Father by Choice. Amanda Berry

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Father by Choice - Amanda  Berry

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wanted to drop her eyes, but his eyes held her entranced. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him about Amber, but she couldn’t make her mouth form the right words.

      With his pressed suit, he could have stepped off the cover of GQ. The Brady she knew had been headed for big things, but she didn’t know this man in front of her. To be honest, she hadn’t known Brady even back then. Not truly, just the facade he put on for the town. A facade he let drop during their night together.

      “I wish I had more time right now, but I have to get to work. There’s an early morning meeting.” He pulled out his BlackBerry and checked the screen for a moment.

      The cold wind swept through her when he backed away slightly. A reminder that they had shared only one night together. It had been a great night, but it wasn’t as if they’d had a meaningful relationship.

      Now wasn’t the time to tell him about Amber. A little of the weight lifted off her stomach. She couldn’t tell him when there were people surging down the sidewalk like salmon around them. when he glanced at her, she shivered and nodded. “Maybe later?”

      “How long are you in town?” He gave her the same expression Amber got when she wanted to reassure Maggie. It was unnerving. How could Amber have his expressions when she’d never met him? “I’m not trying to brush you off. Honestly.”

      He tapped on his phone again.

      “I didn’t think you were blowing me off.” What if this was her only chance? You have a daughter. I got pregnant. Surprise, you’re a daddy! Maggie swallowed hard.

      “Good.” He barely looked at her. “How about one? For lunch? Unless you have other plans.”

      “Sounds great.” She forced a smile. By the way, you have a daughter.

      His return smile stole her breath and emptied her mind. “Where are you staying? I’ll pick you up.”

      She rattled off the address of the hotel. She should tell him now. Get it over with. That way it wouldn’t sit in the knot that was her stomach until later. But how? His attention was apparently already at his meeting. She tightened her smile as he glanced at his watch. Who had Brady Ward become?

      “I have to run. I’ll see you at one.” He backed away from her. “I’m glad you came.”

      By the time they were sitting in the restaurant, Maggie was drawn tighter than a bow. Brady couldn’t imagine what had her uptight. The Maggie he’d known had been spontaneous and friendly.

      Of course, high school had been years before. But he remembered the adoring look in her hazel eyes when she’d been a sophomore and he’d been a senior. He hadn’t taken advantage of her crush then, but two years later at Luke’s graduation party, that night he couldn’t resist. She’d been stunning and forward and one hell of a kisser.

      Eight years hadn’t faded her beauty at all. Her honey-blond hair framed her face in a no-nonsense style. She had developed some curves since high school. Her soft blue sweater didn’t reveal much, but her jeans clung low to her hips and she filled them out nicely. She didn’t try to flaunt her assets the way Jules did. She was just Maggie. She put off a natural vibe that was unlike any woman he knew, and it did something to his senses that he couldn’t begin to describe.

      “What brings you to New York?” Brady set his BlackBerry on the table, trying to ignore the constant barrage of emails. Now that financing had begun, he had to put everything into motion, which was always the hardest phase and required a lot of finesse. It didn’t help that Peterson circled every conversation like a shark waiting for blood.

      Maggie lifted her gaze to his. He lost track of what he’d asked as he sank into her rich hazel eyes. Warmth. That’s what she offered, with no expectation of anything in return. The type of women he usually went for were like Jules. Sophisticated, driven, focused…temporary.

      Her gaze dropped to the tablecloth, then to her hands folded neatly in her lap. “Do you remember Luke’s party?”

      His phone buzzed insistently against the white tablecloth. He smiled apologetically and fought the urge to curse. The number was the contractor for the new facility. Another fire to put out.

      “If you need to…” Maggie said.

      “I’m sorry. I need to take this.” He stood and stepped outside the restaurant to talk to the contractor about the change orders that had been processed that morning. After a hurried five minutes, they’d agreed on the main changes. When Brady hung up, he quickly scrolled through his in-box to try to avoid more interruptions before heading inside.

      She was already picking at her salad when he sat across from her. She looked at him expectantly. He wished for a moment that he could put the rest of the world on hold to catch up with Maggie, but he had obligations. He hoped she’d understand that.

      “It was important. I swear it won’t happen again.” He drew the napkin across his lap. “I’m sorry. What were we talking about?”

      “Luke’s party?” Her cheeks flushed.

      His gut tightened as he recalled that night—her sweet smile and soft kisses. He waited until she looked at him before saying, “I remember.”

      Her lips parted slightly before she shook herself. She inhaled before taking a bite. Whatever she was working herself up to must be major. The Maggie he remembered had been bold that night. Unrelenting, untamed, unashamed.

      “It was the last time I was in Tawnee Valley before I left for London,” he said, trying to ease her into whatever she needed to say.

      She set down her fork. “I don’t know how to even begin to explain—”

      His phone buzzed. Brady didn’t want to answer it. Something had Maggie tied up in knots. He glanced at the screen. An email notification from Peterson, and Jules was calling. “Dammit. I’m truly sorry. I have to get this one.”

      He didn’t know if she looked relieved or upset as he picked up the call and walked outside. When he returned ten minutes later, their lunch was on the table, but the work situation had been resolved…for now.

      “Perfect timing.” He tried to lighten the mood.

      “You’re a busy man.” Maggie’s statement was soft and nonaccusatory, but it was also a little sad.

      “I’m in the beginning stages of a major project. New office. New position. New phone.” He held up the phone and then dropped it into his suit’s inner pocket. “No more interruptions. How have you been?”

      She froze with a bite halfway to her mouth. A little war raged in her eyes until she sighed and put the fork down. “I’ve been better.”

      “Is every—”

      “Things haven’t been all sunshine and daisies the past eight years, but we’ve gotten through.”

      His mind stuck on the word we. He didn’t even know if Maggie was married. His gut tightened. She wasn’t wearing a ring, but that didn’t mean anything. A memory of Maggie being the kind of girl you married hovered in the back of his mind. Not that it would bother him if she were. He choked a little on the word. “We?”


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