have to excuse me.”

      Keith apologized, thanked her for the dance and left as quickly as he could. He wandered out to the edge of the patio. The music was loud, the lights brilliant. He saw one of the cops he’d been introduced to and nodded. The cop nodded in return, then accepted an empty glass from a gray-haired woman who was looking helplessly around for a place to put it down.

      It appeared as if she was about to approach him. He turned, circling around, searching for Matt. At last he found him, standing out on the dock, staring out at the water.

      He strode down to the dock to join him. “Evening,” Matt said, though he didn’t look as if he was eager for company.

      Screw the disguise. “What the hell was that all about?” Keith demanded.

      Matt stared at him. His eyes widened. He swore softly. “What was what about? And what the hell are you doing, looking like Colonel Sanders?”

      “Watching,” Keith said, eyeing him. “Listening.”

      Matt flushed a brilliant shade of red. Then he winced. “I—should have told you.” His shoulders hunched down. “Lee went barhopping with Gerald. I…I wound up with Amanda.”

      “And you took her out on the boat?”

      Matt hung his head and nodded.

      Keith stared out at the water. “Well, did you learn anything?”

      “I learned she knows how to spike a drink.”

      “So, you think she was prowling around?”

      “God, I hope not,” Matt said. Then he shook his head. “Yes, I think so.”

      Keith was silent for a minute. He felt Matt shuffle miserably at his side. He looked at him. “Did you say anything to Lee yet?”

      “I was too embarrassed to say anything to either of you.”

      Keith nodded. “Keep it quiet for now.”

      “Now that you know, I feel like I should tell Lee, as well,” he said with self-disgust. “Then I can get my feelings of absolute mortification over with once and for all.”

      “Let’s just see how things progress for the time being, all right?” Keith said.

      “You’re the boss,” Matt muttered.

      Keith stared at him and wondered.


      BETH’S SENSE OF PANIC GREW as she searched for Amber out in front, near the driveway, and couldn’t find her. She tried Amber’s cell phone and got voice mail. Just when she was about to panic, Ashley called.


      “I’m here. Amber’s phone died, and she wants to talk to you.”

      “What is it? What’s the matter? Are you all right? Where are you?” Beth demanded as soon as Amber got on the line.

      “With Ashley.”

      “Are you all right? Is your father all right?”


      “Then what’s wrong?”

      “Oh, Aunt Beth, you’re not going to believe this.”


      “Kim broke up with me.”


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