Purchased For Pleasure. Nicola Marsh

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Purchased For Pleasure - Nicola Marsh

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pathetic but at least she’d put the onus firmly back on him. Let him make the decision. She couldn’t think straight and control her impulse to jump him at the same time.


      His husky tone sent a shiver of anticipation skittering down her spine and before she knew what was happening he had tugged on the steel links binding them, hard.

      She fell against his body, the wind knocked out of her, reaching for him to steady her as his head descended, blocking out the harsh glare from the mass of light bulbs around the mirrored walls.

      Oh, wow…

      His lips crushed hers, frantic, hungry, but oh-so-sweet. Her mouth burned beneath his as his kiss demanded and she gave without thought, without reason.

      Pure, blind need shot through her body as she responded to him on some kind of instinctive level.

      This can’t be happening, flickered through her mind as his tongue nudged her mouth open, urgent, exploring, begging her to match him for pleasure. Not again.

      Her stomach dropped away as his commanding kiss deepened, logic fleeing as his tongue ran along her bottom lip, driving her crazy with longing.

      She’d missed this, missed him more than she’d realised, and as his teeth followed where his tongue had been, nibbling and nipping with precision, she realised the strange whimpering sounds filling the air were coming from her.

      ‘Ty.’ She whispered his name, lost in waves of electrifying sensation as her body trembled under his expert touch, currents of desire shooting every-which-way.

      No other man had ever made her feel this way. Only Ty.

      And it had been six, long years.

      She strained against him, encountering hard evidence of how much he wanted her. Her eyes flew open and she turned her face away, staring at their reflected embrace in the mirrored walls. Reality sank in as she watched him rain kisses up her throat and she pushed him away, barely able to tear her gaze away from the mirrors. He followed her stare, a lazy smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

      ‘We still look good together, huh?’

      His words roused her from the sensual fog that had enveloped them as reality crashed in.

      What was she thinking, responding to him like this?

      She was a big girl now, not some love-starved, naïve tourist who’d landed in a new country and ended up staying.

      ‘Dream on,’ she muttered, hating how she’d melted into a mushy marshmallow under his hot kiss, hating that he was right even more.

      They did look good together. Too good. A picture she’d believed in six years ago before realising it was a mirage and mentally ripping it in half.

      He chuckled, tracing a finger from her cheek to her jaw-line with torturous patience.

      ‘Maybe I was out of line with that kiss but I think you wanted it as much as I did.’

      Damn him for knowing her almost better than she knew herself.

      ‘I’m tired. I responded without thinking.’

      Yeah, and she practically melted into a heap at the feet of the nearest sexy guy whenever she was exhausted—which happened to be often considering the office hours she kept. As if.

      He grinned. ‘Great response. Maybe this catch-up was meant to be? Maybe your subconscious prompted you to buy me because you still want me? Maybe—’

      ‘You’re full of it,’ she said, mortified by how easily he could read her, by how that one kiss had resurrected a whole host of sensual memories she’d assumed long forgotten.

      The impulse to be fun and spontaneous had not been one of her brightest ideas. She’d end this now if she could get her brain to slip back into gear and her heartbeat back under control.

      Ty ran his free hand through his hair, the usual short-back-and-sides that suited him so well, and for an irrational instant she had the urge to do the same.

      ‘Insult me all you want but I’m not going anywhere. Though can we catch up some other time, maybe tomorrow? I’ve had one helluva week on the job and I’m beat.’

      He did look tired and as a grimace of pain distorted his handsome features and his posture stiffened she wondered what he’d had to face over the last few years. When they’d first met he’d been fresh from BUD/S, the intensive training to become a SEAL, and as fit as a Mallee bull back home. Now he looked dead on his feet.

      ‘Besides, I need some sleep if I’m to perform all those odd jobs you probably have lined up for me over the next week.’

      Kate heard the teasing lilt back in his voice and sighed, ignoring his innuendo. She’d had a long week meeting killer deadlines at Femme and she didn’t want to prolong this. Seeing Ty again had her more wound up than she’d anticipated, and as for that kiss…

      ‘You want to go through with this? Are you insane?’

      ‘Not like I used to be.’ He grinned, the same smile that had captivated her so many times in the past. ‘And, yeah, being your Odd Bod for a week could be interesting.’

      Sighing, she said, ‘It’s not going to happen but we’ll talk about this in the morning. I don’t have the energy to argue with you right now. I think you’re crazy, you don’t, so let’s agree to differ till I sort you out and we go our separate ways. Now, unlock me, please.’

      ‘Sorry, you’ll have to do it.’

      ‘Come on, give a girl a break. No more games. Give me the key.’

      His grin widened. ‘I can’t. In case you haven’t noticed, my left hand is connected to your right and the key is in my left pocket. At the risk of dislocating my right shoulder, I think you better do the honours.’

      She stared, annoyed at the twinkle in his eyes and the devilish smile, sure that he could remove the key if he really tried. However, he didn’t move an inch and continued to watch her as if he was enjoying every minute of her discomfort.

      ‘Well, what’s it to be? Do you prefer being linked to me indefinitely or rummaging around my pockets and seeing what pops up?’

      Ignoring his laughter, she struggled with the decision. Sink or swim time. Either way, she’d always been lousy in the water.

      ‘You’re such a child.’

      Kate delved her hand quickly into his pocket; thankfully the key wasn’t too deep and she didn’t have to feel around. Though it could’ve been fun.

      ‘Not half as childish as you.’ Ty chuckled. ‘I’m not the one pouting.’

      She thrust the key into the lock and turned. Typical of her luck this evening, it stuck.

      ‘I’m not pouting. Help me with this, will you?’

      She jiggled the key to no avail and his chuckles turned

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