Multiples Mystery. Alice Sharpe

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Multiples Mystery - Alice  Sharpe

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he have forgotten?”

      “I don’t see how, though I know he’s in the middle of a deal—”

      “Like the one he drummed up in Westerly? What was it, a chain of snowboard and ski shops? He talked the Robinson brothers into investing, right?”

      “He put in money of his own, too,” she said. “He’s quite wealthy.” She didn’t know why she added that last part, except that Zac looked so smug.

      “Must be that Harvard education of his.”

      “Or the fact that he invested in Midas Touch Computers before anyone else did. Jealous?”

      He held up both hands as though backing off. “Sorry. You have to admit, though, the man is larger than life. Navy pilot, Super Bowl champion…He’s done it all.”

      Zac could just not help himself. When it came to Anthony’s exploits, give Zac enough rope and he’d hang himself. Determined to keep the peace of their newly repaired friendship, she said, “Yes, he has.” Actually, after weeks of misgivings and a morning spent cursing his absence, it almost felt good to defend her husband. Oh, God, maybe he really was hurt and she was being a raging, selfish bitch.

      “I see,” Zac said, and by the tone of his voice, he saw a lot more than Olivia was comfortable with.

      “I know he wanted to be here,” she insisted. Liar. Tell him the truth. Tell him you think what really happened is your husband got cold feet and ran away, that he was willing to risk millions in investment dollars rather than face you and four babies.

      Zac said, “I heard you guys are building a house out by the point.”


      “Is that where he’s been living since you started bed rest here?”

      “No, he stayed in my old place in town in order to hurry the contractors along so we could take the babies home as soon as possible.”

      “When will that be?”

      “Not long. The doctor wants them here until they each reach four pounds. Two were born over four pounds and two aren’t far away. But they’ll probably lose a little weight before bulking back up, so it’s kind of a day by day thing.”

      “Where did he stay when he wasn’t in Westerly?”

      “He has a suite at the Marina Inn here in Seattle.”

      “The Marina Inn. Nothing but the best, huh?” He raised a hand again and shook his head. “Sorry.”

      “You just can’t help yourself.”

      “I’m trying. Okay, that’s enough to start. I’ll drive over to the hotel. Try not to worry, I’m sure something unexpected came up.” He stared deep into her eyes, then he smiled the old familiar Zac smile.

      She caught his hand. “You’ll come back? You’ll tell me what’s wrong even if it’s—unpleasant?”

      “What do you mean ‘unpleasant’?”

      “Like he’s hurt or…I don’t know. Missing, maybe.”

      “I’ll tell you whatever I find out.” He stared at her a moment longer, and then he leaned down and brushed her forehead with his lips.

      “I’ve always valued our friendship,” she mumbled as their eyes met.

      “I know,” he said softly, and then he was gone.


      ZAC FOUND FAITH by the nurses station, holding a slender vase in one hand and gripping the countertop with the other. She was talking to a nurse on the other side. The colorful smock the nurse wore looked a lot cheerier than either woman’s expression.

      Faith shook her head as he joined her. “It’s no use, rules are rules. Olivia is going to have to wait.”

      Zac turned to the nurse. “Have a heart.”

      “As I told this lady,” the nurse explained patiently, “we’re waiting for Mrs. Capri’s doctor to give the okay. He’s been called into emergency surgery. When he has time, I’m sure he’ll release her.”

      “She’s a new mom. There’s no real reason for her to have to wait. She’s a very fit young woman who’s been athletic her whole life. Let her call the shots of what she can and can’t do.”

      “Not without—”

      “I mean, how would it sound,” Zac mused, “if the press got wind that the new mother of quads couldn’t see them?”

      The nurse’s eyebrows rose. “Maybe you have a point,” she said. “It doesn’t do to be a slave to rules.”

      “I agree with you,” Zac said with a smile.

      “I’ll go take her vitals and if everything checks out, I’ll get a wheelchair.”

      “Excellent,” Zac said. “Thanks.”

      He and Faith watched the woman hustle down the corridor toward Olivia’s room, snagging a vitals cart as she passed one. Faith said, “That was smooth.”

      “Maybe she could sense I was ready to shoot her if she didn’t cooperate.”

      Faith grinned. She was short and willowy with a pale complexion and pretty, girl-next-door looks—the opposite of Olivia, who was tall and graceful with dark, exotic beauty. Faith was a teacher by trade, patient and good-tempered by nature, a homebody. Olivia could be impulsive and restless. Faith dated regularly, though she’d yet to find the love of her life. Olivia kept men at arm’s length, always too busy planning for the day she could strike out and see the world. That is, that’s what she’d been like before Anthony Capri came along.

      “Is Juliet Hart still in with the babies?” he asked.

      “No, I just saw her. She left Olivia’s sisters to look after things while she arranges a press conference. She wants to make sure the babies hit the state news before Olivia takes them back to Westerly. I think she’s afraid they’ll fade into obscurity before she gets her moment in the sun as the grandmother of the state’s newest quadruplets.”

      “I wanted to ask her if she’s heard from Anthony.”

      “She hasn’t, I asked. Olivia told you about him?”

      “That he didn’t come for the births? That he left her here alone?” A knot worked in his jaw as he reined in his temper and said, “She’s convinced he’s had an accident or some kind of unavoidable delay.”

      “Is she?”

      “Isn’t she?”

      Faith shrugged. “I’m not sure.” She studied his face for a second before adding, “I’m glad you came, Zac. I kind of thought you might show up before, while she was stuck in here—”

      “I didn’t want to get in the way,” he said quickly.

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