Heather Graham Bundle: The Island / Ghost Walk / Killing Kelly / The Vision. Heather Graham

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Heather Graham Bundle: The Island / Ghost Walk / Killing Kelly / The Vision - Heather  Graham

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had to talk to me. We came out here—it was all right, Ashley and Jake were nearby—and she told me that it wasn’t me, it was her. But we had to break up.”

      Beth was silent for several long moments. The conversation was definitely startling. She wanted to shout at Amber that she was worried sick about her life and not petty problems, but she couldn’t do that. She tried to focus on what her niece was saying, and that was even more confusing. “Um, was there something more to this relationship than I knew about?” she asked after a moment.

      “No,” Amber protested, and then laughed, the sound a little hysterical. “I mean, that’s what makes it so bad. Have you ever heard of a friend breaking up with a friend? Like…don’t even talk to me in the halls at school? I didn’t believe her. I started laughing, at first. But she was serious. I told Ashley after Kim left, and she thinks it’s bizarre, too.”

      Beth could still hear the tears in her niece’s voice. “Where’s your father?”

      “I don’t know. Oh, Aunt Beth, I know that this is your big party, but…can…can you come out here? Can I go home with you?”

      “I’ve been staying at Ashley’s.”

      “Can I come to Ashley’s?”

      “If it’s all right with her.”

      “I can’t go home with Dad tonight. I just can’t try to explain this to him. Oh, Aunt Beth, I don’t believe this. I’m so upset.”

      “Honey, I’m right here…where are you?”

      “To the left of the canopy.”

      “I’m over on the right. I’m coming. We’ll find your dad…actually, he’s not really happy with me right now. I’ll have Jake talk to him. Tell Ashley that we need them to convince your father it’s all right.” She was walking as she talked. She still felt a slight sense of panic, she was so anxious to see Amber. Then, at last, she saw her. She breathed more easily, convinced she was creating demons where there were none.

      She hurried over to the bench where Amber and Ashley were sitting. Ashley was looking lost and helpless. She stared at Beth with an I’m-trying-but-I-don’t-really-knowhow-to-handle-this-one look.

      Amber looked absolutely stricken.

      Beth reached down, pulling Amber into her arms. “We’ll sort it out.”

      Amber looked up at her, her cheeks tearstained. She threw her arms around Beth.

      “Have you ever heard of such a thing?” she whispered.

      “It may be no big deal,” Beth assured her. “She could change her mind tomorrow.” She was trying to give Amber the attention she needed while looking around suspiciously. The three of them seemed to be alone in the driveway. No, they weren’t. She could see the big cop down at the other end of the driveway, lighting a cigarette.

      “No, it’s serious, it’s over,” Amber said.

      “But, honey, you weren’t dating…you were friends. Friends don’t have to have just one friend. Even if you’re a little off right now…well, it can’t be that bad.”

      “It is that bad. It’s humiliating.”

      “You have other friends.”

      “We have all the same friends.”

      She squeezed Amber’s hand. “We’re going to have to see what happens, I guess. Remember, I love you. All my friends think you’re the prettiest, most talented creature in the whole world. Honestly, honey, it will be all right. Someday you’ll get to realize that most things that happen in high school aren’t worth a crock of beans.”

      “That’s true,” Ashley told Amber, touching her cheek gently. “You’re gorgeous, and you’re talented, and we’re all going to live our lives vicariously through you.”

      Amber stared at her, trying to smile, clearly not believing a word.

      “Listen, honey, you know that I have to finish up here,” Beth said. “I shouldn’t be out here now, but—”

      Amber let out a snuffle and a low wail. “I’m so sorry, Aunt Beth.”

      “Don’t be sorry. It’s all right. I’d ditch the job in two seconds for you, you know that.”

      “But I wouldn’t want you to,” Amber said softly.

      “I know. So we’re going to work this out.”

      “You go back in,” Ashley said to Beth. “I can stay here with Amber for now.”

      “I just need to hang around the entrance, say good-night to people,” Beth said. “They should start heading out fairly soon.”

      “Can we go to the locker room, Ashley?” Amber asked. “I’ve got to fix my face.” She was trying to put on a brave smile.

      “Absolutely. Meet you inside, Beth,” Ashley told her.


      KEITH HEADED BACK IN JUST IN time to see Eduardo Shea getting a beer from the same waiter—and handing something to the man. The waiter slipped an envelope into his jacket pocket and looked up. He had a black mustache, pitch-dark hair and appeared to be Latino. But there was something about him…

      “Hey,” Keith said, striding through the club. The waiter looked at him, then started hurrying through the crowd. “Stop him.”

      To his disgust, people just stared at him curiously but did nothing. Keith started to run after the man, who disappeared behind one of the bars and a huge arrangement of tropical flowers. Keith ran after him and nearly crashed into a man’s back.

      It was a different man. He turned, looking frightened. He began to speak in Spanish, protesting. Keith shook his head. “Where did the other guy go?”

      The man shook his head blankly.

      “The other waiter.”

      The man turned, pointing. There were waiters everywhere. As Keith stood there, his hands on the waiter’s shoulders, Jake strode up to him.

      “What is it?”

      “Shea just gave one of the waiters an envelope.”

      “Which one?”

      “I don’t know. The one who’s already half a mile away, probably,” Keith said, and swore.

      “Where’s Shea?” Jake asked.

      “Headed back inside.”

      “Maybe it’s time to ask a few questions,” Jake said. He went striding through the crowd, and Keith followed. Shea was heading for the exit.

      “Mr. Shea?” Jake called.

      Shea had definitely planned to make a break for it. It appeared as if he intended to keep going, at first. But then he turned, a brow arched as he waited.

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