The Doctor She Left Behind. Scarlet Wilson

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The Doctor She Left Behind - Scarlet  Wilson

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       Praise for Scarlet Wilson

      ‘Her Christmas Eve Diamond is a fun and interesting read. If you like a sweet romance with just a touch of the holiday season you’ll like this one.’

       —Harlequin Junkie

      ‘West Wing to Maternity Wing! is a tender, poignant and highly affecting romance that is sure to bring a tear to your eye. With her gift for creating wonderful characters, her ability to handle delicately and compassionately sensitive issues and her talent for writing believable, emotional and spellbinding romance, the talented Scarlet Wilson continues to prove to be a force to be reckoned with in the world of contemporary romantic fiction!’


      SCARLET WILSON wrote her first story aged eight and has never stopped. Her family have fond memories of Shirley and the Magic Purse, with its army of mice all with names beginning with the letter ‘M’. An avid reader, Scarlet started with every Enid Blyton book, moved on to the Chalet School series and many years later found Mills & Boon®.

      She trained and worked as a nurse and health visitor, and currently works in public health. For her, finding Mills & Boon® Medical Romance™ was a match made in heaven. She is delighted to find herself among the authors she has read for many years.

      Scarlet lives on the West Coast of Scotland with her fiancé and their two sons.

      Born and raised on the outskirts of Toronto, Ontario, AMY RUTTAN fled the big city to settle down with the country boy of her dreams. When she’s not furiously typing away at her computer she’s mom to three wonderful children, who have given her another job as a taxi driver.

      A voracious reader, she was given her first romance novel by her grandmother, who shared her penchant for a hot romance. From that moment Amy was hooked by the magical worlds, handsome heroes and sigh-worthy romances contained in the pages, and she knew what she wanted to be when she grew up.

      Life got in the way, but after the birth of her second child she decided to pursue her dream of becoming a romance author.

      Amy loves to hear from readers. It makes her day, in fact. You can find out more about Amy at her website:

      The Doctor She Left Behind

      Scarlet Wilson

      Dear Reader,

      What could be worse than being stranded on an island with your ex?

      The short answer is—not much! But that’s what happens to Rachel Johnson and Nathan Banks.

      They parted company eight years before, and there’s a lot for them to get through before they can finally reach their happy-ever-after.

      I had great fun writing this book. Rachel and Nathan have the pleasure of being the medical crew on a fictional TV show. Both of them are doing a favour for a mutual friend who hasn’t let either of them know the other is going to be there. Sparks certainly fly!

      I love to hear from readers. You can find me at, on Facebook, and on Twitter as @scarlet_wilson

      Hope you enjoy!


      For Cathy McAuliffe, Catherine Bain and Shirley Bain with lots of love for the women who manage to put up with all these Bain boys!

      Table of Contents


      Praise for Scarlet Wilson

       About the Author

       Title Page

      Dear Reader














      ‘YOU REALLY THINK this is a good idea?’ Nathan Banks shook his head. Nothing about this sounded like a good idea to him.

      But Lewis nodded. ‘I think it’s a great idea. I need a doctor. You need a job.’

      ‘But I already have a job.’ He lifted his hands. ‘At least I think I do. Is my contract not being renewed?’

      His stomach turned over a little. Last night had been a particularly bad night in A & E. His medical skills were never in question but his temper had definitely been short. It hadn’t been helped by hearing a car backfire on the walk home and automatically dropping to the ground as if it were gunfire. His last mission for Doctors Without Borders had been in a war zone. Dropping to the floor when you heard gunfire had become normal for him. But doing it in the streets of Melbourne? Not his proudest moment. Particularly when a kid on the way to school had asked him what was wrong.

      Lewis smiled. The way he always did when he was being particularly persuasive. Nathan had learned to spot it over the years.

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