Purchased For Pleasure. Nicola Marsh

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Purchased For Pleasure - Nicola Marsh

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are going to get along famously. They’re already chatting. Why don’t you say a few words, Kate, before we wind things up?’

      Kate tore her gaze away from Ty’s mesmerising stare and strode to the podium, hoping that her professionalism wouldn’t desert her while her mind was a useless jumble of unexpected memories.

      ‘As senior editor for Femme magazine I’d like to thank you all for attending our Odd Bod Man Auction here tonight.’

      Glancing at the piece of paper thrust into her hand, she continued, ‘Thanks to your generosity we’ve raised over ten thousand dollars for the Ramirez Orphanage. Well done, ladies.’

      Particularly well done to her considering she’d contributed one tenth of that money to ‘purchase’ the guy she had every intention of cutting loose once this evening was over. The money didn’t irk nearly as much as the fact he now knew she’d outrageously overbid to beat every other woman in the room to have him, not once, but twice.

      The smattering of applause died down and she forced herself to concentrate on finishing up the speech.

      ‘I’d also like to thank the men who generously volunteered their time tonight and for the next week. I’m sure the ladies will be more than thrilled to have personal Odd Bods for the week ahead. I know I am.’ Not.

      There, that last remark should show him that he hadn’t affected her. Not much, anyway.

      Squaring her shoulders, she turned to Ty and flashed him an uneasy smile. Once again loud applause filled the room as he blew her a kiss.

      Damn it, her knees wobbled again. All it took was one stupid little gesture and she was acting as she had when they first met: star-struck, smitten and totally unable to control her reactions to him.

      Leaning on the podium for support, she fixed a bright smile on her face and turned to the audience.

      ‘Thank you, ladies. We hope to see you at our next fundraiser.’

      As she stepped away Kelly grabbed her arm.

      ‘Not so fast, Kate. Have you forgotten what the last step is after a successful bid?’

      Her heart plummeted. She’d been hoping to escape the final humiliation every other woman who’d purchased an Odd Bod had gone through. The goofy friendship bracelets bearing a strong resemblance to handcuffs to shackle the Odd Bods to their bidders were tacky to say the least. And it looked as if she’d have to grin and bear it.

      ‘Come on, you two. Don’t be shy. Kate, you can remove this any time you want…if you’re game.’

      With that final remark, Kelly snapped the bracelet onto her wrist, the other end already securely fastened to Ty’s, and dropped the key into his jeans pocket.

      ‘You’ve got to be kidding,’ Kate muttered, silently vowing she would never drink champagne again.

      Though deep down she knew it wasn’t only the alcohol that had made her bid for Ty. One look into those gorgeous baby blues after all this time and she’d lost it.

      Though she didn’t have feelings for him any more the thought of some other woman having him trailing after them for a week performing goodness knew what duties had been incentive enough to make her commit the ultimate folly, that ludicrous bid to end all bids.

      ‘No joke, I’m afraid. Looks like the fun’s just beginning,’ Ty said, swinging their bound arms into the air in a victory salute.

      The applause crescendoed, accompanied by raucous hooting and laughter, and light bulbs flashed in a continuous wave as the contingent of photographers lapped up the opportunity. Kate clenched her jaw and grinned, determined to appear in control when in fact she wanted to bolt.

      ‘Yeah, I’m having a real ball,’ she said through gritted teeth, keeping her smile in place and giving a subtle yank on the chain binding them.

      ‘Just a little longer. Plenty of time to get reacquainted later.’

      His subtle, husky emphasis on ‘reacquainted’ set her pulse racing and she took a deep breath, knowing the faster they got off-stage and unlocked, the happier she’d be.

      She lowered her arm forcefully, pulling his down, and Ty tugged on the chain linking them, reinforcing the fact that if he hadn’t wanted to lower his arm she wouldn’t have succeeded in moving him one inch.

      ‘Let’s go.’

      She marched off the stage, leaving him no option but to follow.

      Now was her big chance.

      To do what?

      Exchange pleasantries? Make small talk?

      Chewing her lip in frustration, Kate picked up the pace. For someone who spent her life making decisions over which words sounded better or which articles went where, she hadn’t thought this through at all.

      Seeing Ty on stage was one thing, having him attached to her up close and personal another.

      She’d wanted to catch up? Well, looked as if she had her opportunity considering she’d spent a small fortune to have him bound to her for a week.

      Not that she’d hold him to it. They’d have a quick catch-up backstage and she’d let him go.

      Yeah. That was exactly what she would do. Simple.

      Then why did she feel as if fate was chuckling and the joke was on her?

      Tyler shook his head. Still the same old Kate: proud, gorgeous, independent, with those bewitching hazel eyes that got him every time.

      He’d enjoyed teasing her during their brief relationship, the golden flecks in her eyes sparking whenever she reacted to his banter. Those flecks had also glowed when she’d been aroused, as he remembered all too well.

      He’d been floored when their gazes had locked across the room, her presence at the auction a sucker punch to the gut when he’d least expected it, and try as he might he’d found his gaze drawn to her repeatedly while she’d acted as if he didn’t exist.

      Then what had that crazy bidding been about?

      Damned if he knew.

      ‘Keep up,’ Kate said, giving a none-too-subtle yank on the chain binding them, and he bit back a grin.

      She hadn’t changed at all, still the same determined woman who wasn’t going to wait for anyone, as she picked up the pace.

      His gaze travelled to her butt and the way the black linen skirt clung to every sexy, provocative curve. She didn’t merely walk. She strutted and then some on long legs, showgirl legs, sensational legs that had wrapped around him so many sweet times.

      The great thing about her height was it didn’t detract from her curves one iota. In his experience, tall women were usually lean with small breasts and few curves. Kate, however, was the antithesis of this stereotype. For a woman about five-ten, her voluptuous breasts and narrow waist would put an hourglass to shame.

      She was a knockout, pure and simple.


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