Inherited: Baby. Nicola Marsh

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Inherited: Baby - Nicola Marsh

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the petite blonde dressed in head to toe black, her face hidden by a huge hat, the way her luminous green eyes had stared up at him when that vile woman had implied she was a tart.

      He’d been prepared to dislike Joe’s fiancée, half-believing the rumours he’d heard about her gold-digging tendencies, and therefore had been staggered by how much he’d wanted to haul her into his arms and comfort her, to block out the cruel whispers and tell her everything would be all right.

      A strange reaction considering he hardly knew her. Joe had seen to that.

      ‘What’s going on, Riley? You never lose your cool.’

      Riley wrenched his attention back to Matt. ‘You met Maya, right?’

      ‘Yeah. Gorgeous woman. She must be devastated that Joe’s gone. And that poor little kid—’

      ‘Chas will be fine. That’s why I flew you down here.’

      ‘I’m still surprised about that. Surely a hotshot like Joe would have his own lawyer to handle the will?’

      ‘I want you to do it,’ Riley bit out, knowing Joe hadn’t had a lawyer. The last guy who’d been foolish enough to take on that particular responsibility had washed his hands of Joe’s dealings quick smart. ‘That way, I know everything will be done right.’

      ‘Gee, thanks, mate. Though, by your tone, I’d swear you have as much confidence in my abilities as that woman over there has of making it to the door without falling flat on her face.’

      Riley grimaced as a supermodel tottered on incredibly high heels towards the heavy oak doors, either drunk, high or both. Great company his brother had kept.

      Making a lightning-quick decision, Riley beckoned Matt towards the huge glass windows overlooking Collins Street. ‘Look, I have a feeling Joe’s will is going to be messy. Or, more to the point, what he’s left behind will be messy.’

      Matt’s expression didn’t change—a true professional, which was why Riley trusted him. ‘How so?’

      Riley sighed and tugged at the tie knotted at his throat. He hated wearing the things and couldn’t wait for the day when stockbrokers took to T-shirts and jeans. As if.

      ‘Call it a hunch, but I don’t think Joe managed his money wisely. In fact, I’m not sure he has much left.’

      This time Matt couldn’t hide his surprise. ‘You’re kidding? He was reportedly one of Melbourne’s richest guys. And you’re no pauper. The Bourke name is synonymous with wealth.’

      ‘Yeah, well, I think Joe has been living on his name for a while now.’

      While fleecing him as often as possible. Stupidly, Riley had continued to bail out his flake of a brother, hoping he’d change, mature once he became a father. It hadn’t happened.

      ‘What about Maya and the child?’

      ‘As far as I know, they should be okay for now. Joe owned the apartment they live in and bought Maya a new car when she had Chas. I assume he paid the bills.’ Or more correctly, Riley had given the money he’d shelled out at increasingly frequent intervals over the last six months.

      Damn, he should’ve intervened; he should’ve made a stand. But then, where would that have left Chas, the little guy who had no say in who his parents were?

      ‘But apart from those assets, you’re concerned he won’t have money left to provide for Maya and Chas?’


      Matt paused, an uncomfortable look on his face as if he was searching for the right way to phrase what came next.

      ‘You’re really worried about them, aren’t you?’

      Riley nodded, banishing another image before it could take hold, that of Maya cradling a sleeping Chas in her arms as she put him in the car, a small possessive smile playing around her mouth, a mouth he had no right noticing.

      ‘In that case, let’s hope this all turns out for the best. For everyone’s sake.’

      The astute gleam in Matt’s eyes did little to calm Riley’s nerves. He had major misgivings about this whole mess: about Joe’s will, his helpless nephew and the woman left to raise him.

      He needed to know more.

      He needed to help.

      It was the least he could do after the part he’d played in his brother’s death.


      MAYA STEPPED FROM the bath and quickly wrapped her dripping body in a towel from habit. Joe had hated the changes giving birth had wrought on her body: the stretch marks, the new distribution of weight, a changed body shape in general and he’d told her so on a regular basis. She’d learned to cover up in front of him, to hide her shape beneath baggy clothes, all in the effort to feel better about herself.

      But then, nothing had stopped Joe’s nasty streak when he’d been on a roll and unfortunately, ever since she’d given birth to Chas, he’d been on one continuous ‘make Maya pay’ quest.

      Tying the towel turban-style around her long blonde hair—in desperate need of a trim—she slipped into her favourite pink towelling robe and fuzzy fuchsia Princess slippers. Ironic, considering she couldn’t be further from a princess if she tried, but the minute she’d seen the funky slippers she’d had to have them. Spending all day in jodhpurs and grubby T-shirts gave a girl a complex and she often had the urge to buy the most ridiculously feminine items.

      Though the baby monitor was silent, she peeped into the nursery, unable to get enough of her gorgeous little boy even when he was sleeping. He looked so peaceful lying on his tummy, bottom in the air, snoring ever-so-softly. A little angel without a care in the world—and she had every intention of seeing it stayed that way. She’d put up with Joe’s appalling treatment for the sake of her son. Now that Joe had gone, she would do anything to protect Chas from harm. Anything.

      She tiptoed into the room, inhaling the faintest hint of baby powder, her eyes adjusting to the near-darkness broken by a tiny teddy bear night-light, loving every precious moment of being a mum to this little boy. Whether asleep or awake, Chas was the centre of her world and if she thought she’d loved horses, it was nothing to the overwhelming love of motherhood. It frightened her in its intensity yet she was powerless to resist it.

      ‘Ma-ma,’ Chas cried out softly, wriggling down further in the cot, thrashing from side to side till he got comfortable again.

      She held her breath, not wanting to wake him, desperate for a full night’s sleep herself. The funeral had been tougher than she’d imagined and all she wanted to do was have a hot chocolate, fall into bed and pray that she’d sleep. Real rest had eluded her for months now courtesy of the tense, uncomfortable co-existence she’d slipped into with Joe.

      Kissing her finger, she gently placed it on Chas’s cheek and tiptoed from the room, heading for the kitchen and the comfort of warm cocoa. However, she barely had time to fill the kettle before there was a soft knock at the door.

      No one visited her. Her mum was in a special accommodation home

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