Father by Choice. Amanda Berry

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Father by Choice - Amanda  Berry

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was the right person to help with the project.

      “I agree, Kyle.” Dave Peterson stood at the far end of the conference table. “However, as a higher-level manager, I would like to help oversee it. That is, unless Brady—” he paused and winked at Jules “—or Jules objects.”

      Jules had told Brady that Peterson had been asking her out since she started at Matin. Even though she always turned him down, it didn’t seem to make a difference. His condescending attitude toward her made Brady want to punch the smug man. The fact that no one else in the boardroom seemed aware of the issue made him more frustrated.

      Peterson raised his eyebrow, daring him to make a scene in front of the corporate heads.

      “Of course Peterson would be a great asset to have on our team.” That way, Brady could keep an eye out for the dagger Peterson would stick in his back.

      “Wonderful. Keep us updated as the project moves forward.” Kyle stood. The rest of the men and women took it as their cue that the meeting was over.

      Brady collected his papers and disconnected his laptop from the projector. Three months of planning had hinged on a one-minute decision.

      “Nicely done, Brady.” Jules gathered the remainder of their presentation materials. She kept busy as Peterson approached.

      Brady shut his laptop and met Peterson’s brown eyes. Peterson was only a few years older than Brady, but the man had let himself go over the years. His shirt buttons strained over his stomach, and his receding hairline was a mixture of black and gray.

      “Great presentation, you two.” Peterson’s eyes strayed over Jules’s figure. “I couldn’t have done better myself.”

      “Thank you.” Brady stopped from adding because you couldn’t have. It was well-known among the staff and lower management that Peterson made his way up the ladder on other people’s backs, taking credit for their work.

      “I expect to be added to all correspondence from now on.” Peterson shifted his body closer to Jules. “And included in any meetings you two might have, Jules.”

      Brady fought the urge to jerk the guy away from her. “Sure, Peterson.”

      Jules lifted frosty green eyes to Peterson. “We’ll make sure you are included in all meetings, but the decisions come from us.”

      “As long as you’re there, I’ll be there.” Peterson grinned and left the room.

      Brady and Jules were both out for the same thing—recognition for the work they did. Their initial attraction had ended with a fizzle after a week. Both of them were driven to succeed and compatible in a lot of ways, but love wasn’t in his five-year plan. Jules agreed with him that love was something you sought when your career was firmly in place. Right now, it would get in the way.

      “I’ll do my best to intervene with Peterson,” Brady said, knowing he could do nothing unless Jules wanted to file a harassment report.

      She lifted her gaze to his and smiled. “I can hold my own with guys like Peterson. I’ve been doing it my whole career.”

      Brady nodded and held the door open for her as she swept by. If he let down his guard for a moment, Peterson would take over his project and get the boost in his career that was meant to be Brady’s and Jules’s.

      An email notification pinged on his phone. He clicked over to it. His blood pressure started to rise as he read the email Peterson had sent out to all the employees working on the project. He’d worded the email perfectly. It implied the project was his baby and that he was letting Brady and Jules work it.

      Brady would need to keep close tabs on this project if he wanted to keep Peterson from taking over.

      “This is ridiculous.” Maggie pulled the jeans out of the suitcase and folded them before returning them to the dresser drawer. It had taken every ounce of will Maggie had not to drive out to Sam’s farm and cram the tickets down his throat.

      “What’s ridiculous is how long it is taking to pack a simple suitcase.” Penny rested against the headboard with her coppery hair pulled in a knot. Her brown eyes sparkled as she held up a lacy nightgown. “You should take this.”

      Maggie snatched the nightgown from her best friend’s hands and stuffed it into the bottom of her nightgown drawer. She sank on the edge of the bed and put her hands over her face.

      “What am I doing?”

      “I’ve been wondering that for the past half hour. Are you packing to go to New York or just testing out your suitcase? I’m fairly certain it can hold more than the blouse you left in it.” Penny leaned forward to consider the insides of the suitcase.

      “How can I walk up to Brady Ward and tell him, ‘Hey, you have a seven-year-old you know nothing about. By the way, it totally wasn’t my fault.’” The lump in the pit of her stomach said otherwise, though.

      “It wasn’t your fault.” Penny patted her back. “Now pack up and enjoy life a little.”

      “I should have tried harder.”

      “To pack. I agree. This is no way to pack to confront the one-night stand you had a baby with.” Penny shifted off the bed and started opening drawers. “Not to mention the biggest crush you ever had.”

      “That’s it, Penny. It isn’t about me. It’s the fact that we weren’t anything more than bed buddies for a night.”

      Penny stopped with a red sweater dangling in her hand and quirked an eyebrow at Maggie. “Bed buddies?”

      “Whatever.” Maggie took a deep breath. “Shouldn’t I call him or email him? Like I should have done in the first place?”

      With an armful of clothes, Penny made her way over to the suitcase. “Bygones.”

      “What if he’s too busy to see me? Shouldn’t I at least call and schedule an appointment?” Maggie pulled the lacy nightgown out of the suitcase again and tightened her grip when Penny reached for it.

      “Okay. I get it.” Penny sat next to her on the bed and took Maggie’s hand in hers. All playfulness put aside for a moment. “What are you really worried about?”

      Maggie’s eyes filled with unshed tears. “What if he doesn’t want her?”

      Eight years ago, her mother had held her tight while she cried over the fact that Brady didn’t want anything to do with their baby. Part of Maggie had dreamed that he’d show up on her porch and sweep her off her feet. They’d shared something special that night and relationships had been started under worse circumstances than an unplanned pregnancy.

      “Why wouldn’t he want her?” Penny squeezed Maggie’s hand.

      Maggie took a deep breath in. “If he’s a self-involved nut job.”

      Penny smiled. “Then we wouldn’t want him around our girl, anyway. Now about this nightgown…”

      “No way. Grab my sweats.”

      “You afraid you’ll be tempted to show him your pretty nightgown?” Penny

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